Anyone been folowing the new gun law in California?

Started by Tanthalas, February 22, 2015, 08:21:51 AM

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While I agree with the Idea (making toy guns obviously toys), their bright idea to make them bright Colors sort of misses the Mark... The idea was obviously the brainchild of someone who didn't know much about firearms, Since I personaly own a Bright Red HK USP, and there is still a Damn Hot Pink AR in my Gun Safe (what the Ex didnt take it and I still havn't never got around to selling it).

While I realise most (if not all of yall) Don't care, I just needed to Rant a bit.
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Sounds like a typical 'I need to come up with something that might look like a good idea' from that person. It surprises me that that person did not come with the idea of "Let us make sure the exhaust of the car is sealed shut so it can no longer emit any gasses that are bad for the environment."

The obvious thing to do is to either ban real guns (so you know everything would be toy guns) or ban toy guns (so you know everything would be real guns). What's even better is to just scrap the 2nd Amendment (because if what I have read about it is true, in today's world it's useless anyway) and ban the NRA together with the guns that they represent.


While I dont agree that it would be a good idea (seriously I live in Wyoming FFS I like guns) Scraping the Second would require a Constitutional Convention most likley, and Neither side of the debate wants to risk opening that can of worms. 

Now I am not some Survivalist nut by any streach of the imagination, infact I dont think most people need a gun (even if I do have a CCP Honestly I wouldnt trust most of the general population with a fire arm behind me).
Quote from: Walter on February 22, 2015, 09:43:28 AM
Sounds like a typical 'I need to come up with something that might look like a good idea' from that person. It surprises me that that person did not come with the idea of "Let us make sure the exhaust of the car is sealed shut so it can no longer emit any gasses that are bad for the environment."

The obvious thing to do is to either ban real guns (so you know everything would be toy guns) or ban toy guns (so you know everything would be real guns). What's even better is to just scrap the 2nd Amendment (because if what I have read about it is true, in today's world it's useless anyway) and ban the NRA together with the guns that they represent.
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


In terms of public discourse, the 2nd Amendment has been diluted to meaninglessness. It was originally intended to protect the right of folks to own their own ships-of-line, artillery pieces, etc - not simply firearms.

If we scaled these protections to the modern era, it would be the equivalent of saying every individual in the US has the right to own and operate without interference from the government:
1) Attack helicopters
2) Missile defense systems
3) Main battle tanks
4) Destroyers, frigates, submarines, etc.

Obviously owning such things privately is illegal these days, so the core point of the 2nd Amendment has been gutted to death anyways. The controversy over personal firearms these days is practically meaningless since the amendment is already dead in all but name.

Kaiser Kirk

General - I think the law probaly has it's root in an event about 110 miles from me, where a hispanic 13 year old kid with an AK-47 tip removed, had a couple sheriffs deputies roar up, jump out and yell at him to drop it/freeze...something. He then supposedly turned and somewhat brought the weapon up. Irate community resulted.
No one (or few) disputes it was missing the tip
No one disputes it looked a great deal like an AK-47
I haven't seen claims the officers didn't yell at him, or that he couldn't didn't turn and raise the barrel....
The partisans reject responsibility for the missing tip.
But folks are still pissed that a 13 year old got killed and think something else should have happened.

So the colored gun thing is I expect a reaction to that.

Me, I'm pissed at the proposed law to make adults wear bike helmets or pay a $25 fine. Really? Nothing better to do?

Logi - I think the Swiss system, where each able bodied male was required to keep an Assault Rifle and 2 clips of ammunition is a more reasonable fit for a modern day minuteman.
The "Well Regulated" part can more easily be construed to limit crew served weapons. The National Guard and the State Militias get entrusted with those. As those are considered to be under the State not the Feds, despite the funding stream and potential federalisation.  Though I expect if the states rejected Fed money, there's no reason they couldn't fund them 'in house'.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Hadn't seen the one about Bike Helmets, Here in Wyoming we still dont have to wear Motorcycle Helmets (admitedly not wearing one is stupid but hey Darwin still works), and Yeah I read somthing about a kid getting shot.  My whole point was it will actualy make the cops IMHO less safe.

As to the Swiss System (or Israeli for that matter), it works because of another hot button topic the Draft, which is Ironicly even with my Military service somthing I am hugely in favor of.  If handled properly it would be a great benifit to the US Military, unfortunatly not since WW2 has the US handled it "properly" (when it was active that is).

as to the right to keep and bear arms, well uhm I could likley qualify for a Destructive Device tag on my FFL (you have to have both to own say an artillery peice) but with my existing License (Federal as Wyoming has no gun registration laws) I can own literaly anything 50 cal or smaller (as in .50 BMG and down)... the Gibest problem with Machine guns for example is actualy finding one for sale (since Ownership is not illegal the Sale of new ones to Civilians is), the existing ones that might be for sale are all just a bit out of my price range (but god would I like to own a minigun no clue what I would use it for but DAMN).
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War

Kaiser Kirk

I'm in NW California in a small town that has a long history of Logging & Fishing and so has lots of hunters and gun enthusiasts.
So one day, a coworker was the proud recipient of a ?danish army? M1 Garand and the various coworkers gathered round to admire it, and several went and fetched their guns from their trucks, and it occurred to me, that in San Francisco, the reaction to a coworker getting a rifle in the mail would probably *not* be the same.
That same coworker has a couple times lamented that he's had to send his best toys to his brother in Oregon. Enjoy Wyoming :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest