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Ottoman Empire, H2/1900

Started by The Rock Doctor, September 21, 2014, 07:16:27 AM

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The Rock Doctor

Ottoman Empire, H2/1900


RegionCapitalPopulation (M)IC   BP   $ (Pop)   $ (IC)   $ (Total)   R&D Capacity
Mesopotamia  Baghdad2.26810$0.23$2.00$2.23$0.00
AnatoliaConstantinople    10.90032$1.09$6.00$7.09$0.00
--Constantinople    N/A1.00022$0.10$3.00$3.10$1.00

Additional Revenues:

Status:  Peace, but an anxious one.

Maximum Military Budget:  $15.88

B.  Naval Operations

Naval & Coastal Defence Maintenance:  $3.70 (~50% active; large/medium installations active)

Ongoing Construction:
--BB Abdulaziz, free-floating at Iskendurun, receives $2.87 and 2.871 BP, completed 12/00

New Construction:
--CP Baghdad, laid down at Constantinople S1A, receives $1.50 and 1.50 BP, to complete 1/01
--CP Basra, laid down at Iskendurun S1A, receives $1.50 and 1.50 BP, to complete 1/01
--TB T-60, laid down at Constantinople S0A, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 11/00
--TB T-61, laid down at Iskendurun S0A, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 11/00
--SS S-1, laid down at Alexandria S0A, receives $0.16 and 0.125 BP, completed 11/00
--SS S-2, laid down at Alexandria S0B, receives $0.16 and 0.125 BP, completed 11/00
--RGB R-24, laid down at Belgrad S0, receives $0.43 and 0.431 BP, completed 11/00

C.  Army Operations

Army Maintenance:  $2.40 (Five corps at "Active")

New Activities:
--Nothing of note.

D.  Aeronautical Operations

Nothing to see here.

E.  Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair

Ongoing Activities:
--Nothing of note.

New Activities:
--Nothing of note.

F.  Research and Development

Maximum Budget:  $1.00

--Digest 1900 Mine Warfare (From Great Britain):  H1/2, $0.50
--Digest 1900 Reserves (From Germany):  H1/2, $0.50

G.  Intelligence and Black Operations

Budget:  $0.20

--Monitoring central Europe

H.  Civlian Economic Development

--Build IC in Constantinople (Expand University of Constantinople):  $10.00 for $10.00 of $10.00 required, done.
--Complete IC at Cairo (University of Cairo):  $6.12 for $10.00 of  $10.00 required, done.
--Continue IC at Egypt (Little Aswan Dam & Assuit Barrage):  $0.68 for $1.68 of $10.00 requred, ongoing.

I.  Carry-overs

$ (military):  $0.00
$ (civilian):  $0.00
BP:  1.495

I.  Naval Order of Battle, End of Half

Note:  X(Y) +  Z where X is in service, Y refitting or repairing, and Z is under construction.

Battleships:  6(0) + 0
Coastal Defence Battleships:  6(0) + 0
Armored Cruisers:  4(0) + 0
Protected Cruisers:  17(0) + 2
Torpedo Boats:  61(0) + 0
Submarines:  2(0) + 0

Gunboats:  10(0) + 0
River Gunboats:  24(0) + 0
Patrol Boats:  46(0) + 0

Transports:  13(0) + 0
Tugs, Harbour:  14(0) + 0
Tugs,  Salvage:   5(0) + 0
Colliers:  6(0) + 0
Survey Ships:  4(0) + 0
Hospital Ships:  1(0) + 0
Yachts:  1(0) + 0