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Stories of Byzantine Empire

Started by Jefgte, April 23, 2018, 03:48:18 PM

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October 15, the squadron commanded by Admiral Akim left Alexandria and headed for the Suez Canal. On the 23rd and 24th, they call at Aden and then leave for their objectives.
November 1st, they find TGB23 and TGB24 coming from Diego Suarez.
November 3, when the sun rises, people of Saint Denis de la Réunion discover with horror an imposing fleet of warships in front of their port.
Panic spreads and people flee to the mountains.

Around 8am, a motorboat leaves admiral cruiser Atokos and berth in the harbor.
Soldiers, with their riffles on the ground, coldly welcome the Byzantines.
The visitors ask to be received by the governor of the island.

They progress with their escort to the palace.
Arrived at the palace, they are received by the Grand Intendant and the members of the council.

-Commander Bulzout
"I am Commander Bulzout mandated by Admiral Akim, representing the Byzantine Empire.
I come in the name of the Byzantine Empire to ask for trade, harbor and ensure the protection of your island.
We did not come to massacre the population or destroyed the city. We will treat the Reunion with respect, we ask your allegiance to the Byzantine Empire.
You will keep your titles and privileges. "

-Grand Intendant
"What if we refuse to come under the Byzantium control? "

-Commander Bulzout
"If you do not lower your flag before noon, the fleet will open fire on the city and your island will be taken by force and blood. "

-Grand Intendant
"Let us deliberate. "

Around 9am, the Grand Intendant and the members of the council come back.

-Grand Intendant
" We do not have the choice. "

-Commander Bulzout
"If you accept, no act of war will be committed against the people. "

-Grand Intendant
"You stated that you are protecting us and that we will keep our titles and privileges? "

-Commander Bulzout
"Yes, the Byzantine Empire protects all its citizens and lands. "

-Grand Intendant
"We only have a few dozen soldiers, militiamen, and our coastlines are regularly attacked by Mauritians. They loot, slaughter men, and enslave women and children. "

-Commander Bulzout
"We have the necessary forces to fight and annihilate them"

-Grand Intendant
"If you can annihilate the Mauritians, protect the Reunion and keep our titles, we claim allegiance to the Byzantine Empire. "

Shortly before 10 am, Reunion flag is lowered and the Byzantine flag flutters in the wind.

On the cruiser Atokos, the Admiral sounds the siren, soon all the ships do the same and a deafening din resounds up to the Mountains.

Reunion fell without guns voice.

Admiral Akim lands 500 soldiers and their equipment,
Commander Bulzout, returning with Reunion officers, on the cruiser Atokos told to Admiral Akim, mauricians attacks, looting and massacres on the coastal villages.
The Admiral orders destroyers D21 & D22 to patrol and intercept ships coming from Mauritius. Transport TTR1 embarks a few dizans of Reunion militiamen.
Around noon, TTR1 heads south to land groups of soldiers to protect the coastal villages.
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


On 4 and 5 November, Byzantine troops accompanied by reunionese militiamen were landed in various coastal villages.
On the 6th, D21 patroling, sees on the horizon 2 chebeks coming from the south. The commander orders to increase the speed and calls to the battle station. The 10 sailors of the landing company are armed and prepare for the boarding.
It also signals to D22 its change of position & the probable action.


To support his order, the commander ordered 2 warning shots with the 3'' on the front of the chebeks
The nearest chebek stop but the second dismays his engine and moves away.
The TB stop 50m from the chebeck at portside.
The starboard cutter with 4 sailors leaves the TB to approach the chebek.
On the TB, the two machine guns are in battery and the 6 sailors carrying rifles, ready to fire, protect themselves.
The 3 x 3 ''guns points towards the chebek while the torpedoes tubes are oriented to the opposite side.
Arrived halfway between the ships, on the chebek, a dozen armed men appear on the deck while the windows of the rear castle rifles arise and open fire on the cutter and the torpedo boat. Immediately, machine guns and byzantine rifles replicate while the rear 3'' sends a shell that sprays the back chebek castle.
Pirates on the chebek cease fire and raise their arms, while cries of panic of women & children are heard. On the cutter, 2 sailors were hit.
"Come back to board," shouts the captain.
"Prepare another landing company."

The chebek boarding allowed to save 14 women and 6 children and to capture 8 pirates. 3 woundeds were rescued.
Immediately after, the 3'' fires a few shells to sink the chebek.
Then captain orders
« forward full power, we have to catch an other chebek. »
« Front 3'', prepare to destroy back chebek castle. »
A few minutes later, shells splashes near the back of the fugitive chebek...
A direct hit destroy the rudder & a fire start on the castle...
« Stop the fire »
Men on the chebek raise their arms.
Under the guns , machines guns & riffles threat, chebek boarding takes place without incident.
12 women and 5 children are rescued while 10 pirates are prisoners. There are also 2 woundeds caused by 3'' splinters
The second chebek is set on fire & sink.
D22 come nearly & take on board all the pirates & the 5 woundeds.
« I came back to the cruiser Atokos claim the captain.
Early in the night, D22 arrive near the admiral cruiser. Pirates were interned after be questioned.
Late the evening, D21 arrives at Saint Philippe and disembarks women and children. they are welcomed, cared for and comforted by the Byzantine troops landed the day before by troop transport TTR1.
During the night, D21 & D22 restart their patrols.

"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


On November 8, captain of the captured chebek, accused of piracy was tried, condemned to death and shot in front of all the chebek prisoners.

On November 9, all the day, the Byzantine fleet defiled around Mauritius island.
On the morning of the 10th, the Admiral cruiser Atokos stopped in front of Port Louis. A motorboat leaves the cruiser to docked in the harbor.
Byzantines then heard two shots coming from inside the city, probably from the palace.
... As they had just disembarked, they were greeted by two dignitaries.

"The Governor wanted to organize the resistance of the island, against the advice of the Council.
Unable to convince that all resistance was futile and to prevent the city from being bombed, a lawyer shot down the Governor. We give you the keys of the city and wish to be treated with dignity by our new leaders "

"We did not come to slaughter the population.
The Byzantine Empire wants to expand its colonies and trade with these new territories.
Mauritians will be treated with respect if they do not commit an act against the Byzantine Empire. "

Admiral Akim lands 1000 soldiers and their equipment.
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


At the beginning of 1911, Madagascar conquest continues without much resistance.
The outdated weapons of the islanders are not very effective against the Byzantine army. Informations (deliberately organized ...) spreads on the improvement of the quality life to the peoples of the conquered lands.
The Byzantine Empire installs hospitals and medical centers in towns and villages where care is free. One day a week, 16 yo men and over, who are able to work, are requisitioned to work on the construction of embanked roads, bridges, schools or medical centers. These organized works contribute to a better communication between the Malagasy cities.

The troop transports brought 5,000 soldiers and 200 additional Spahis to Madagascar because a coalition seems to be forming in the south. The Byzantine army has 14,000 men, 300 Mamelukes and 400 Spahis. 4000 men are garrisoned (or at the hospital ...).
Byzantium thus maintains a conquest army for the south of the island of 10,000 men and 400 Spahis.
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

Kaiser Kirk

A little off topic .
The forces you portray are quite reasonable compared to colonial history. Rather small bodies of Europeans had tremendous impacts.  Overall, thanks for writing a decent tale of Madagascar. Plus it's good to have you back writing.

Of interest to me is that my presumptions are different. It's not a right/wrong difference, just an observation.  I proceeded from the idea of much larger regular forces being committed, turning the wars into much more abbreviated affairs.
Based on the rough size of the nations "inside" our empires, and the regular armies pre WWI, our max "land point' at start seems roughly analogous to a division per land point. The support points then are massive quartermaster operations- stocks of ships and wagons, supplies, etc.   
So Parthia's battle against Aceh & Brunei, committing 12 Land, with another 2 Marine units landing or about 14 divisions massively larger than anything historically committed in that area. As I wrote it, at the peak there would have been even be a couple more.  The Historical Dutch efforts never exceeded 1 division of regulars + 2 native.  So to my mind, I committed 10-15x the historic forces :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


What I'm wondering is what effect the two to three hundred year colonization delay had on all the small nations being colonized. Did any of them Westernize ala Japan? I feel like modern weapons, tactics, and thinking would be more prevalent, so with a lower technological disparity maybe you do need more forces than historical maybe not 10-15x but say 2-3x. Boer war is right around this time period.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock

Kaiser Kirk

My general impression, which could be entirely in my head, but may be related to things discussed in worldbuilding.....
The big change is of course the European plagues got introduced to the New World in the 200s, so the populations have had 1700 years to recover and adapt.  That both meant the Americas were inhospitable in the 1500s, and that first big expansion did not happen. Another is Parthia did not fall, and so the Golden Horde only severed the Silk Road for a short time. So the need to explore and build bases around Africa/Asia was not the same. So instead of conquest, you get light trade.
The Midsized are supposed to be close enough to not be walkovers, but aren't a threat in terms of power projection. You can wrest a chunk away, but they an mobilize and defend a province with 10 land - just can't support more.  Boers would in many ways fall in that category - modern equipment, not enough numbers.
The minor NPCs are more at the 1800s level, a couple weapon generations behind. It's not well defined. There's been trade, and they have some more than before, but these are not well armed or organized states by default.  Weaponwise,  I think historical India or China might be decent analogues - they had gunpowder, rifles and cannon. They were not modern, and did not have the quantities, or qualities the west brought. 

I think we've now executed a thread hijack !
Yee-haw !
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


The General Prens was in charge to conquering the south of Madagascar.
The main cities of the east coast, the most populated regions, are the first objectives,
Specialy the cities of Mahanoro, Mananjary, Manakara ...
To support his army and help the "neutralization" of the coastal towns, General Prems asked to have the support of the fleet. Admiral Akim assigned the 8700t Arkoudi cruiser and the 1st division 750t TGB, TGB49, TGB50, TGB51 and TGB52.
TRA4 transport for the supply of troops and hospital ships HOS4 and HOS5.

The General Prens collected a large quantity of supplies and organized his army in three columns. The Central Column, which he commanded, was 4000 men strong (20x47mmQF) and 200 Spahis. The other 2 columns each contained 3000 men (15x47mmQF) and 100 spahis. The spahis were responsible for the lighting and the connection between the columns. The columns should not remain distant from each other for 2 to 3 kilometers. May 5, at the end of the rainy season. The Byzantine army, formed in 3 columns left Toamasina to the south.

During the preparations, The General Prens was informed that a broad coalition of the southern kingdoms was forming ...
The Kingdom of Bara, the largest and richest, organized the resistance and called on its neighbors to form an alliance. It was according to Sultan Omar IV the only possibility of beating the Byzantine invaders.
Many small kingdoms responded and sent troops to the northeastern border at Ankarimbelo, a gathering place for troops. Towards the end of May, more than 20,000 soldiers regrouped. Sultan Omar IV decided to personally lead the soldiers to meet the enemy ...

The march towards the south proceeded without major difficulty, the fleet ensuring lighting, protection and supply of army. The main cities of  Andevoranto, Vatomandry fell without resistance ...
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


The Battle of Mahanoro and the Salehi Massacre

On the 10th of June, arrived in front of Mahanoro, the scouting Spahis of the Coastal Column were repulsed by numerous shots. The Prems General ordered the 12 companies of the Coast Column lined up for an assault, while 4 companies of the Central Column took position west of the city.
The other 12 companies and the Inner Column walked to the Mangoro River. On the 11th at dawn, 191mm and 120mm guns of the fleet opened fire on the city. Shortly thereafter, the assault supported by the 47mm infantry guns began.
Progression was laborious and several positions were take away by close combat. During the night from 11 to 12, the Malagasy, well organized, fell back to the south of the city. In the morning, they were still bombard by TGBs '120mm guns and 20 infantry 47mm guns. The Byzantines progressed by eliminating the last pockets of resistance.
Realizing that the city was lost, the rebels withdrew to Salehi, towards the mouth of the Mangoro River. TGB 49 and TGB50 hammer hundreds of fugitifs.
General Prems ordered "No prisoners, rebels must know that whoever will resist by weapons to Byzantium will be destroyed."
He ordered his 300 spahis with lances, sabers and pistols to finish the job. It was a real carnage ...
Rebels attempting to cross the river had been machine-gunned by TGB49.
This terrible battle of 2 days has made more than 4000 Malagasy deaths, half of them civilians.
600 Byzantine soldiers and 50 Spahis were put out of action.

On June 15, the army restart their progression towards the south.
The Byzantines were attacked by small, highly mobile groups. Many spahis were wounded or killed. Progress has become painful. hospital ships are full of wounded and sick...

=> It is a tired and diminished army that will present itself at Bekatra Battle... july 4th
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

Kaiser Kirk

That is a fairly reasonable scenario given the weaponry disparities.  Shades of the battle of Omdurman.
The Parthians may come to regret that they were not committed to their own expansion, and did not stage an intervention.
(Well that, and Snip didn't want clashes at the beginning of the game :)  )
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


No doubt the Roman Propaganda Machine will have plenty of material available if they get their hands on any reports regarding the murder of innocent civilians.


I assume nothing like the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 have happened here? "No prisoners" is quite harsh. I do enjoy the irony of calling the victims of an invasion "rebels". Question is, how long until all the NPCs start noticing these events and start banding together or seeking protection?
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


QuoteI assume nothing like the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 have happened here?
With the Evil Romans around, something like that will always fail.
Quote"No prisoners" is quite harsh.
We can't all be good guys, or we are the good guys but have a darker side to us.
QuoteI do enjoy the irony of calling the victims of an invasion "rebels".
Yes, for some they are "rebels" but to others they are "freedom fighters". For some they are "terrorists" but to others they are "resistance".
QuoteQuestion is, how long until all the NPCs start noticing these events and start banding together or seeking protection?
Depends on the propaganda machine I guess. Maybe they will notice in time but they would only delay the inevitable but maybe they will only notice it when it is to late by which time it would be... uhm... yes... too late. :)

As for seeking protection... Yes! Come all! The North will protect you...

... from the Night King and the terror of the final season of Game of Thrones. ;D


Armenian genocide is near, 1915
Turks are not tender, are proud and have a dirty character.

"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: Desertfox on July 08, 2019, 10:08:48 AM
I assume nothing like the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 have happened here? "No prisoners" is quite harsh. I do enjoy the irony of calling the victims of an invasion "rebels". Question is, how long until all the NPCs start noticing these events and start banding together or seeking protection?

It's actually a good question. I think we briefly discussed them. I know I had the idea that Malta or Crete would be reasonable spots for conferences.

But if we actually did them.....I think so...but those are details I'm not clear on.

For example, I certainly expect the "Cruiser Rules" of naval mercantile warfare are expected. I may be sorely wrong on that.

Still, as I recall, those applied to the signatories. The powers could use whatever they wanted on non-signatories.
Laws of War Section IV, Article 2 : "The provisions contained in the Regulations referred to in Article 1, as well as in the present Convention, do not apply except between Contracting Powers, and then only if all the belligerents are parties to the Convention. "

For my part, I've mentioned the NPCs being a little wary. Indeed, it factored into my storyline for my invasion of Aceh/Brunei. Which I'm sure made the Thais rather unhappy.
For Parthia's storyline- where there has historically been an organized central government, then Parthia has treated them as a civilized nation. Negotiations, Declarations of War, taking prisoners, etc.
For nomadic barbarians, or pastoral barbarians, they are less formal.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest