Information and history

Started by olekit24, June 08, 2016, 11:24:01 AM

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The "Real Compañía Naviera Espaniola" - is state Spanish shipping company. It was founded at the beginning of 1904 after several small spanish companies run bancrapsy after desperate attackes to spanish merchant ships by Moroccan pirates in the South of the Strait of Gibraltar, off the coast of Morocco.

The 60% of shares of "Real Compañía Naviera Espaniola" belongs to the Government of Spain, more 10% - to the King of Spain, other 30% was distributed between owners of former shipping companies: "Compañía Anglo Vasca de Navegación", "Naviera Astur Andaluza", "Naviera Sota y Aznar", "Federico González Fierro", "Compañía Gijonesa de Vapores", "Suc. Vda. de Enrique Illueca", "Isleña Marítima" and "Compañía Mallorquina de Vapores" in exchange to their assets. Later in 1904 "Real Compañía Naviera Espaniola" take control on biggest private shipping company in Spain - "Compañía Trasatlántica Española". Their 75% of share were exchanged on 5% of shares in state company.

The total Gross tonnage of new company at the beginning of 1904 was about 105000 GRT. But during the year most of old ships was scraped or sold to other companies and at the end of 1904 company has no fleet. The Board of Directors of the "Real Compañía Naviera Espaniola" announced great modernisation of her assets and fleet and said that in 3 years the company willing to build modern fleet with gross tonnage about 100000 GRT.

As "Real Compañía Naviera Espaniola" is the state company, it was desided, that Armada Espaniola has the right to mobilise any of the company's ships, but not more than 75% of the total number of vessels in operating condition, and the State Government should build not less then one vessel in two years with tonnage not less then 3500 GRT for needs of the new company.