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Russia 1902/H2

Started by Logi, June 30, 2016, 01:54:42 PM

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0. Budget Summary

IC Operational: European Russia 17-18
IC Constructed: European Russia 19, 20
IC Started: St. Petersburg 6

Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway continues

Research: '1900 Railway Guns', '1900 Krupp Cemented', and '1900 Light Cruiser' continued

Naval Construction:
Posadnik: Vsadnik and Kazarskii completed, Griden and Abrek started

Army Construction:
9th and 10th Army Corps finishes being upgraded to 1895 tech.
11th and 12th Army Corps starts to be upgraded to 1895 tech.

625 tons sold to the Export Market

Russian Empire
Status: Peace

European Russia95.518845.550
St. Petersburg2536.72
Congress Poland26.2318.620

Additional Income: $0.78 from Export Market

B. Naval Operations
Naval Maintenance: $7

Naval Construction: $3.375, 4 BP

Location                  Type   Occupant & Status   Ship Type        TonnageSpend   Paid                                Minimum Completion Date
Kronstadt-St. Petersburg BD23C GridenCruiser3,000$1/1$0/0 of $3/3x
Nikolayev 5S23C AbrekCruiser3,000$1/1$0/0 of $3/3x
Sevastapol DD23C KazarskiiCruiser3,000$1/1$2/2 of $3/3x
Nikolayev 5S23C VsadnikCruiser3,000$1/1$2/2 of $3/3x

C. Army Operations
Army Maintenance: $11.03
800,000 Active
800,000 Reserve

Army Construction/Upgrade: $8, 1 BP
Name of UnitTypeTechSizeSpentPaid
7th Army Corps (1880 to 1895)Infantry189550,000$2/0.25$2/0.25 of $4/0.5
8th Army Corps (1880 to 1895)Infantry189550,000$2/0.25$2/0.25 of $4/0.5
9th Army Corps (1880 to 1895)Infantry189550,000$2/0.25$0/0 of $4/0.5
10th Army Corps (1880 to 1895)Infantry189550,000$2/0.25$0/0 of $4/0.5

Forts & Coastal Defenses: $3.2

D. Aeronautical Operations
Aeronautical Maintenance: $0

E. Research and Development
Maximum Budget: $3

Projects: $2.8
Researching - 1900 Railway Guns - 3 halfs
Researching - 1900 Krupp Cemented - 3 halfs
Researching - 1900 Light Cruiser - 2 halfs

F. Intelligence & Black Operations
Budget: $0

G. Economic Development
IC 19, European Russia: $7.5 + $7.5 of $15, done
IC 20, European Russia: $15 of $15, done
IC 6, St. Petersburg: $7.5 of $15

Trans-Siberian Railway: $5 + $180 / 7 BP + 130 BP of $380 / 253 BP

H. Carry-overs
$0, 0 BP


Correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't the changed IC cost be used from 1903 H1 on?  So the 1901H2 to 1902H2 reports should use the old $30 per IC cost?



Russia spent  $105.16 on IC for a total of 7 IC and should have gotten 3 IC with $15.16 into next IC.  Plus there is the extra cash from the early finished ICs

1901-H1: $22.65 / 2 IC
1901-H2: $25.87 / 1 IC  -> Plus $2 of extra income (for 1 extra IC)
1902-H1: $26.64 / 2 IC  -> Plus $4 of extra income (for 2 extra IC)
1901-H2: $30 / 2 IC  -> Plus $6 of extra income (for 3 extra IC)

So in the interest of KISS and to avoid Logi having to redo 4 sets of economics my hack suggestion is the following.
Remove 3.5 IC from Russia and assign a one time penalty of $12 to 1903 H1 or remove 3 IC and assign a one time penalty of $27 to 1903 H1.



Old cost was $10 per IC, not $30.


*Opens an old German Eco*

You are correct Walter my bad on memory; which shows how long its been since we really played as I don't even remember the eco rules correctly.  So Russia should get EXTRA IC then.

Reverse hack suggestion.

1901-H1: $22.65 / 2 IC (fine)
1901-H2: $25.87 / 1 IC (should be 2 IC)
1902-H1: $26.64 / 2 IC  (should be 3 IC plus $2 for lost income)
1901-H2: $30 / 2 IC   (should be 3 IC plus $4 for lost income)

So Russia should get 3 more IC and a one time credit of $6 for 1903 H1.
