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Ottoman Empire, H2/1904

Started by The Rock Doctor, April 18, 2016, 08:42:44 AM

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The Rock Doctor

Ottoman Empire, H2/1904


RegionCapitalPopulation (M)IC   BP   $ Pop   $ (IC)   $ (Total)   R&D Capacity
Bahr el-Ghazal TerritoryN/A0.17800$0.02$0.00$0.02$0.00
Jonglei TerritoryN/A0.51400$0.05$0.00$0.05$0.00
Mesopotamia  Baghdad2.50410$0.25$2.00$2.25$0.00
AnatoliaConstantinople    11.89162$1.19$12.00$13.19$0.00
--Constantinople    N/A1.04052$0.10$4.580$4.68$3.96

Note 1:  Bahr el Ghazal currently consists of OTL south Sudan's North and Western Bahr el Ghazal and part of Warrap.
Note 2:  Jonglei currently consists of OTL Jonglei, Eastern Equatoria, Unity, part of Lakes and Warrap. 

Additional Revenues:

Status:  Mostly peace, with a bit of a dust-up in Africa.

B.  Naval Operations

Naval & Coastal Defence Maintenance:  $4.60 (~50% active; large/medium installations active; several riverboats mobilized)

Ongoing Construction:

New Construction:
--Battleship Agir Dag* laid down at Constaninople S2, receives $2.91 and 2.911 BP, to complete 6/06
--Battleship Musala* laid down at Iskendurun S2, receives $2.91 and 2.911 BP, to complete 6/06
--Protected Cruiser Luxor laid down at Constantinople S1A, receives $1.25 and 1.25 BP, to complete 7/05
--Protected Cruiser Khartoum laid down at Iskendurun S1A, receives $1.25 and 1.25 BP, to complete 7/05
--Torpedo Boat T-77 laid down at Constantinople S0A, receives $0.63 and 0.499 BP, completed 12/04

*Note:  While I am obviously including the $/BP spent on materials pre-ordered for these ships in H1/1904 as part of the overall cost of construction, I am not shortening the construction time once actually laid down.

C.  Army Operations

Army Maintenance:  $2.91 (Five corps at "Active", with limited mobilization)
--2/13 Cavalry:  Nile Expedition
--5/13 Cavalry:  Nile Expedition
--4/5 Infantry:   Nile Expedition
--5/5 Infantry:  Nile Expedition

New Activities:
--Update 1-citadel fort at Seddulbahir to Baseline:  $0.67, 0.125 BP

D.  Aeronautical Operations

Nothing to see here.

E.  Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair

Ongoing Activities:
--Nothing of note.

New Activities:

F.  Research and Development

Maximum Budget:  $6.96

--Continue 1900 Signals Intelligence:  H3/?, $0.85, ongoing
--Continue 1903 AA Guns:  H2/?, $0.95, ongoing
--Complete digesting 1900 Naval Artillery (from Germany):  H2/2, $0.80, done
--Continue 1904 DD:  H2/?, $1.00, ongoing

G.  Intelligence and Black Operations

Budget:  $0.20

--Generally monitoring the neighbourhood.

H.  Civilian Economic Development

--Complete BP at Anatolia:  $30.43 for $50.00 of $50.00 required, done.
--Commence IC at Rumelia (Bosnia):  $5.47 for $5.47 of $15.00 required, ongoing.
--Complete IC at Egypt (Little Aswan Dam & Assuit Barrage):  $1.00 for $10.00 of $10.00 required, done.
--Continue IC at Egypt (Sudanese railway extensions):  $1.00 for $7.00 of $10.00 required, ongoing
--Continue co-funded IC in Ethiopia (Railway to Massawa):  $0.50 for $3.50 of $5.00 required, ongoing 
--Commence IC at Mesopotamia (Petroleum exploration):  $0.50 for $2.50 of $10.00 required, ongoing
--Supplies, infrastructure, and bribes/gifts to for Nile expeditions:  $0.20
--Continue establishing basic governance over Barqa:  $0.06 for $0.36 of $0.60 required, ongoing
--Continue establishing basic governance over South Sudan:  $0.13 for $0.78 of $1.30 required, ongoing
--Continue establishing basic governance over Jonglei:  $0.51 for $1.02 of $5.10 required, ongoing

I.  Carry-overs

$ (military):  $0.00
$ (civilian):  $0.00
BP:  0.00

I.  Naval Order of Battle, End of Half

Note:  X(Y) + Z where X is in service, Y refitting or repairing, and Z is under construction.

Battleships (BB):  6(0) + 2
Coastal Defence Battleships (CB):  6(0) + 0
Armored Cruisers (AC):  4(0) + 0
Protected Cruisers (PC):  20(0) + 2
Torpedo Boats (TB):  77(0) + 0
Submarines (SS):  8(0) + 0

Gunboats (GB):  16(0) + 0
River Gunboats (RGB):  34(0) + 0
Patrol Boats (PB):  46(0) + 0

Transports (AP):  13(0) + 0
Troop Ferry (APF):  2(0) + 0
Tugs, Harbour (ATH):  14(0) + 0
Tugs,  Salvage (ATS):  5(0) + 0
Colliers (AK):  6(0) + 0
Survey Ships (AS):  4(0) + 0
Hospital Ships (AH):  1(0) + 0
Yachts (AY):  1(0) + 0