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Ottoman Empire, H1/1902

Started by The Rock Doctor, February 23, 2015, 08:41:00 AM

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The Rock Doctor

Ottoman Empire, H1/1902


RegionCapitalPopulation (M)IC   BP   $ (Pop)   $ (IC)   $ (Total)   R&D Capacity
Bahr el-Ghazal TerritoryN/A0.13400$0.01$0.00$0.01$0.00
Mesopotamia  Baghdad2.38310$0.24$2.00$2.24$0.00
AnatoliaConstantinople    11.45242$1.15$8.00$9.15$0.00
--Constantinople    N/A1.02032$0.10$3.540$3.64$1.98

Note 1:  Maghreb includes 0.061 M people added due to annexation of Barqa in 1901
Note 2:  Bahr el Ghazal currently consists of OTL south Sudan's North and Western Bahr el Ghazal and part of Warrap.

Additional Revenues:
+$5.88 from sale of 4.707 BP worth of stuff.  Added to military budget.

Status:  Mostly peace, with a bit of a dust-up in Africa.

Maximum Military Budget:  $19.22 + $5.88 = $25.10

B.  Naval Operations

Naval & Coastal Defence Maintenance:  $4.00 (~50% active; large/medium installations active; several riverboats mobilized)

Ongoing Construction:
--CP Aleppo, underway at Constantinople, receives $0.50 and 0.504 BP, completed 1/02

New Construction:
--TB T-72, laid down at Constantinople S0A, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 5/02
--TB T-73, laid down at Iskendurun S0A, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 5/02
--TB T-74, laid down at Constantinople S0B , receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 5/02
--Gunboat Acre, laid down at Iskendurun S1A, receives $0.50 and 0.499 BP, completed 5/02
--Gunboat Eilat, laid down at Constatinople S1A, receives $0.50 and 0.499 BP, completed 5/02
--RGB R-33, laid down at Alexandria S1A, receives $0.50 and 0.499 BP, completed 5/02
--Submarine S-5, laid down at Alexandria S0A, receives $0.31 and 0.250 BP, completed 5/02
--Submarine S-6, laid down at Alexandria S0B, receives $0.31 and 0.250 BP, completed 5/02

C.  Army Operations

Army Maintenance:  $2.86 (Five corps at "Active", with limited mobilization)
--2/13 Cavalry:  Nile Expedition
--5/13 Cavalry:  Nile Expedition
--4/5 Infantry:   Nile Expedition
--5/5 Infantry:  Nile Expedition

New Activities:
--Replace casualtieslosses to 4/5 Infantry:  $0.40, 0.05 BP

D.  Aeronautical Operations

Nothing to see here.

E.  Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair

Ongoing Activities:
--Nothing of note.

New Activities:
--Inland port P0 constructed at Khartoum:  $5.00, 0.500 BP

F.  Research and Development

Maximum Budget:  $4.10

--Continue 1900 Armor:  H3/?, $0.95, ongoing
--Continue 210mm/45 cal:  H3/4, $0.25, ongoing
--Continue 280mm/45 cal:  H2/4, $0.50, ongoing
--Continue 150mm/45 cal:  H2/4, $0.25, ongoing
--Commence 1902 BB/AC Architecture:  H1/?, $1.00, ongoing
--Commence 1902 Naval Propulsion:  H1/?, $1.00, ongoing

G.  Intelligence and Black Operations

Budget:  $0.20

--Generally monitoring the neighbourhood.

H.  Civlian Economic Development

--Build IC in Anatolia (Railways & Electrification):  $10.00 for $10.00 of $10.00 required, done.
--Build IC in Egypt (Railways & Electrification):  $10.00 for $10.00 of $10.00 required, done.
--Continue IC at Egypt (Little Aswan Dam & Assuit Barrage):  $0.50 for $4.50 of $10.00 requred, ongoing.
--Start IC at Egypt (Sudanese railway extensions):  $0.56 for $1.43 of $10.00 required, ongoing
--Start co-funded IC in Ethiopia (Railway to Massawa):  $0.50 for $1.00 of $5.00 required, ongoing 
--Supplies, infrastructure, and bribes/gifts to for Nile expeditions:  $0.10
--Commence establishing basic governance over Barqa:  $0.06 for $0.06 of $0.60 required, ongoing
--Commence establishing basic governance over South Sudan:  $0.13 for $0.13 of $1.30 required, ongoing

I.  Carry-overs

$ (military):  $0.00
$ (civilian):  $0.00
BP:  0.000

I.  Naval Order of Battle, End of Half

Note:  X(Y) + Z where X is in service, Y refitting or repairing, and Z is under construction.

Battleships (BB):  6(0) + 0
Coastal Defence Battleships (CB):  6(0) + 0
Armored Cruisers (AC):  4(0) + 0
Protected Cruisers (PC):  20(0) + 0
Torpedo Boats (TB):  74(0) + 0
Submarines (SS):  6(0) + 0

Gunboats (GB):  14(0) + 0
River Gunboats (RGB):  32(0) + 0
Patrol Boats (PB):  46(0) + 0

Transports (AP):  13(0) + 0
Troop Ferry (APF):  2(0) + 0
Tugs, Harbour (ATH):  14(0) + 0
Tugs,  Salvage (ATS):  5(0) + 0
Colliers (AK):  6(0) + 0
Survey Ships (AS):  4(0) + 0
Hospital Ships (AH):  1(0) + 0
Yachts (AY):  1(0) + 0

The Rock Doctor

A note on colonization:

Our approach to this varies, it seems.  What I've decided is that annexation/military conquest of a new territory means pretty much that - I can move military units around, establish martial law, and build military infrastructure there.

If I want to build civilian infrastructure, or develop the economy through settlement/IC/BP, I have to pay to establish basic civilian governance over the territory.  I'm going to budget this at $1 per million inhabitants, each half-year, for five years.  This permits the government to:

-Establish a governorship with basic bureaucracy
-Establish laws and regulations
-Survey territory
-Set up basic government services such as tax collection, road building, rudimentary health and education.
-Build essential physical infrastructure such as a few roads and maybe a small civilian pier, depending on the locale.

Until the full cash requirement is spent, and the minimum five years have passed, no "civilian" investments like IC or BP, or voluntary population transfers, are possible. 

So right now, in central Africa, the Ottomans have annexed one map area that I'll term a "Territory".  That chunk of historical South Sudan has 134,000 residents, so will cost $1.30 over five years to establish civilian governance over.  At that point, it'll cease to be a "Territory" and will become a "State" or "Governorship" or whatever that I can build IC and BP in.  Additional territories will be tracked separately, and as they also have civilian governance established, I'll add them to the "State" or "Governorship".

Much like Canada or the United States was built up historically, I suppose.

Clear as mud?

Barqa's a bit of an oddball in that I'm merging it with Maghreb, but I'll likely be done paying for it before I build enough IC in Maghreb to matter.

Kaiser Kirk

Interesting, thanks for the explanation, something to chew on.
I think there are several distinct colonial models.
You have the Brits and Dutch simply supplanting the upper class and allying with those out of power, and reaping the tax rewards for minimal effort. But that requires a fairly well established fuedal society to mooch off of.
you have the slave driving version of Belgian congo, or earlier Spanish America, which works fine until existing wealth is transported.
Then you have the extra population - US/Australian/Argentina/etc which can be very successful, but have a slow start.
I know I have a brookings institute report that concluded that by WWII, Japan's colonies had been a net economic drain, but valued for political reasons.
Me, I'm going to Emulate the US and Aussies.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

Yeah, there's a few options.

Much of the population in this region is nomadic, so either the Ottomans leave them that way (in which case, it'll be difficult to develop non-agricultural industry without bringing in settlers) or they start to settle the locals.  The latter scenario maybe results in the kind of rancher versus farmer land-use conflict we saw in the western USA.

That's a benefit of my five year moratorium on development - it gives me a little while to figure out what the heck the Ottomans' approach will be.

Kaiser Kirk

I already sent the mods a head's up on the Italian approach.
Now scripting and budgeting it is the issue :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest