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Started by snip, August 01, 2017, 09:33:41 AM

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Tech Research

The amount of money a country can invest in research, of both technology and guns/mounts, is limited by its industrial capacity. Each BP a nation possesses increases its research cap by $0.25

Every technology has a year indicating the base year for the research to be started. Starting after or before this year will modify the cost of the technology, making futuristic technologies (as compared to the current sim year) harder to research and earlier technologies easier to research. This modification of the cost is fixed at the moment research on the technology is began and does not change no matter how many years past in between starting and finishing.

Technology cost is modified as follows:
c = cost
b = Base cost
y = difference between current sim year and year listed with technology in tree with earlier than the listed year as negative and later being positive

If y < 0 : c = MAX(0.05 * y, 0.25)
If y ≥ 0 : c = e(0.321888 * y)

Please use the calculator below to get tech costs.

Research costs are paid on a half yearly basis. Each half year, you may pay up to 25% of the cost necessary to complete the tech. Once the whole cost has been paid, the tech is available for use in the next half year. Once you start a tech, you may adjust the rate at which you are paying each half, but must put at least $0.01 into the tech each turn.

Nations may agree to trade the rights to technology between one another. The nation on the receiving end of a trade may pay up to 50% of the cost necessary to complete the tech per half year instead of 25%. What the nation offering the tech receives in return is up to the player(s) involved.

If you wish to keep the research secret, the cost is doubled. Otherwise, the research is identical.

Once 15 years have passed since a technology's 'base research-able' date, it is considered to be common knowledge. After that point, it may be researched by paying $0.25 per turn for two half-year turns. The cost of this research may not be adjusted and the research may not be paused. Techs researched in this manner cannot be done in secret. Otherwise, all other normal research rules apply.

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Naval Gun Research

Gun technology allows the development of better and better guns of the same caliber with barrel lengths from thirty to sixty calibers; represented in the table below in different colors. It also allows for movement to larger bore diameters.

One may also opt to use applicable period-appropriate historical guns if they prefer. If a historical gun outside of the rules of the table is desired, the moderators will review the case on an individual basis. Whilst in the vast majority of cases the table allows historical naval artillery to enter service within a reasonable timeframe, there will be some outliers.

A nation may develop a gun if:
- They have the relevant gun technology (the row)
- They already have a gun design not more than two spaces (in non-diagonal movement) in the table above.

Maximum Bore Diameter
Maximum Bore Diameter
1885 - - -32002000110040
1895 - - - -3000170045
1900 - - -42003300210050
1905 - -520047003600 - -
1910 -650058005100 -250055
191597007100640055003900 - -
19251090095007800 - - - -

The 1938 Naval Artillery technology makes the follow Muzzle Energies available :
Maximum Bore Diameter   
   >460mm   460mm to 411mm   410mm to 361mm   360mm to 311mm   310mm to 256mm   255mm and less   Caliber
Tech   >18"   18"   16"   14"   12"   10">   
1938   13100   11400   9400   7100   5000   2800   60

C. Development of New Guns and Mounts
When a gun or mount is developed after the nation has research a later gun tech, the difference between the levels (3-1 not 1900-1885) modifies the cost.

For guns larger than 8.27"/210mm, it takes two years to research, at a cost of $0.50 per half-year.
For guns no larger than 8.27"/210mm, the research time is the same, but the cost is halved to $0.25 per half-year.

When any gun is first researched, the player can pick ONE free mount for that specific gun. Guns of 8.27"/210mm or smaller also receive both a free deck mount and a casemate mount. Turret and multi-gun deck mounts for these weapons require six months per gun barrel, at a cost of $0.1 per half-year.

For any type of mount with a gun larger than 8.27"/210mm, six months of development is required per barrel, at a cost of $0.25 per half-year.

D. Refreshing, Importing, and Modification of Guns/Mounts
Guns and mountings can be refreshed to reflect the benefits of new gun technology. This only affects alterable characteristics (soft stats) like rate of fire and elevation but not fixed characteristics (hard stats) such as muzzle energy. Refreshing costs same as if the gun or mount was newly developed but the development time is halved.

This "refreshing" proviso covers the costs associated with importing a gun design from another nation. It also covers weapons that are bored out to increase shell diameter or fitted with thicker liners to increase caliber for a smaller shell, such as the historic 15" Mk1 and 8"/120 Sub-Caliber Mk1. Such boring out or relining will need to be approved by the moderators.

Rule Clarifications:

Pre-1900 naval weapons which historically existed can be used in pre-build.

    The Muzzle Energy given is that for the caliber given. Smaller calibers generate less.
    Maximum shell weight for a gun is that given by Springsharp for that technologies bore/caliber combination. One can round the to nearest KG/5kg.
    Shorter guns than allowed can be designed. ME is proportional. So a 15"/42 with 1910 tech would be 5800ME * 42/50 = 4872 ME.
    When converting inches to mm, can stay as inches or round to the nearest 5mm mark.
    Example 1910 Tech allows 10"/55 caliber.  SS gives 254mm and 244.80kg.  Round to 255mm and 245kg.  An 18" gun is 457.2mm, which is 460mm.

Gun technology notes :
1897 : Quick fire technology.
1905 : Continuous aim gearing for mounts 255mm and less.

Mounts & Turrets designed or refreshed to designs with 1905 or later tech have gearing to fully use Fire Control.
The bore of the gun, in Cm, equals the maximum effective spotting distance of those shells in Km.

Pilaster Shot : A cast-iron rod.  Short range armor penetration.
Armor Piercing : Solid Shot. No explosive filler.
Armor Piecing Shell : Can penetrate armor, small explosive filler. Quick nose fuse.
Armor Piercing Capped : Has hardened nose AP cap to attempt to defeat face hardened armor.
Armor Piercing Capped, Improved. : Has windscreen, improved AP cap, improved fuses.

High Explosive Shell 'High Capacity' :  Nose fused,  thin bodied. Will penetrate <1/8 diameter.
Semi-Armor Piercing 'Common' : Nose and base fused, armor cap. Will penetrate < 2/3 diameter
Splinters : Can penetrate nearby armor up to 1/6 shell diameter.

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon

Kaiser Kirk

The Attached spreadsheet allows one to turn the above Gun Research Chart
into an estimated meters per second muzzle velocity.

The sheet has been updated to reflect the 1938 Tech addition.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest