Land tech level

Started by maddox, November 25, 2007, 02:46:05 PM

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Army and Air Stuff

Line Infantry Weapons
1870 Primitive (-2) Rating 2 Artillery 0.5
1885 Dated (-1) 3/1
1895 Baseline (0) 4/2
1905 Advanced (+1) 5/3

Infantry Weapons - more mobile than Line INF, with half the Artillery rating)
1870 Primitive (-2) Rating 2 Artillery 0
1885 Dated (-1) 3/0.5
1895 Baseline (0) 4/1
1905 Advanced (+1) 5/1.5

Army Mobilization and Reserves:
1895 Dated (-1): Can maintain one reserve unit per 2 active strength units
1900 Baseline (0): Can maintain one reserve unit per one active strength unit

CBR warfare:
1880 Baseline(0) Blankets with smallpox, trebuchets with dead animals.1905 Advanced (+1): Tear-producing substances, chlorine,plague fleas and rats etc.
1910 Cutting Edge (+3): Phosgene

Heavier-than-air crafts
Baseline: None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders
1902 Advanced: Primitive flying machines: Wright Flyer, Langly Aerodrome etc. 1906 historical year

Dirigible airships
Dated: None
1898 Baseline: Type 0: Volume 10 000m³ nonrigid airships, 30kts
1905 Advanced (+1): Type 1 Volume: 20 000m³ and 4 tons military payload over 700 nm speed 40 kts
1910 Cutting Edge (+3) : Type 2 Volume: 40 000m³ and 9 tons military payload over 1200 nm speed 50 kts

Anti-aircraft gun and altitudes
Baseline (0): High angle anti-ballon guns or machine guns (up to 1 pounders) = 1,000 feet - starting point for everyone.

Internal Combustion Engines (Land, submarines, and air)
Dated (-1): none
1895 Baseline (0): Gas, petrol(gasoline) and alcohol-fueled engines up to 20HP
1900 Advanced (+1): Land and airship engines up to 200HP, 50HP aeroplane engines
1905 Cutting Edge(+3):Diesel engines, Land, airship and naval engines up to 750HP, 75 HP aeroplane engines

Amphibious Technology
Baseline(0) lifeboats and the use of enemy harbors.

Railway guns
1900: Baseline (0): Railway guns of up to 150mm, armored trains 1905:
Advanced (+1): Railway guns of up to 254mm