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Colonization and Concessions

Started by snip, August 01, 2017, 09:29:40 AM

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Locations available for Colonization
Any Province not controlled by an existing Player Nation or major NPC power is available to be colonized. This is denoted by the color White on the map.
These provinces are assumed to be independent states/fallen empires/small kingdoms/tribes, etc. While Player Nations or NPCs may have limited historic ties, no current valid claims exist. 

Port Symbols and facilities
Port Symbols : indicate a anchorage or harbor with limited facilities and fuel stocks.  native, independent merchant, or trading company in origin.  These are independent trading ports with some infrastructure, local manufacture, and roads to inland areas for trade.
Port Facilities : Single province islands and island chains are presumed to have port facilities and may be colonized. 

Establishment of a Colony
The player defines a region on the map they wish to colonize.
The player can expand from current holdings, or capture a Port Symbol and expand from there.

Rate of expansion is governed by Amphibious technology rules.

Once a Port Symbol has been captured, it provides sufficient supply throughput to colonize the region it is in.
Overland expansion is at a rate of 1 adjacent province/HY.
This allows expansion up to 4 provinces from the Port Symbol.
The Port Symbol + 3 next provinces will be in the same region.
The 4th province starts a new region. Expansion can not occur in that region until an IC is constructed.

The player must assign a number of military points (land + deployment) to the region equivalent to the number of undeveloped provinces in the region. Once the player has built one (1) IC in a province, it is considered developed.  For each developed province, the required commitment of military points is reduced by one. For each IC in a region, the garrison requirement in that region is reduced by one.

Colonial Regions
Colonial Regions are not be more than 4 provinces across in any direction.
When more than 4 provinces "long and wide", need to start a new Colonial Region.

Case by case exceptions for alternates, such as 5x3, can be granted,
but no more than 16 provinces. These are Discretionary.

There will be Three Types of Regions :

Coastal Region with a Port Symbol :
Maritime Regions : are islands or island groups, which are assumed to have a Port Facilities.
                              Maritime Regions may be administered from a nearby mainland province with a Port Symbol.
Interior Regions without a Port Symbol, has higher costs of land transport and barge/canal/rail construction.
Per region rules, Players may demonstrate navigable rivers, with the head of navigation having port facilities, allowing coastal development costs of that region

Colonial Costs

Province with Port Symbol : IC cost reduced by $5.

by Region
Coastal Region : Normal IC Cost
Maritime Region : Normal IC Cost
Interior Region : IC cost increased $+5

by Arability / Land Quality :
Land Quality for undeveloped provinces will be shown on the map.

Prime : IC cost -5
Average : IC cost Normal
Harsh : IC cost +5

Rate of Development
The maximum rate IC can be built is $5 per HY per Province.

Resource Points & Revenue :
Resource Points will only be revealed when Province has been claimed.

Rich : Each IC built in this province Generates 2x Income. ($3 in the colonies)
Average : IC yield Normal
Poor : Each IC built in this province Generates 0.5 x Income. ($0.75 in the colonies)

Colonial Upkeep
No colonial province may have more than two (2) IC present at any given time.
If at any time a province is lacking an IC and/or any Land Points, the player has one turn to begin construction of a new IC or deploy a Land point or the province reverts to unowned territory.
This new IC must be completed within four turns or the province reverts to unowned. A nation may also assign at least one Land Point to a province that nation once controlled via IC to maintain control of it for an indefinite period. 

Each land point, or air point, deployed to a colony with no IC requires a deployment point in support.

Transfer of Colonies
Nations may transfer colonies between one another. The two players in question simply declare what provinces are changing hands and in what turn (denoted as [Year]/[Half]) the process will take place. During the chosen turn, the provinces produce no income for the new or old owner. Beginning the turn after the transfer, the provinces produce normal income.

Locations available for Concessions
Concessions are similar to colonies, but they are carved out of major NPC powers rather than unclaimed land. Concessions are available within most NPC powers along coastal regions. Player nations may only have one concession active with a given NPC power at a time. There is no limit on the number of NPC powers a player nation may have concessions with.

Establishment of a Concession
Since the province in question is under control of a foreign power, military force is needed to secure a concession. The NPC nations, unless otherwise specified by the GM, are considered to have a force of 10 land points at a tech level 10 years behind the current game year with which to contest Concession attempts. Players may commit land points as normal to an overseas deployment to take a concession. If the operation is successful, the Concession begins generating income the turn after it completes.

Concession Upkeep
Concessions may have five (5) times the IC of a Colonial province which generates income equivalent to colonial IC. Additional IC beyond this limit may not be constructed. Concessions must have a garrison of land points equivalent to the maximum IC. If the number of land points drops below the maximum IC, the NPC nation may attempt to retake the concession.

Transfer of Concessions
Concessions may be transferred between player nations in the same manner as colonies.

Relations between Concessions and Conquest of NPC nation territory
If a nation which possesses a concession chooses to declare a war of conquest against said NPC nation, the Concession reverts to functioning as conquered territory and loses any special status.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon

Kaiser Kirk

As of 1929.5 onwards Enclaves are in effect.

Each Player may designate up to 3 'Port Symbols' on the map as "Enclaves"

See Economy section
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest