Ottoman Empire, H1/1904: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaaaaaaa

Started by The Rock Doctor, December 13, 2015, 07:31:50 AM

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The Rock Doctor

Ottoman Empire, H1/1904


RegionCapitalPopulation (M)IC   BP   $ (IC)   $ (Total)   R&D Capacity
Bahr el-Ghazal TerritoryN/A0.17800$0.02$0.00$0.02$0.00
Jonglei TerritoryN/A0.51400$0.05$0.00$0.05$0.00
Mesopotamia  Baghdad2.50410$0.25$2.00$2.25$0.00
AnatoliaConstantinople    11.89162$1.19$12.00$13.19$0.00
--Constantinople    N/A1.04042$0.10$4.080$4.18$2.96

Note 1:  Bahr el Ghazal currently consists of OTL south Sudan's North and Western Bahr el Ghazal and part of Warrap.
Note 2:  Jonglei currently consists of OTL Jonglei, Eastern Equatoria, Unity, part of Lakes and Warrap. 
Note 3:  Population swap of 0.040 M from Egypt/Sudan to Jonglei, and 0.140 M from Anatolia to Rumelia (specifically, Thrace).  As national population growth was well above a million, this has no effective cash cost.

Additional Revenues:
--Net revenues from sale of 2 BP:  $0.50

Status:  Mostly peace, with a bit of a dust-up in Africa.

B.  Naval Operations

Naval & Coastal Defence Maintenance:  $4.60 (~50% active; large/medium installations active; several riverboats mobilized)

Ongoing Construction:

New Construction:
--Material pre-order (armament, VTE, fittings) for Ersatz Osman I:  $3.00 and 3.000 BP
--Material pre-order (armament, VTE, fittings) for Ersatz Suleiman I:  $3.00 and 3.000 BP

C.  Army Operations

Army Maintenance:  $2.91 (Five corps at "Active", with limited mobilization)
--2/13 Cavalry:  Nile Expedition
--5/13 Cavalry:  Nile Expedition
--4/5 Infantry:   Nile Expedition
--5/5 Infantry:  Nile Expedition

New Activities:
--Update 1-citadel forts at Tunis, Benghazi, Tripoli, Tobruk, Souda to Baseline:  $3.35, 0.625 BP
--Upgrade VII Cavalry Corps to Baseline:  $3.00, 0.125 BP
--Upgrade IV Infantry Corps to Baseline:  $2.00, 0.250 BP

D.  Aeronautical Operations

Nothing to see here.

E.  Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair

Ongoing Activities:
--Nothing of note.

New Activities:

F.  Research and Development

Maximum Budget:  $5.96

--Continue 1902 BB/AC Architecture:  H5/5, $1.00, done.
--Continue 1902 Naval Propulsion:  H5/5, $1.00, done.
--Continue 1900 Signals Intelligence:  H2/?, $0.85, ongoing
--Continue 1903 AA Guns:  H1/?, $1.00, ongoing
--Commence digesting 1900 Naval Artillery (from Germany):  H1/2, $0.80, ongoing
--Commence 1904 DD:  H1/?, $1.00, ongoing

G.  Intelligence and Black Operations

Budget:  $0.20

--Generally monitoring the neighbourhood.

H.  Civilian Economic Development

--Commence BP at Anatolia:  $19.57 for $19.57 of $50.00 required, ongoing.
--Continue IC at Constantinople:  $9.91 for $15.00 of $15.00 required, done.
--Continue IC at Egypt (Little Aswan Dam & Assuit Barrage):  $1.00 for $9.00 of $10.00 required, ongoing.
--Continue IC at Egypt (Sudanese railway extensions):  $1.00 for $6.00 of $10.00 required, ongoing
--Continue co-funded IC in Ethiopia (Railway to Massawa):  $0.50 for $3.00 of $5.00 required, ongoing 
--Commence IC at Mesopotamia (Petroleum exploration):  $0.50 for $2.00 of $10.00 required, ongoing
--Supplies, infrastructure, and bribes/gifts to for Nile expeditions:  $0.20
--Continue establishing basic governance over Barqa:  $0.06 for $0.30 of $0.60 required, ongoing
--Continue establishing basic governance over South Sudan:  $0.13 for $0.65 of $1.30 required, ongoing
--Commence establishing basic governance over Jonglei:  $0.51 for $0.51 of $5.10 required, ongoing

I.  Carry-overs

$ (military):  $0.00
$ (civilian):  $0.00
BP:  0.00

I.  Naval Order of Battle, End of Half

Note:  X(Y) + Z where X is in service, Y refitting or repairing, and Z is under construction.

Battleships (BB):  6(0) + 0
Coastal Defence Battleships (CB):  6(0) + 0
Armored Cruisers (AC):  4(0) + 0
Protected Cruisers (PC):  20(0) + 0
Torpedo Boats (TB):  76(0) + 0
Submarines (SS):  8(0) + 0

Gunboats (GB):  16(0) + 0
River Gunboats (RGB):  34(0) + 0
Patrol Boats (PB):  46(0) + 0

Transports (AP):  13(0) + 0
Troop Ferry (APF):  2(0) + 0
Tugs, Harbour (ATH):  14(0) + 0
Tugs,  Salvage (ATS):  5(0) + 0
Colliers (AK):  6(0) + 0
Survey Ships (AS):  4(0) + 0
Hospital Ships (AH):  1(0) + 0
Yachts (AY):  1(0) + 0

The Rock Doctor

The pre-ordered material is for a pair of dreadnought-style battleships to be laid down in H2/1904.  The design is locked in at this point and the material in question (guns, VTE, fittings) is for stuff that isn't still being researched (the turbines and architecture).  So we should be good there.

Population figure for Jonglei is based on the initial estimate, minus an estimated 40,000 (mostly Nuer) civilian casualties in the war, plus 40,000 Egyptian/Sudanese immigrants coming south as part of the establishment of Ottoman rule over the territory.  These 40,000 will be coming down over the whole of the year, so a little over 100 a day.  That's practical for river steamers coming from Khartoum.

There is a deal in place to digest the naval artillery from Germany, we just need Mike to come in and confirm it.  Ditto 1902 planes, but my own tech base isn't up to dealing with that one yet.


The Rock Doctor

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on December 20, 2015, 07:50:17 AM
*Levels up*

Good to see you enjoying things :)
heh also traded with the Germans for 1902 AC, still need to find a tech partner to get 1900 art myself someday :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest