Bring out your tech! BONG! Bring out your tech! BONG! Bring ....

Started by Borys, March 11, 2007, 11:02:59 AM

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This thread is for posting our tech levels, so that P3D can convert them to the new format.

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
......Baseline (0): 12.2"/310 mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
......Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00

Gun Quality:
......Advanced (+1): 1.00

BB/AC Main Gun Mounts:
......Baseline (0): Double turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout:
......Advanced (+1): A, Q, Y

BB/AC Secondary layout:
......Baseline (0): All casemates

Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout
......Baseline (0): Single or Side-by-Side single mounts in A and Y;
additional beam mounts (no cross-deck firing)

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
......Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
......Advanced (+1): 19.7"/500 mm

Torpedo Propulsion
.....Advanced (+1): Wet Heater

Torpedo carriages
......Advanced (+1): Twin

Artillery Shells
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Capped shells

......Advanced (+1): Reliable turbines for up to protected or light cruisers;
unreliable turbines for armored cruisers and capital ships

......Dated (-1): No submarines

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Advanced (+1): Rifles, artillery up to 10.5 cm/4.1": Rating: "5"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Advanced (+1): Dragoons, with rifles, carbines, and horse-drawn
artillery: Rating "3"

Army Force Mix
......Baseline (0): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 8 or less infantry &
mountain units

Army Reserves:
......Baseline (0): Can maintain one reserve unit per active strength unit

......Dated (-1): No aerial expertise whatsoever

......Baseline (0): None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders

Mechanical warfare
.....Baseline (0): Primitive motor cars available
.....Advanced (+1): Motor cars, early armoured wagons

Mine Sweeping
Primitive 0", primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty

Fire control and long range fire directors
.....Baseline (0): primitive directors, centralized FC - 12kyd

Amphibious warfare
Baseline (0) shallow draft barges and shallow draft support ships
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!

The Rock Doctor

"I'm not obsolete fact, I think I'm get more advanced"...thump

Cutting Edge:

PC/CL Main Gun LAyout (from trade with NS; otherwise baseline)


BB/AC Main Gun Caliber
BB/AC Main Gun Mounts (from Trade with Orange; otherwise Baseline)
BB/AC Main Gun Layout
Max Torpedo Diameter
Torpedo Propulsion
Torpedo Carriages
Propulsion (started researching Cutting Edge as of Q4/04)
Infantry Quality


BB/AC Max Armor Plating
Gun Quality
BB/AC Secondary Layout
DD/TB Main Gun Layout
Submarines (through IC acquisition)
Cavalry Quality
Army Force Mix
Army Reserves
Chemical/biological weapons (from trade with Agrival Mars)

Unknowns/Never heard of the category before:

Artillery Shells - probably baseline-ish
Mechanical Warfare - no reason to be very advanced
Mine Sweeping - no reason to be very advanced
Fire Control - no reason to be very advanced
Amphibious Warfare - baseline to advanced, given experience in Amazon.
Mechanical Warfare


Baltic Confederation reporting in...

We don't know what we got... excect a cryptic letter saying "Check back later".  Stupid magic 8 ball tech advisor.
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


Would you agree to be our guine pig? As the technology list for Baltic League is impossible to find, you will be treated as newly setup country in this regard.


Look at the list, and make your pick. You can see that there is a cost of each, varying from -2 to +5. You cannot pick any of the +5 technologies, they are there as point of reference, of what can be achieved sometime in the future of the game.

You can select technologies as you desire, with the following limitations:
- if you do not pick any +3 tech, the sum of what you chose can be 5
- if you do pick any +3 tech, the sum of what you chose must be 0

E.g. you pick "main calibre -1, 11 inches",  that allowing you take "BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
......Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00"

The sum is 0.
You can pick one -2 tech, and buy two +1 techs for it.
Please have a go.
Sorry for the delays, but we are still a bit in WIP condition.

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
......Primitive (-2): 10"/254 mm
......Dated (-1): 11.1"/283 mm
......Baseline (0): 12.2"/310 mm
......Advanced (+1): 13"/330 mm
.....Cutting Edge (+3): 15"/381 mm
......Futuristic (+5): 16.1"/410mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
......Primitive (-2): Composite/Compound .60
......Dated (-1): Harvey Nickel .77
......Baseline (0): Krupp .90
......Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00
......Cutting Edge (+3): Improved KC 1.10
.....Futuristic (+5): Midvale Unbreakable 1.20

Gun Quality:
......Primitive (-2): .60
......Dated (-1): .77
......Baseline (0): .90
......Advanced (+1): 1.00
......Cutting Edge (+3): 1.10
.....Futuristic (+5): 1.20

BB/AC Main Gun Mounts:
......Primitive (-2): Single mount, non-turreted, no barbette
......Dated (-1): Single turret
......Baseline (0): Double turret
.....Advanced (+1): Triple turret
......Cutting Edge (+3): Quad turrets

BB/AC Main Gun layout:
......Baseline (0): A, Y
......Advanced (+1): A, Q, Y
......Cutting Edge (+3): A, Q, Y, with single turrets on each beam
.....Futuristic (+5): Superfiring turrets and/or twin turrets on
each beam

BB/AC Secondary layout:
......Baseline (0): All casemates
......Advanced (+1): Casemates and single turrets on each beam
......Cutting Edge (+3): Casemates and single or twin turrets on each beam

Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout
......Baseline (0): Single or Side-by-Side single mounts in A and Y;
additional beam mounts (no cross-deck firing)
......Advanced (+1): Single or Side-by-Side singles in A and Y; cross-deck
firing amidships
......Cutting Edge (+3): All centreline single mounts, none superfiring
.....Futuristic (+5): Double mounts, superfiring capability

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
......Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring
......Advanced (+1): Single mounts, superfiring capability

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
......Primitive (-2): 14"/356 mm
......Dated (-1): 16"/406 mm
......Baseline (0): 18"/457 mm
......Advanced (+1): 19.7"/500 mm
......Cutting Edge (+3): 21"/534mm
.....Futuristic (+5): 24"/610mm

Torpedo Propulsion
......Baseline (0): Compressed Air
.....Advanced (+1): Wet Heater
......Cutting Edge (+3): Oxy-Enriched Air/Burner Cycle
......Futuristic (+5): Pure Oxygen/Hydrogen Peroxide

Torpedo carriages
......Baseline (0): Single
......Advanced (+1): Twin
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Triple

Artillery Shells
......Primitive (-3): Solid shot
......Dated (-1): High Explosive
......Baseline (0): Semi Armour-Piercing
......Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Capped shells

......Baseline (0): Triple expansion engines; unreliable turbines for up to
protected or light cruisers
......Advanced (+1): Reliable turbines for up to protected or light cruisers;
unreliable turbines for armored cruisers and capital ships
......Cutting Edge (+3): Reliable turbines for all ship types.
.....Futuristic (+5): Diesel engines
......Note: "Unreliable" turbines allow the Moderator to inflict engineering
casualties (with requisite repair requirements) on vessels so equipped.

......Dated (-1): No submarines
......Baseline (0): up to 200 t standard, 8 knots submerged, 2 tubes
......Advanced (+1): up to 500 t standard, 10 knots submerged, 5 tubes
.....Cutting Edge (+3): up to 1000 t standard, 12 knots submerged,
no tube limit

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Civilian (Not available, but presented for comparison): Rare firearms,
ad-hoc melee and missile weapons: Rating "1"
......Primitive (-2): Flintlocks, non-gunpowder missile weapons, melee
weapons: Rating "2"
......Dated (-1): Muskets, older pattern rifles, smoothbore cannons:
Rating: "3"
......Baseline (0): Rifles, artillery up to 7.7 cm/ 3.1": Rating: "4"
......Advanced (+1): Rifles, artillery up to 10.5 cm/4.1": Rating: "5"
......Cutting Edge (+3): Machine guns, artillery up to 15.5cm/6.1": Rating: "6"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Primitive (-2): Melee weapons, non–gunpowder missile weapons: Rating "1"
......Dated (-1): Muskets and melee weapons: Rating "2"
......Baseline (0): Rifles, carbines, melee weapons: Rating "3"
......Advanced (+1): Dragoons, with rifles, carbines, and horse-drawn
artillery: Rating "3"
(Note: Cavalry ratings suffer compared to infantry due to lack of artillery
and difficulty of employing firearms and missile weapons while riding.)

Army Force Mix
......Dated (-1): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 2 or less infantry &
mountain units
......Baseline (0): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 8 or less infantry &
mountain units
......Advanced (+1): No cavalry requirements

Army Reserves:
......Primitive (-2): No reserves - all forces are active strength
......Dated (-1): Can maintain one reserve unit per two active strength units
......Baseline (0): Can maintain one reserve unit per active strength unit
......Advanced (+1): Can maintain two reserve units per active strength unit
......Cutting Edge (+3): No limit on reserve units

......Dated (-1): No aerial expertise whatsoever
......Baseline (0): Balloons--familiar with balloon operations for battlefield
recon and artillery spotting
......Advanced (+1): Primative dirgibles, nonrigid airships
......Cutting Edge (+3): Early rigid airships
.....Futuristic (+5): WWI-era Zeppelins

......Baseline (0): None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders
.....Advanced (+1): Primitive flying machines (Wright Flyer,
Langly Aerodrome etc.)
......Cutting Edge (+3): Practical flying machines (Wright Army Flyer, early
Curtiss designs, etc.)

Mine Sweeping
Obsolete -1 " - long stick and Very Slow Forward
"Primitive 0", primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty
"advanced +1" , advanced paravanes, active charges
"Cutting edge +3"  de-gaussing and other methods against magnetic and pressure mines
"Futuristic +5"  active searching unmanned anti mineweapons

CBR Warfare
.....Primitive (-1): Blankets with smallpox, trebuchets with dead animals.
.....Baseline (0): Tear-producing substances, chlorine,plague fleas and rats etc.
.....Advanced (+1): Fosgene
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Late WW1 gases like mustard gas, anthrax spores
.....Futuristic (+5): Nerve gases, Poison Gas must be used by specially trained troops (specialist, +1MBP for the corps). Each largescale (i.e. corps-scale) gas usage cost 1LBP. Needs Advanced Infantry. Effect depends on gas tech level and enemy preparedness

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Korpen, you are also invited to try your hand at tech level design.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Here's ye olde technology setup.


BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
......Dated (-1): 11.1"/283 mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
......Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00

Gun Quality:
......Baseline (0): .90

BB/AC Main Gun Mounts:
......Baseline (0): Double turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout:
......Advanced (+1): A, Q, Y

BB/AC Secondary layout:
......Advanced (+1): Casemates and single turrets on each beam

Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout
......Baseline (0): Single or Side-by-Side single mounts in A and Y;
additional beam mounts (no cross-deck firing)

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
......Advanced (+1): Single mounts, superfiring capability

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
......Dated (-1): 16"/406 mm

Torpedo Propulsion
......Baseline (0): Compressed Air

Torpedo carriages
......Advanced (+1): Twin

Artillery Shells
......Dated (-1): High Explosive

......Advanced (+1): Reliable turbines for up to protected or light cruisers;
unreliable turbines for armored cruisers and capital ships

......Dated (-1): No submarines

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Advanced (+1): Rifles, artillery up to 10.5 cm/4.1": Rating: "5"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Baseline (0): Rifles, carbines, melee weapons: Rating "3"

Army Force Mix
......Baseline (0): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 8 or less infantry &
mountain units

Army Reserves:
......Advanced (+1): Can maintain two reserve units per active strength unit

......Dated (-1): No aerial expertise whatsoever

......Baseline (0): None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders


Tech position 1/7/1904

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
.....Advanced (+1): 13"/330 mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
......Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00

Gun Quality:
.....Baseline (0): .90

BB/AC Main Gun Mounts:
.....Baseline (0): Double turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout:
.....Futuristic (+5): Superfiring turrets and/or twin turrets on
each beam

BB/AC Secondary layout:
......Advanced (+1): Casemates and single turrets on each beam

Protected Cruiser Main Gun Layout
.....Baseline (0): Single or Side-by-Side single mounts in A and Y; additional beam mounts (no cross-deck firing)

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
.....Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
......Advanced (+1): 19.7"/500 mm

Torpedo Propulsion
.....Baseline (0): Compressed Air

Torpedo carriages
......Advanced (+1): Twin

Artillery Shells
.....Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing

.....Futuristic (+3): Reliable turbines for all ships.

.....Baseline (0): up to 200 t standard, 8 knots submerged, 2 tubes

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Advanced (+1): Rifles, artillery up to 10.5 cm/4.1": Rating: "5"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
.....Advanced (+1): Dragoons, with rifles, carbines, and horse-drawn artillery: Rating "4"

Army Force Mix
.....Baseline (0): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 8 or less infantry & mountain units

Army Reserves:
.....Dated (-1): Can maintain one reserve unit per two active strength units

......Advanced (+1): Primative dirgibles, nonrigid airships

.....Baseline (+3): Practical flying machines (Wright Army Flyer, early
Curtiss designs, etc.)

And If we count 1905 tech trades:-

Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout
.....Futuristic (+5): Double mounts, superfiring capability

also the UKA has several Cruisers with Oil Firing, and thus has a significant investment in this technology.


The tech
Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout
is a mess. Needs looking into.

Probably will be changed to something like:
......Advanced (+1): Single or Side-by-Side singles in A and Y; cross-deck
firing amidships
......Cutting Edge (+3): All centreline single mounts, superfiring
.....Futuristic (+5): Double power mounts, superfiring capability, not available before 1920

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


DKB tech levels as of 1 January 1905...

as of Q4/04:

Items in bold are Currently Available Tech.
Items in italics are Currently Under Research.

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
.....Advanced (+1): 13"/330 mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
.....Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00

Gun Quality:
.....Advanced (+1): 1.00

BB/AC Main Gun Mounting:
.....Baseline (0): Double turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout
.....Futuristic (+5): Superfiring turrets and/or twin turrets on each beam

BB/AC Secondary layout
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Casemates and single or twin turrets on each beam

Protected Cruiser Main Gun Layout
.....Cutting Edge (+3): All centreline single mounts, none superfiring

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
.....Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
.....Baseline (0): 18"/457 mm

Torpedo Propulsion
.....Advanced (+1): Wet Heater

Torpedo carriages
.....Advanced (+1): Twin

Artillery Shells
.....Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing

.....Advanced (+1): Reliable turbines for up to protected or light cruisers; unreliable turbines for armored cruisers and capital ships
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Reliable turbines for all ship types. (was at 24%)

.....Baseline (0): up to 200 t standard, 8 knots submerged, 2 tubes

Mine warfare
.....Baseline (0): primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty. Electrical Contact mines

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Machine guns, artillery up to 15.5cm/6.1": Rating: "6"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
.....Advanced (+1): Dragoons, with rifles, carbines, and horse-drawn artillery: Rating "4"

Army Force Mix
.....Baseline (0): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 8 or less infantry & mountain units

Army Reserves:
.....Dated (-1): Can maintain one reserve unit per two active strength units

CBR warfare
.....Baseline (0): Tear-producing substances, chlorine,plague fleas and rats etc.

.....Cutting Edge (+3) Early rigid airships (Type 2)

.....Baseline (0): None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders


Addendum: Q4/1904


Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Advanced (+1): Rifles, artillery up to 10.5 cm/4.1": Rating: "5"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
.....Advanced (+1): Dragoons, with rifles, carbines, and horse-drawn artillery: Rating "4"

Army Force Mix
.....Dated (-1): Must maintain 1 cavalry unit per 2 or less infantry & mountain units
(Not really an issue with Rohan, as they have cavalry as their primary force)

Army Reserves:
.....Baseline (0): Can maintain one reserve unit per active strength unit

CBR warfare
Baseline (0): Tear-producing substances, chlorine, plague fleas and rats etc...
(unknown if Rohan has or even desires this form of technology, or if it is below baseline.)


BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
.....Cutting Edge (+3): 15"/381 mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
.....Baseline (0): Krupp .90

BB/AC Main Gun Mounting:
.....Advanced (+1): Triple turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout
.....Futuristic (+5): Superfiring turrets and/or twin turrets on
each beam

BB/AC Secondary layout
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Casemates and single or twin turrets on each beam

Protected Cruiser Main Gun Layout
.....Baseline (0): Single or Side-by-Side single mounts in A and Y; additional beam mounts (no cross-deck firing)

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
.....Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
.....Dated (-1): 16"/406 mm
(Advanced Torpedo Technology (roughly 19.5") from the Confederacy in 1904 in trade)

Torpedo carriages
.....Baseline (0): Single

Torpedo Propulsion
.....Baseline (0): Compressed Air

Gun Quality:
Advanced (+1): 1.00

Artillery Shells
.....Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing

.....Cutting Edge (+3): Reliable turbines for all ship types.

Oil Fired boilers
.....large ships with 40/60% oil/coal firing.

(Added in 1904 to fitted to ships laid down or under construction in 1904 and 1905)

.....Dated (-1): No submarines

Mine warfare
.....Baseline (0): primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty. Electrical Contact mines -( Rohan does not use mines.)


Aviation Capability
.....Advanced (+1): Primative dirgibles, nonrigid airships

.....Baseline (0): None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders

Anti-aircraft gun Altitudes:
......Baseline (0): High angle anti-air guns (20-40mm) = 5,000 feet

(Added 1904, not really tested in combat yet)

......Advanced (+1): More accurate rockets (fin rockets)

(Added 1904, not really tested in combat...might be more of a LAND item than AIR)


I do like Swamphens format

For France

Items in bold are Currently Available Tech.
Items in italics are Currently Under Research.

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
.....Advanced (+3): 15"/380 mm (proving grounds only)

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
.....Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00

Gun Quality:
.....Advanced (+1): 1.00

BB/AC Main Gun Mounting:
.....Baseline (0): Double turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout
.....Futuristic (+5): Superfiring turrets and/or twin turrets on each beam (Again, aquiring the technology doesn't mean using it.  I didn't plan on superfiring, but it comes in the package for the side turrets of medium main guns)

BB/AC Secondary layout
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Casemates and single or twin turrets on each beam

Protected Cruiser Main Gun Layout
.....Cutting Edge (+1): All centreline single mounts, none superfiring......firing amidships

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
.....Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
......Advanced (+1): 19.7"/500 mm (not used on a French ship.)

Torpedo Propulsion
......Baseline (0): Compressed Air

Torpedo carriages
......Baseline (0): Single

Artillery Shells
......Baseline (0): Semi Armour-Piercing
......Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing

......Baseline (0): Triple expansion engines; unreliable turbines for up to
protected or light cruisers

Internal Combustion Engines
...Baseline(0): Land and airship engines up to 150HP, 50HP aeroplane engines...Advanced(+1): Diesel engines, IC engines up to 750HP, 100HP Aeroplane engines

......Dated (-1): No submarines

Mine warfare
.....Baseline (0): primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty. Electrical Contact mines"advanced +1" , advanced paravanes, active charges. Pressure mines

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
.....Cutting Edge (+3): Machine guns, artillery up to 15.5cm/6.1": Rating: "6"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
......Baseline (0): Rifles, carbines, melee weapons: Rating "3"
Army Force Mix
......Advanced (+1): No cavalry requirements

Army Reserves:
......Primitive (-2): No reserves - all forces are active strength......Dated (-1): Can maintain one reserve unit per two active strength units

CBR warfare
.....Baseline (0): Tear-producing substances, chlorine,plague fleas and rats etc.
.....Advanced (+1): Fosgene

.....Cutting Edge (+3) Early rigid airships (Type 2)

.....Baseline (0): None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders


What I had, note that I have to revise it, for example no +5 Airships (unless you consider it new research)

Naval Technology as of January 1905

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber:
Advanced (+1): 13"/330 mm

BB/AC Maximum Armor Plating (turrets, belts & CT):
Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00

Gun Quality:
Advanced (+1): 1.00

BB/AC Main Gun Mounting:
Baseline (0): Double turret

BB/AC Main Gun layout
Cutting Edge (+3): A, Q, Y, with single turrets on each beam

BB/AC Secondary layout
Baseline (0): All casemates

Protected Cruiser Main Gun Layout
Futuristic (+5): Double mounts, superfiring capability

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
Baseline (0): Single mounts, none superfiring

Maximum Torpedo Diameter
Advanced (+1): 19.7"/500 mm

Torpedo Propulsion
Advanced (+1): Wet Heater

Torpedo carriages
Advanced (+1): Twin

Artillery Shells
Cutting Edge (+3): Capped shells

Cutting Edge (+3): Reliable turbines for all ship types.

Advanced (+1): up to 500 t standard, 10 knots submerged, 5 tubes

Mine warfare
Advanced (+1): advanced paravanes, active charges. Pressure mines

Army & Aviation Technology as of January 1905

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
Advanced (+1): Rifles, artillery up to 10.5 cm/4.1": Rating: "5"

Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality
Advanced (+1): Dragoons, with rifles, carbines, and horse-drawn artillery: Rating "4"

Army Force Mix
Advanced (+1): No cavalry requirements

Army Reserves:
Advanced (+1): Can maintain two reserve units per active strength unit

Futuristic (+5): Early WWI airshipsPending on the change of status of the EK.
Advanced (+1): Primitive flying machines (Wright Flyer, Langly Aerodrome etc.)

CBR warfare
Baseline (0): Tear-producing substances, chlorine, plague fleas and rats etc...
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Here is a test run of a first shot a new player tech...  the Baltic Confederation's emergence from the shadows (or, we finally managed to make an official report to Jane's)

BB/AC Max Main Gun Caliber
Advanced +1 - 13"/330 mm

BB/AC Max Armor Plate
Advanced +1 - Krupp Cemented 1.0

Gun Quality
Baseline 0 - .90

BB/AC Main Gun Mount
Advanced +1 - Tripple Turret

BB/AC Main Gun Layout
Advanced +1 - A, Q, Y

BB/AC Secondary Layout
Advanced +1 - Casemates and single turrets on each beam
(Was Baseline but... well... *cough*  We lost the fire control equipment... sorry sir.  Hope this allows us to keep our jobs.)

Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout
Advanced +1 - Single or Side-by-Side singles in A and Y; cross-deck
firing amidships

DD/TB Main Gun Layout
Baseline 0 - Single mounts, superfiring capability

Max Torpedo Diameter
Primitve -2 - 14"/356mm
(Sorry...  the budget got cut again, maybe next quarter...)

Torpedo Carriages
Baseline 0 - Single

Artillary Shells
Advanced +1 - Armour-Piercing

Advaned +1 - Reliable turbines for up to protected or light cruisers; unreliable turbines for armored cruisers and capital ships

Dated -1 - No Submarines
(Until you get the leaks stopped...)

Infantry Unit Max Equipment Quality
Advanced +1 - Rifled, Artillary, Rating 5
(What do you mean we can't put a naval gun on the train yet?)

Cavalry Unit Max Equipment Quality
Baseline 0 - Rifles, carbines, melee weapons, Rating 4

Army Force Mix
Advanced +1 - No Cavalry Requirements

Army Reserves
Baseline 0 - Can maintain one reserve unit per active strength unit

Dated -1 - No Aerial Expertise Whatsoever
(Interesting, watching but better things to spend money on)

Baseline 0 - None, private experimenters with gliders
(Looks fun... but... well...  not yet)

Mine Sweeping
Primative 0 - primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty
(No...  its your turn)

Long Range Fire Directors
(Ooops... well... damn... didn't get that, did we?)

CBR Warfare
Primative -1 - Blankets with Smallpot, Trebuchets w/ dead animals
(Not looked favorably upon, we are more civil than this)
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


Looking at Ithekro's list there's a few things to add for the DKB...

Oil Fired boilers
.....large ships with 40/60% oil/coal firing.
(from Rohan = Blücher)

Anti-aircraft gun Altitudes:
......Baseline (0): High angle anti-air guns (20-40mm) = 5,000 feet

Rocketry: (shot in the dark here...)
......Baseline (0): Congreve rockets


Quote from: khymerion on March 11, 2007, 07:35:04 PM
CBR Warfare
Primative -1 - Blankets with Smallpot, Trebuchets w/ dead animals
(Not looked favorably upon, we are more civil than this)

You guys are quite advanced in this regard.

Jolly good show!
Tech looks nice. I noticed that by mistake I included the Fire Control thingy, which is not "choseable". There should be rail guns or something like that instead. But good that you gave our rules guru something to chew on :)

Now waiting for the Konikrijke Nederlands to show himself :)

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!