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Kingdom of Italia, 1902

Started by Kaiser Kirk, January 30, 2015, 05:25:25 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Budget of the Kingdom of Italy,

HY 1, 1902

Budget Tab
Population growth occurs.
Venetia gets the additional IC built in 1901/2, boosting research to 2.89
This allows Mr. Cuniberti's ideas to be persued with 1902 All-big-gun tech research.

Berebera and Nysa are added to the Province list as placeholders.

The final Slovenian relocation funds are spent. See 1901/H2 news.

Funds are expended to finance geographers, engineers, doctors, botantists, agriculturalists and explorers in the new African possession of Nysa and Berbera.
Funds are expended to prepare facilities in friendly ports to support exploration in Nysa

An IC is built in Friuli
Pursuant to the Treaty, an IC is started in Zanzibar.

Naval Construction Tab
Six Lancieri class Destroyers are laid down. Essentially Lampo Class with 90mm guns rather than 75mm.

A single submarine, a 75ton vessel, is built so that the fleet has something to experiment with.

The Partenope class brigs, troop transport and hospital ship are all overhauled. In late HY1, one of the courier brigs will replace the Minerva, allowing it to be overhauled as well.

With the advent of the 180mm and 90mm guns, the 16% complete Regina Margherita Class must be modified. They are still a couple years from completion, so just the 20% cost is paid just to modify the hull built so far, to reflect design and contract changes. 194mm->180mm, 76.2mm->90mm

Naval Maintenance
Ony one Marco Polo appears, reflecting the other being delivered to Zanzibar. 

The 4 Guiseppi Garibaldis are added to the active fleet.

Four of the brigs are dispatched to africa, and the Pasquale di Paoli is activated and makes repeated runs to Africa, bringing explorers and 2 Marine Regiments – 1 to Berbera, 1 to Zanzibar/Nysa.

With the change in unit purchasing, the XII Reserve Division which was started earlier is converted to just two brigades – a Kustenland brigade to guard the new border, and a Trieste Brigade. Both are drawn from the locals, allowing local troops, not "occupiers" to be present. This will also allow the Bersagliari to return to normal quarters.

Brigades of Infantry for Warsangali and Zanzibar are started, as are a Cavalry and Marine regiment respectively.

Planning for the African Legions starts, but active training will be HY2.

New 4.7" guns using Italian ammunition for the former Austrian positions at Trieste were paid for in 1901/H2, and are now reflected in the list.

Battleships (BB): 10 (0) + 2
Monitors :  (CB): 2 (0) + 0
Armored Cruisers (AC): 7 (0) + 0
Protected Cruisers (PC): 7 (0) + 0
Unprotected Cruisers (SC) : 8 (0) + 0
Destroyers (DD) : 6(0) + 6
Torpedo Boats (TB): 112(0) + 0
Submarines (SS): 0 (0) + 1

Collier/Tender (CT): 1 (0) + 0
Hospital Ships (Hos): 1 (0) + 0
Transports (TT): 1 (0) + 0
Tugs, Harbour (Tug): 4 (0) + 0
Tugs, Fleet (TugF): 2 (0) + 0
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest