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China H2/1904

Started by Walter, April 17, 2016, 04:47:33 PM

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Country ------- Year --- Half --- War --- Ratio -----
China --------- 1904 ---- 2 ----- NO ----- 50 -------

Region ------ Pop ------- IC -- BP -- Revenue -- Rsch --- Growth ---- Exp. Pop --
Wei --------- 142.833 -- 10 --- 2 ---- 34.28 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ----- 146.404 ---
Beijing ------- 4.084 --- 4 --- 0 ----- 8.41 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------- 4.145 ---
Tianjin ------- 3.091 --- 3 --- 2 ----- 6.31 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------- 3.168 ---
Wu ---------- 119.433 --- 8 --- 2 ---- 27.94 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ----- 122.433 ---
Guangzhou ----- 0.937 --- 8 --- 1 ----- 5.97 ---- 7.06 --- 1.00 ------- 0.946 ---
Hong Kong ----- 2.318 --- 2 --- 0 ----- 4.23 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------- 2.376 ---
Shanghai ------ 5.298 --- 5 --- 2 ---- 10.53 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------- 5.431 ---
Shu ---------- 96.915 --- 8 --- 3 ---- 25.69 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------ 99.338 ---
Manchuria ---- 10.376 --- 1 --- 0 ----- 3.04 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------ 10.635 ---
Mongolia ------ 1.987 --- 1 --- 0 ----- 2.20 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------- 2.037 ---
Uyghur -------- 3.643 --- 1 --- 0 ----- 2.36 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------- 3.734 ---
Tibet -------- 54.418 --- 1 --- 0 ----- 7.44 ---- 0 ------ 2.50 ------ 55.778 ---
Total ------- 445.332 -- 52 -- 12 --- 138.41 ---- 7.06 -------------- 456.451 ---

BP of Foreign Orders -------- 9.80 -- 12.25 ----------------------------------
Misc Civil Income ----------- 0 ------ 0.00 ----------------------------------
Misc Military Income -------- 0 ------ 0.00 ----------------------------------
Total Budget ---------------- 2.20 - 150.6562 --------------------------------
Military Budget --------------------- 81.4531 --------------------------------
Civilian Budget --------------------- 69.2031 --------------------------------
Spending ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Static Works & Arty Maint. ---------- 0.596067 -------------------------------
Static Works & Arty Const. -- 1.00 - 10.664 ----------------------------------
Army Maint. ------------------------ 17.520 ----------------------------------
Army Const. ----------------- 0.20 -- 4.80 -----------------------------------
Aviation Const. & Rep. ------ 0 ----- 0.00 -----------------------------------
Navy Const. & Rep. ---------- 1.00 -- 1.84 -----------------------------------
Navy Maint. ------------------------- 0.54018 --------------------------------
Research ---------------------------- 6.76 -----------------------------------
Other Expenses ---------------------- 0.00 -----------------------------------
IC construction ----------- cost --- spend --- paid --------------------------
Wei (11) ----------------- 30.00 --- 27.43 --- 2.57 --------------------------
Hong Kong (3) ------------ 30.00 --- 30.00 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Tianjin (4) -------------- 30.00 --- 30.00 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Iron Silk Road ------------ cost --- spend --- paid --------------------------
Section 1 ---------------- 30.00 --- 12.13 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 2 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 3 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 1.00 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 4 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 5 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 6 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 1.00 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 7 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 1.00 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 8 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 9 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 10 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 11 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 12 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 13 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 14 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 15 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 16 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 17 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 18 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 19 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 20 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Iron Tea Horse Road ------- cost --- spend --- paid --------------------------
Section 1 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.79 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 2 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 3 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 4 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 5 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 6 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 7 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 8 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 9 ---------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Section 10 --------------- 30.00 ---- 0.05 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Various others --------------------- spend --- paid --------------------------
OGRES projects ---------------------- 1.00 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Afghan Bribes ----------------------- 0.50 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Nepal Bribes ------------------------ 0.30 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Bhutan Bribes ----------------------- 0.20 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Sikkim Bribes ----------------------- 0.20 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Siam Bribes ------------------------- 0.50 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Project Xieyao ---------------------- 0.10 --- 0.00 --------------------------
Economic development -------------- 107.94 -----------------------------------
Spent Military Budget ------- 2.20 - 42.71651 --------------------------------
Remaining Budget ------------ 0 ----- 0 --------------------------------------

Tech --------- Tech Year ----- Year Started ----- Cost ----- Turn ---
Propulsion ----- 1902 ------------ 1902 -------- $1.00 ------ 5 -----
L Cruiser ------ 1900 ------------ 1902 -------- $0.90 ------ 5 -----
Oilfiring ------ 1906 ------------ 1903 -------- $2.63 ------ 4 -----
Reserves ------- 1900 ------------ 1903 -------- $0.85 ------ 4 -----
Infantry ------- 1905 ------------ 1904 -------- $1.38 ------ 2 -----

Port and Dock Expansions
---------------------- new/ --- Total --- Spend ---- Paid ---
Port-------- Type --- expand -- $ - BP -- $ - BP -- $ - BP --
Shanghai ---- D2+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D1+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D1+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Fuzhou ------ D1+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Fuzhou ------ D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Fuzhou ------ D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Hong Kong --- D1+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Hong Kong --- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Hong Kong --- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Weihai ------ D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Weihai ------ D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Guangzhou --- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Guangzhou --- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Tianjin ----- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Tianjin ----- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Nanjing ----- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Nanjing ----- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Macau ------- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Macau ------- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Takao ------- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Takao ------- D0+ ----- no ---- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Total spend ----------------------------- 0 -- 0 ------------

Ship Construction/Overhauls/Refits
------------------------------- OH/Ref - Addit. --------- Ship -- Total ----------- Spend ---------- Paid ----
Port-------- Type ---- ship ---- Type -- $ - BP - Tons -- type -- $ ------ BP ----- $ ------ BP ---- $ - BP --
Shanghai ---- D2+ ---- Wutong ---- o --- 0 -- 0 - 04200 --- m --- 0.42 ---- 0 ----- 0.42 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D1+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D1+ --- Zheng He --- c --- 0 -- 0 - 01770 --- m --- 1.77 ---- 1.77 -- 1.00 ---- 1 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Shanghai ---- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Fuzhou ------ D1+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Fuzhou ------ D0+ -- Xuebaoding -- o --- 0 -- 0 - 04200 --- m --- 0.42 ---- 0 ----- 0.42 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Fuzhou ------ D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Hong Kong --- D1+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Hong Kong --- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Hong Kong --- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Weihai ------ D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Weihai ------ D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Guangzhou --- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Guangzhou --- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Tianjin ----- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Tianjin ----- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Nanjing ----- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Nanjing ----- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Macau ------- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Macau ------- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Takao ------- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --
Takao ------- D0+ ---------------- o --- 0 -- 0 - 00000 --- m --- 0.00 ---- 0 ----- 0.00 ---- 0 ---- 0 -- 0 --

Total spend ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.84 ---- 1 --------------

Ship construction:
Zheng He - laid down July 1, launched November 12.

Army Construction/Upgrades
------------------------------------------------ New ----- Total --------- Spend ------- Paid ---------
Unit Name ---------------------- Type/Tech -- Type/Tech -- $ --- BP ----- $ --- BP ---- $ ---- BP ----
11th Mongol Stp Cav Division ------ N/A -------StC/1870 -- 1.2 - 0.05 -- 1.20 - 0.05 --- 0 ----- 0 ----
12th Mongol Stp Cav Division ------ N/A -------StC/1870 -- 1.2 - 0.05 -- 1.20 - 0.05 --- 0 ----- 0 ----
13th Mongol Stp Cav Division ------ N/A -------StC/1870 -- 1.2 - 0.05 -- 1.20 - 0.05 --- 0 ----- 0 ----
14th Mongol Stp Cav Division ------ N/A -------StC/1870 -- 1.2 - 0.05 -- 1.20 - 0.05 --- 0 ----- 0 ----

Total spend ------------------------------------------------------------ 4.80 - 0.20 ------------------

Fortifications Construction/Upgrades
--------------------------------------------- New ------ Total ---------- Spend ----------- Paid -------
Unit Name --------------- Size ------ Tech -- Tech --- $ ----- BP ----- $ ----- BP ----- $ ------ BP ---
Fort Guangzhou ----------- 12 ------- 1895 --------- 32.00 -- 3.00 -- 2.666 -- 0.25 --- 5.334 -- 0.50 --
Fort Nathu La ------------- 3 ------- 1895 ---------- 8.00 -- 0.75 -- 0.000 -- 0.00 --- 5.334 -- 0.50 --
Fort Qi'aocun ------------- 6 ------- 1895 --------- 16.00 -- 1.50 -- 2.666 -- 0.25 --- 5.334 -- 0.50 --
Fort Daongwancun ---------- 6 ------- 1895 --------- 16.00 -- 1.50 -- 2.666 -- 0.25 --- 5.334 -- 0.50 --
Fort Ganquan Dao ---------- 1 ------- 1895 ---------- 2.667 - 0.25 -- 1.000 -- 0.10 --- 1.000 -- 0.10 --
Fort Shanhu Dao ----------- 1 ------- 1895 ---------- 2.667 - 0.25 -- 0.667 -- 0.05 --- 1.000 -- 0.10 --
Fort Dong Dao ------------- 1 ------- 1895 ---------- 2.667 - 0.25 -- 1.000 -- 0.10 --- 0.667 -- 0.05 --

Total spend -------------------------------------------------------- 10.664 -- 1.00 --------------------

Coastal Defenses Construction/Upgrades
---------------------------------------------- Total ---------- Spend ---------- Paid -------
Unit Name --------- Band - Type - Ext ----- $ ------ BP ---- $ ------ BP ---- $ ------ BP ---

Navy Upkeep
Class ----- Hulls -- Type - status - upkeep -----
Shanxi ------ 1 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.060000 --
Wutong ------ 2 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.042000 --
Jiuhua ------ 1 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.030000 --
Beiwudang --- 1 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.036250 --
Fuding ------ 6 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.084000 --
Baiyin ------ 4 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.070000 --
Lechang ----- 2 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.058000 --
D-1 -------- 15 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.032438 --
D-16 -------- 6 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.012975 --
T-1 -------- 15 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.007125 --
T-16 ------- 15 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.008531 --
T-31 ------- 11 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.005156 --
T-42 -------- 4 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.003400 --
T-46 -------- 6 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.004013 --
T-52 -------- 8 ----- md ---- r ----- 0.002250 --
G-1 --------- 6 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.016640 --
G-7 --------- 2 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.009020 --
R-1 -------- 16 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.009360 --
R-17 ------- 30 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.013500 --
M-1 --------- 2 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.028520 --
RP-1 ------- 80 ------ m ---- r ----- 0.007200 --
Total Navy Upkeep ------------------- 0.540180 --

Army Upkeep
Unit Name ---------------------- Type/Tech -- Size --- Status -- Upkeep ---
------------------------------------------- (x1000) -----------------------
1st Wei Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
2nd Wei Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
3rd Wei Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
4th Wei Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
5th Wei Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- r ------- 0.060 --
6th Wei Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- r ------- 0.060 --
1st Wei Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
2nd Wei Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
1st Imperial Guards ------------ Grd/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
2nd Imperial Guards ------------ Grd/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
3rd Imperial Guards ------------ Grd/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
4th Imperial Guards ------------ Grd/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
1st Wu Inf Division ------------ Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
2nd Wu Inf Division ------------ Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
3rd Wu Inf Division ------------ Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- r ------- 0.060 --
4th Wu Inf Division ------------ Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- r ------- 0.060 --
1st Wu Cav Division ------------ Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
2nd Wu Cav Division ------------ Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
3rd Wu Cav Division ------------ Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
4th Wu Cav Division ------------ Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
1st Wu Mrn Division ------------ Mar/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
2nd Wu Mrn Division ------------ Mar/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
1st Shu Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
2nd Shu Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
3rd Shu Inf Division ----------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- r ------- 0.060 --
1st Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
2nd Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
3rd Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
4th Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
5th Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
6th Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
7th Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
8th Shu Cav Division ----------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
1st Manchu Inf Division -------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
2nd Manchu Inf Division -------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- a ------- 0.300 --
3rd Manchu Inf Division -------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- r ------- 0.060 --
1st Manchu Cav Division -------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
2nd Manchu Cav Division -------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
3rd Manchu Cav Division -------- Cav/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
1st Mongol Stp Inf Division ---- StI/1895 --- 15 ------- a ------- 0.270 --
2nd Mongol Stp Inf Division ---- StI/1895 --- 15 ------- a ------- 0.270 --
3rd Mongol Stp Inf Division ---- StI/1895 --- 15 ------- a ------- 0.270 --
4th Mongol Stp Inf Division ---- StI/1895 --- 15 ------- a ------- 0.270 --
5th Mongol Stp Inf Division ---- StI/1895 --- 15 ------- r ------- 0.054 --
6th Mongol Stp Inf Division ---- StI/1895 --- 15 ------- r ------- 0.054 --
1st Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- m ------- 0.360 --
2nd Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
3rd Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
4th Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
5th Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
6th Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
7th Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
8th Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
9th Mongol Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
10th Mongol Stp Cav Division --- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
1st Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
2nd Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
3rd Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
4th Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
5th Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
6th Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
7th Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
8th Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- a ------- 0.180 --
9th Uyghur Stp Cav Division ---- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
10th Uyghur Stp Cav Division --- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
11th Uyghur Stp Cav Division --- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
12th Uyghur Stp Cav Division --- StC/1895 --- 10 ------- r ------- 0.036 --
1st Tibet Inf Division --------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- m ------- 0.600 --
2nd Tibet Inf Division --------- Inf/1895 --- 25 ------- m ------- 0.600 --
1st Tibet Mnt Division --------- Alp/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
2nd Tibet Mnt Division --------- Alp/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
3rd Tibet Mnt Division --------- Alp/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
4th Tibet Mnt Division --------- Alp/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
5th Tibet Mnt Division --------- Alp/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
6th Tibet Mnt Division --------- Alp/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
1st Potala Guards -------------- Grd/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
2nd Potala Guards -------------- Grd/1895 --- 15 ------- m ------- 0.540 --
Total Army Upkeep ----------------------------------------------- 17.520 --

Fortifications Upkeep
Fort Name -------- Size -- Tech --- Status ---- Upkeep ---
Taku Forts -------- 6 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.1600 ---
New Miran Fort ---- 1 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.0267 ---
Mong Ha Fort ------ 1 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.0267 ---
Fan Lau Fort ------ 1 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.0267 ---
Lei Yue Mun Fort -- 3 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.0800 ---
Tung Chung Fort --- 1 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.0267 ---
Baoshan Fort ------ 3 ---- 1895 ----- r ------- 0.0800 ---
Total Fortifications Upkeep ------------------- 0.4267 ---

Coastal Defenses Upkeep
Unit Name ----- Band - Type - Ext ---- Status -- Guns -- Upkeep ---
LYM 12" -------- 4 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 4 --- 0.0504 ---
LYM 7" --------- 2 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 3 --- 0.0078 ---
LYM 9" --------- 3 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 2 --- 0.0218 ---
LYM 6" --------- 1 ---- f ---- n ------- a ------- 6 --- 0.0030 ---
LYM 6" --------- 1 ---- o ---- n ------- a ------- 4 --- 0.0012 ---

SHA 9" --------- 3 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 4 --- 0.0436 ---
SHA1 6" -------- 1 ---- f ---- n ------- a ------- 8 --- 0.0040 ---

FUZ 9" --------- 3 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 2 --- 0.0218 ---
FUZ 6" --------- 1 ---- o ---- n ------- a ------- 6 --- 0.0018 ---

MAC 7" --------- 2 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 1 --- 0.0026 ---
MAC 6" --------- 1 ---- o ---- n ------- a ------- 3 --- 0.0009 ---

TIA 7" --------- 2 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 1 --- 0.0026 ---
TIA 6" --------- 1 ---- o ---- n ------- a ------- 3 --- 0.0009 ---

TAK 7" --------- 2 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 1 --- 0.0026 ---
TAK 6" --------- 1 ---- o ---- n ------- a ------- 3 --- 0.0009 ---

WEI 7" --------- 2 ---- f --- ed ------- a ------- 1 --- 0.0026 ---
WEI 6" --------- 1 ---- o ---- n ------- a ------- 3 --- 0.0009 ---


I asked the mods if this way was okay to use for these railroads and they deemed it acceptable.

Having looked around, I found a 1916 value of 770 million - 1 billion US dollars for the cost of the Trans Siberia Railway. Using the inflation calculator, that would be 636 million USD - 826 million USD in 1904.

The Trans Siberia Railway is 9289 km so that would translate to $68468-88922 per km. For simplicity, I stuck to $80000/km for the below calculations as well as $30/IC for all sections (by starting with them all at once). This means that one IC section of the railroad would be 375 kilometers long.

I used a distance calculator to figure out distances (using today's existing roads for the route of the Silk Railroad which is probably the best option there is to get an estimate when it comes to distances) and one of the numerous maps of the Silk Road on the net as well as my regions map in the encyclopedia. It gave me a main line total length of 7528 km for a railroad from the China/Korea border at Yuanbao all the way to the China/Russian border near Irkeshtam as well as a southern branch running from Xi'an to Shanghai. 7528 km = $602.24 million = 20.07 IC.

Now considering the way that the roads go at times, it should not be too difficult to slightly straighten the whole route all along those +7500 km of length to lose 26.25 kilometers to get 20 whole ICs for the Iron Silk Route.

With the regions, there are still partial ICs, but the 'broken' ICs will be counted to the region that has the majority part of that railroad section. Example: One IC is partially in Manchuria and partially in Wei. 62% (after cutting the 26.25 km along the entire line) of that railroad section is in Manchuria and 38% in Wei so this IC will be considered to be a Manchurian IC.

I did the same with the Iron Tea Horse Road although here I increased the length of the route by about 170 kilometers to get a whole IC in the end by putting many spiral loops and tunnels in the part where the railroad climbs up through the Nathu La Pass and then down into Sikkim. Since I do not own Sikkim, I consider that IC to be part of the Tibetan lot.

As I calculated it in the spreadsheet:

Iron Silk Road
IC 1 = 100% Manchuria
IC 2 = 62% manchuria, 38% Wei (= Manchuria IC)
IC 3 = 100% Wu
IC 4 = 100% Wu
IC 5 = 29% Wu, 71% Wei (= Wei IC)
IC 6 = 100% Wei
IC 7 = 100% Wei
IC 8 = 100% Wei
IC 9 = 100% Wei
IC 10 = 95% Wei/5% Tibet (= Wei IC)
IC 11 = 100% Tibet
IC 12 = 100% Tibet
IC 13 = 42% Tibet/58% Uyghur (= Uyghur IC)
IC 14 = 100% Uyghur
IC 15 = 100% Uyghur
IC 16 = 100% Uyghur
IC 17 = 100% Uyghur
IC 18 = 100% Uyghur
IC 19 = 100% Uyghur
IC 20 = 100% Uyghur

Iron Tea Horse
IC 1 = 76% Wei/24% Shu (= Wei IC)
IC 2 = 99% Shu/1% Tibet (= Shu IC)
IC 3 = 100% Tibet
IC 4 = 100% Tibet
IC 5 = 100% Tibet
IC 6 = 100% Tibet
IC 7 = 100% Tibet
IC 8 = 100% Tibet
IC 9 = 100% Tibet
IC 10 = 16% Tibet/84% Sikkim (= Tibet IC)

What I am doing is similar to what Rocky is doing with the Ottoman Empire (the Sudanese railway extensions and the Railway to Massawa) but on a much larger scale (thanks to many, many Chinese workers and two watery super highways). The advantage of using the ICs is that there is no need for anyone to figure out what economic benefits the railroad line will give and no need to introduce any new rules. It works the same as any other IC that is built. Another thing is that to me it is logical that when parts of the railroad are completed, they can already be used by trains to transport goods and people and create revenue even if the rest of the railroad is not completed.

I will stick to a maximum of $30-35 to be spend per HY with a maximum of $15-20 per section. That would mean that it will take about 15 years for both lines to be completed.

The Rock Doctor

I've created a monster.

My headcanon for IC is that it's mainly government spending on utilities and infrastructure - the revenue that comes from it is shipping fees, increased trade, increased private sector productivity and such.  So I'm of course totally cool with this.


Not really. Someone else suggested this railroad idea to me and looking around, the use of ICs for the railroad like you did it is the best way to do it without having to create any new rules.

The Rock Doctor

Okay, I'm totally cool with not being responsible.