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1903 Rules Patch

Started by snip, April 22, 2015, 01:56:24 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

I check in from time to time, but until I know what the rules actually are, I can't assess the impact which hinders my ability to put together another turn.

Before taking Italy, I had looked at the ruleset and decided how to develop the economy- actually ahead due to the boost. I decided with the severe costs for researching multiple techs, I could research the oddballs and trade to stay relevant...that seems gone.

Then there was the colony aspect, which I had decided to vigorously chase but is now up in the air. Once I know what the rules are for colonies, I'll have to assess if I want to move forward under them, or go back and retcon the efforts put in that direction, or whatever.

Meanwhile I've been rather busy elsewhere, California fire season has seen me doing GIS maps for..27 days of the past 3 months, and the switch from mapping night shift to normal forestry day shift left me reeling. So the 'break' just means I haven't been behind, but interest has dulled as well. 
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Kicked my H1/03 onto the board. Should start finalizing the H2/1903 report as well though I probably should wait until we can send in the request for the end of H1/start of H2 tech rolls...
QuoteProblem for me is I have too many ideas LOL, I cant decide what is viable and what isn't... one of them has to be laid down in H2 but honestly even I am unsure which one I intend to build.
Considering that I have been focusing a lot on upgrading the Chinese Army, most of my ideas end up being Wesworld ideas... maybe I should go design some rowgunboat design... :)


I work actually on 1903H2 report.
1904H1 & H2 will be nearly identical.

Jef  ;)
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


This summer was really busy, as has the fall thus far, and it really doesn't look like its going to let up anytime soon.  As soon as I have time I'll get back to looking at my reports and where I was going with it but it'll probably another few weeks. 

The Rock Doctor

I'm still swamped, but things should ease in a few weeks.


With respect can we please have a repost of what the final rules patch agreement is.  I need rules for IC and Population transfer



I think it is, at least I think that that is what I have been looking at when I was making my reports.

The Rock Doctor

There was further discussion about the colonial revolt chances in this thread, but everything else was locked in at that point, Mike.


1. The "Research" topic in the Rules category has been updated. Refreshing rules and cost modifiers have been added. Check it out.

2. The "Ship Construction, Modification, and Upkeep" topic in the Rules category has been updated. Specifically, this section was added in the "Foreign-built ships" section:
QuoteAny foreign-built ship can be "domestified" by either one of two methods:
1. Pay a 1 time +50% cost fee for the construction of the ship at the time the ship is under construction. This ship and any other examples of its class constructed by the same nation is considered as being built to demstic standards. This only need to be done once per class of ships.

2. A Refurbishment level Refit of the ship removes the foreign-built maintenance penalty.

3. The "Naval Infrastructure" topic in the Rules category has been updated with the addition of the following section:
QuoteCanal Projects

The dirt displaced and locked used by a Canal both must be paid for.

The dirt cost is $0.25 per cubic meter / 10^6 of canal.
There must be 2 locks (a pair) per 9 meters (rounded up) of elevation change. Each lock is represented by a drydock with the capacity of ships that can pass through the lock being the same as the drydock limitation.

A canal that is 100km long, 30m wide, and 11m deep that goes through a path that is 20m higher than sea lelvel at it's highest point costs $33 in dirt and 6 locks (3 pairs). Presuming Type 3 drydocks at the lock, the locks cost a total of $126 and 18 BP. The total cost of the canal would therefore be $159 and 18 BP.

4. The "Economics" topic in the Rules category has been appended by the "Colonies" section:

For the purposes of this sim, a colony is defined as territory owned by a nation that does not possess a land connection to the capital of the nation or does not possess an unbroken connection of territorial waters, defined as the modern day 12nm limit.

An exemption to this exists for Canada and Australia as long as they are owned by the UK as a vast majority of the population are transplated homelanders.

In case a player disagrees with the colony status of a territory under the land connection and/or territorial waters limit, they should present the case with details and facts to the moderator whom will pass down an individual judgement.

Any territory taken over by a nation from another nation is also considered a colony for a period of 25 years. Any territory that changed hands before 1903H1 is grandfathered in and not considered a colony under the above definition.

Colonies have, by default, a revolt risk of 10% per half-year. This revolt risk can be reduced by transplating homelander population into the colony. When the population of homelanders and natives in the colony are equal, the revolt chance is halfed to 5% per half-year. When the homelander population within the colony has at least double the native population, the revolt chance falls to zero.

5. The "Research" topic in the Rules category has been updated by replacing the following:
QuoteTo "digest" technology that was obtained from another country, $0.5 must be spent for two half-year turns.
with this:
Quote"Digesting" technology that was obtained from another country can be done in two half-year turns for the same cost per half-year as normal research.

6/7/8/9. The "Economics" topic in the Rules category has been updated by the addition of the following in the "Population" section:
QuotePlayers may move relocate population in their own lands as they please, however, each 1 unit of POP (1 million people) will cost two times the cost of building a new IC to move. This cost does not apply to moving up to 50% of the population growth on a given turn with mod approval. Additionally, story-line-based relocation is possible with mod approval.

This cost symbolizes both the direct and indirect costs to the economy as people and properties are shuffled around. The expected break-even point is 10 years after the relocation for a profitable relocation.

The following in the "Industrial Capacity" section:
QuoteEach IC costs $10, and produces income in the half-year following it's completion. Player may also earn IC through role-play, though this is rare.
is replaced with
QuoteThe base cost of each IC is $10 and produces income in the half-year following its completion.  Player may also earn IC through role-play, though this is rare. Starting when a nation's net income reaches $50, an additonal $5 is added to the base cost per every additional $25 in income.

A nation with $49 income will pay $10 per IC. A nation with $51 income will pay $15 per IC. A nation with $76 income will pay $20 per IC.

The following in the "Revenue" section is also replaced
QuoteIn peacetime, a nation can spend no more than 50% of it's revenue on military projects or civil projects for which there is likely no immediate economic justification. The remainder may be spent on economic development projects, most typically new IC or BP. If a nation is mobilized to a war economy, this restriction is lifted. Mobilizing your economy is equivalent to nationalizing various industries and as such may be subject to an moderator-dictated malus. Such malus include losing of IC in the following sim half-year and other negative effects. In addition, Moderators may adjust this 50% limit upwards or downwards depending on special circumstances and tax/tariff concerns.
Please consult the moderators before attempting to mobilize to a war economy whilst not fighting a 'hot' war.
QuoteWartime spending is now defined as follows: In Wartime, a nation (with mod approval) may move to a wartime footing. This has the effect of increasing the cash and BP per turn by 25% per turn with a cap of 50%. The bonus is meant to simulate things such as War Bond drives and civilian factories moving into miliary production. This bonus lasts as long as the player would like or until the end of hostilities, whichever comes first. After the bonus is ended, both cash and BP production suffer a 10% penalty for double the number of turns that the nation was on a wartime footing. The penalty is meant to represent shifting assets geared for war back to peacetime production.

The bonus is 25% on the first half-year then rises to 50% on the second half-year and stays at 50% on every subsequent half-year until wartime footing is cancelled.


All the rules changes have been pushed. I will close this thread come Saturday.

The Rock Doctor

Thanks for putting that up.



Quote from: miketr on December 24, 2015, 10:04:22 AM
Quote from: The Rock Doctor on December 24, 2015, 08:38:34 AM
Thanks for putting that up.


Big Thumbs Up, now I can figure out if my H1 report is right so I can post H2
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Thanks for your time & work, Logi.

"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "