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Kingdom of Italy, H1, 1901

Started by Kaiser Kirk, December 02, 2014, 09:31:02 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Budget of the Kingdom of Italy,
Edit : Moved the Marco Polo class from reserve to Active for their African sojurn.  Reduces my Mil $ carryover to H2 to 0.22.

the 800,000 people of SudTirol are added to the Tirol province.

The old Veneto province is split into two parts. The western is Venice and her immediate surroundings.

The second is the Friuli province, with it's traditional Capital of Udine and 1.228 million people.   Added to that is the former Austrian province of Kustenland and the "Crown City of Trieste" (0.4167million, of which ~0.2 live in Trieste) as well as the 50,000 folks of western Carinola.

Sicily begins to use her new IP.

Civilian Funds
Funds are allocated to fund an IP in Sardinia.  Monies are allocated for engineers to survey in Friuli, Udine and Tuscany to prepare for building IPs there (all part of the $10 they cost).

$ 0.47 is allocated for relocation funds, designed to assist those former inhabitants of the AustrioHungarian Empire that either wish to leave Italian lands, or – given ancestral or ethnic links, move to Italian lands. This brings the total amount spent on this effort to $0.83.

$1 is set aside for expenditure in negotiations for African Port & land rights.

Research continues on the 180mm and 90mm guns.
Research concluded on absorbing Submarines, Army Reserves, and Light Cruiser Arch,
Research starts on 1905 Engine technology (1902).

Construction continues on the 4 Guiseppi Garibaldi class and the 2 Regina Margherita class.

Overhauls are performed on two Umbria class and the Carbonia collier/tender. These vessels have been picked for the African mission, and are repainted and maintenance performed prior to the journey.

With the new reserve tech, the III and IV divisions are transferred to Reserve Status.
A new division begins raising in the new province of Friuli.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

Good summary.

Your African venture should be interesting to watch.

Kaiser Kirk

I decided a synopsis might be useful for folks to get a feel for what I'm doing.
I did goof though, as I changed my mind decided to overhaul the two Marco Polo class instead of the Umbrias. I bet if I check I have 2 Umbrias active and not the 2 Marco Polos, which I can fix this evening.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

You know, looking at the two formats, I think I like my last synopsis better and will revert that that format in the future.

Budget Summary
HY 2 1901

1. - Trieste – The naval facilities are now known and included in the dockyard list under construction.  The '2x <5" ' coastal batteries are now under fortification as Skoda 4.7/50 (an OTL weapon in that range). As upkeep (0.003 ea.) on those was not paid in HY2/00 or HY1/01, the funds (0.01) are deducted from what was spent on the floating dock- which is where I put excess military funds anyhow. As 12x4.7" =96 tons, $0.1/0.1 is expended swapping to Italian guns under naval const. 
2. An IC is built for Venetia, reflecting accellerated efforts to improve that area's infrastruture, in part to take the sting out of having their province halved, especially as the Friuli province is basically old venetian republic lands. Funds for survey & engineering crews (0.25) are put into other provinces. Kustenland is nearly the poorest region, but as the new lands are less well known, effective investment there will take continued preplanning. The richest province continues to receive funds, indicating politics lives.
3. Relocation funds continue to aid Slovenes or others that wish to relocate, and help support sorting things out.
4. African Exploration funds – these vanish in the ether. They reflect funds going to merchants for information and detours, funds used or given as gifts to Sultans, funds going into survey teams in new locations.
5. The two new guns are finished research. The light 90mm which will be the main destroyer level armanent, and the beefy 180mm which will be the largest handloaded gun, and replace the 194mm in service... once I get to refits.
6. Garibaldi Class – the 4 Armored Cruisers of the Garibaldi class complete. Large, fast and well armed, many in the Italian Navy consider them a better use of funds than the 2nd Class Battleships of the St. Bon class.
7. The 12th Reserve Divisions continues to muster, but funds are diverted to train and equip soldiers for African Sultanates. The exact allocation of funds may require future revision when the Mods have time to finalize the deals.
8. Aviation. Initial reports of flying pigs have been corrected to drunken soldiers with a homebuilt catapult and a suspiciously empty pigpen.
9. No African territories are listed yet as that story is still unwinding.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest