Bring out your tech! BONG! Bring out your tech! BONG! Bring ....

Started by Borys, March 11, 2007, 11:02:59 AM

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The starting tach for the Netherlands

BB/AC Max Main Gun Calibre:Baseline (0): 12.2"/310 mm
BB/AC Maximum Armour Plating (turrets, belts & CT):Advanced (+1): Krupp Cemented 1.00
Gun Quality: Advanced (+1): 1.00

BB/AC Main Gun layout:Advanced (+1):
BB/AC Secondary layout: Baseline
Protected/Light Cruiser Main Gun Layout: Advanced (+1): Single or Side-by-Side singles in A and Y; cross-deck
firing amidships.

Propulsion:Advanced (+1)  Reliable turbines for up to protected or light cruisers, unreliable turbines for armoured cruisers and capital ships (it seems i got allot of ships with unreliable turbines...)
Torpedoes, all baseline
Submarines: baseline
Artillery Shells: baseline

Mine Sweeping: Advanced (+1)
Long range fire directors: Advanced (+1)

Infantry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality: baseline
Cavalry Unit's Maximum Equipment Quality: baseline
Army Force Mix: baseline
Army Reserves: dated (-1)

Aeronautical: baseline
Aerodromes: baseline
CBR Warfare: Primitive (-1)

I have tried as far as possible to match the tech to the ships i have inherited from the old game.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Korpen, I converted your old system into nw system. As this is the first time I've done thus, it is tentative, to be verified by P3D.

The starting tech for the Netherlands

1902 Advanced (+1): Engine year 1905, Max. Turbine power 4000HP/Shaft,
        Direct-drive Turbines

BB/AC Architecture
1904 Advanced (+1): All-big-gun ship with wing turrets, improved turret hydraulics,
Torpedo Bulkheads

Light Cruiser Architecture
1910 Cutting Edge (+3): twin gun mounts

Destroyer and TB architecture
1905 Advanced (+1):double TTs - max 8, displacement 750t

Armor technology
Tech level      Vertical      Horizontal
         Eff.   Thickness   Eff.  Thickness
           Quality  Mult. Quality  Mult.
Advanced     0.95   1.05   0.85   1.15 ...Krupp Cemented 1900

Torpedo Technologies

1899 Baseline (0):3000@36, 500@30, 100kg warhead(+0 dam.), early wet heater 1t

1900 Baseline (0) :up to 300 t surfaced, 8 knots submerged, 1TT, 3 torpedoes

Mine Warfare
1900 Baseline (0): primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small expendable vessels- suicide duty. Electrical Contact mines

Naval Artillery Shells
1895 Baseline (0): Semi Armour-Piercing

Infantry technology

1895 Baseline 4/2

Cavalry Techs - same as INF, but with half the Artillery rating
1895 Baseline 4/1

Army Mobilization and Reserves:
1895 Dated: Can maintain one reserve unit per 2 active strength units

CBR warfare:
Baseline(0) Blankets with smallpox, trebuchets with dead animals.

Heavier-than-air crafts
Baseline: None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders

Dirigible airships
1898 Baseline: Type 0: Volume 10 000m³ nonrigid airships, 30kts

Anti-aircraft gun and altitudes
Baseline (0): High angle anti-ballon guns or machine guns (up to 1 pounders) = 1,000 feet - starting point for everyone.

Internal Combustion Engines (Land, submarines, and air)
1895 Baseline (0): Gas, petrol(gasoline) and alcohol-fueled engines up to 20HP

Amphibious Technology
Baseline(0)  lifeboats and the use of enemy harbors.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!