General Social/Chatter Thread

Started by The Rock Doctor, May 11, 2020, 02:20:43 PM

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Oh wow. I've popped in a few times and missed it. We had our differences, but he was very knowledgeable and active player, did some great stuff with Germany. Will be missed for sure.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


I rubbed shoulders with him when I played Wesworld for a while.
It's always sad to hear of the death of a good player.

Rest in peace Bruce
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

Kaiser Kirk

That's sad to hear.

Frankly I worry that the same happened to Walter,
he stopped participating or responding just when the first covid wave
was in the Netherlands.
Hopefully he's well and just found other things.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

I've had the same thought about Walter and agree I'd much rather learn that he's found new interests.

The Rock Doctor

I'm abruptly transitioning to a new laptop and y'all gotta remind me what version of SS we're using, because what I've downloaded doesn't quite look right.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on September 01, 2022, 07:12:56 PM
I'm abruptly transitioning to a new laptop and y'all gotta remind me what version of SS we're using, because what I've downloaded doesn't quite look right.

Under Ship Design Guidelines, Snip wrote (well I added the Citadel length bit):


SS3b3 is the program we use.  We do not use SS2 or any other software.  If the ship can not be designed from scratch in SS3b3 using our design guidelines and naval technology trees, the design is invalid.

Citadel Length :
Changing the length of the main belt on the Armor tab does not change the amount of deck armor.
The length of belts, and associated decks, should be changed by adjusting the Freeboard tab "Length (% of LWL)" values, and then hitting "Default" on the Armor tab.

Weapons Tab :
We do not use the Torpedo/Mine/DC portions of the weapons tab, these are described and accounted for under Miscellaneous Weight.
Please include the diameter of the torpedoes intended.

Torpedo defense systems (TDS).  Use the "Additional Bulkhead" setting.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor


It happens to all of us.  When I got my new laptop I installed Springsharp.  I knew SS2 wasn't it, but the newest version seems to be SS3b4 now.....which does look a bit different.  Looks like someone has started making some efforts to turn the non-functional features of SS3 into workable bits.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.

The Rock Doctor

Q:  Why is the light displacement of this ship 900 t heavier than I expected?

A:  Cruising speed 16,400 knots, range 10 nm.


His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.

Kaiser Kirk

Hmm that's kinda like a Bugatti, enormous max speed, but I've been told it runs out of gas just before the tires give out.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

I can never seem to find that chart of what Coast Defence BP gets you when I'm actually interested in that.

Is it in the Rules forum?  If not, can it be moved there?


I was rather impressed by how martinique held up.   Plus the mortars managing a hit.  Those things could be devastating if they got a hit in, I've been in the pits of an abbot quad at ft Caswell.   Basically impossible to take out unless you have aircraft to bomb it or send infantry ashore.  And flinging 900lb shells that are functionally hitting on the vertical......while precision is iffy....any hit would severely maul the ship.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on October 06, 2022, 06:35:47 PM
I can never seem to find that chart of what Coast Defence BP gets you when I'm actually interested in that.

Is it in the Rules forum?  If not, can it be moved there?

It's stickied in Meeting Room as "Working Draft : Land and Air combat"
The chart is about halfway down.

They didn't get much comment when posted.
The entire process is one that I had on back burners when the Caicos war required..something.
and I keep fiddling with a little.

Then for this, I pulled other things off those back burners and shot them to Snip,
but only partially enacted. 

We as a group have always focused on the Sea Techs, and the entire land/air
bit was/is poorly defined. Major Land wars were not in Snip's vision,
he expected the Homelands to avoid a WWI style battle. Which is
also why conquered homeland provinces are basically worthless for decades.

I screwed it up a bit by adding the playable NPCs, but at the time we supposedly
had a full Old World and new players, and I wanted to ensure we could add more.
Heck we *almost* had a Chinese and a Ethiopian player, though I wanted Laksmanavati for that.
Instead we've churned players in Norse and Iberia.

This entire war will probably serve as the impetus for a post discussion if things are working reasonably.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: TacCovert4 on October 06, 2022, 06:48:21 PM
I was rather impressed by how martinique held up.   Plus the mortars managing a hit.  Those things could be devastating if they got a hit in, I've been in the pits of an abbot quad at ft Caswell.   Basically impossible to take out unless you have aircraft to bomb it or send infantry ashore.  And flinging 900lb shells that are functionally hitting on the vertical......while precision is iffy....any hit would severely maul the ship.

They got very lucky. I was surprised.
It was not unaimed fire- there are OPs all over as part of just 1 pt coast defense.
But frankly I screwed up, as I didn't check the ROF for them, just the range.
On the other hand they were in installations and may have had loading facilities,
and I was worried I had the Mayans reacting to quickly and decisively to the unseen and unknown threat- no actual reconn
So those probably balance out.

Put yes, the vertical plunge means they are a potential ship sinker.
Mayan Deck armor is surprisingly good, but most of the ships would be vulnerable.
12" Turkish Mortars at the Bosporus were enough to send the QE class scooting for safer waters.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest