The Conference of Constantinople, July 1900

Started by The Rock Doctor, September 22, 2014, 08:09:07 AM

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Count Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal stands again and asks for a brief recess.  The Austrian, German and Italians go into a room.  A few minutes later messages are sent out to be telegraphed to Berlin, Rome and Vienna.   Before any reply could be received the delegations return and the conference is resumed.

The look on Hapsburg Counts face is clearly unhappy as he begins to speak.

"As my Russian colleague wishes to put things, it is time to cut to the chase.  In whatever way Russia chooses to cloak its sending of troops into Hungary this act leaves but two choices if Russia is unwilling to remove its troops.  These choices are General War to eject Russian troops or accept there dissolution of Austria Hungary.  I wish to say for posterity that the German Empire and the Kingdom of Italy have provided all support required of an Ally.  Both governments have made clear that they were and still are prepared to wage war against the Russian Empire and the rebels."  The diplomat stops, takes a breath before continuing, "The Emperor and King, Franz Ferdinand I, after consulting with his ministers has decided that plunging Europe into General War is too high of a price to pay to maintain the Dual Monarchy.  Therefore the Dual Monarchy of Austria Hungary will be no more.  As Ambassador Kapnist has noted the most logical and reasonable move is for Austria to seek unification with the rest of the German People*.  Later today a bill will be presented to the Imperial Council of Austria.  The purpose of this bill is to authorize the unification of Austria with the other Germans inside of the German Empire."

The Hapsburg diplomat takes his seat.

The German Chancellor stands, "As soon as the Austrian Imperial Council passes the necessary legislation the German Reichstag will have its own vote to cover the annexation of the ENTIRE Austrian half of the dual monarchy into the German Empire.  There are other matters to consider such as the matter of German majority districts in Hungary, it is the intention Berlin to not leave these Germans inside of a hostile Hungary.  It is the intention of Germany to annex this area known as Burgenland to the Reich.  Also the German Empire had no desire to include Italians within Germany and will cede to the Kingdom of Italy certain districts.  There are other matters to discuss and I wish to return to them but only after others have had a chance to speak.

Von der Gorltz returns to his seat.

*Term used is VOLK and carries a deeper meaning in German.  The English cognate of VOLK is FOLK and today mostly often used for 'common people.'  In the distant past it could also be used as TRIBE and that older meaning is the better one for the German word, a people, tribe, a nation. 

Kaiser Kirk

Undersecretary Tittoni consults with his colleagues, and then

Our Russian colleague appears to have rapidly exhausted his flimsy excuses for involvement. I confess puzzled that the logical extension of his claims are that the next time portions of the Russian Empire revolt, all they need do is ask for foreign assistance and another nation may come to their assistance and as a reward claim that little corner of the Empire, and the Czar will be understanding. A fascinating precedent indeed.

The Kingdom of Italy entered this struggle in aid of an old Ally.  That ally was faced with revolt by those resistant to fair treatment of all citizens of that Ally.  The Avars have oppressed their neighbors since the times of Charlemagne, and wished to continue that ancient privilege.
The Kingdom of Italy remains committed to the preservation of Austria-Hungary if possible, and the King has ordered the army to prepare for mobilization should force of arms be required.

In the event that preservation of the Austrian Hungarian Empire proves elusive, which the German Chancellor seems to conclusively evidence,  other avenues of resolution must be explored. The Kingdom of Italy supports the right of a people to band together in one nation, a goal we ourselves only achieved 30 years ago.

To forestall claims that this is all the Huns were doing, I remind the conference of the considerable independence they enjoyed, effectively only sublimating foreign matters to the joint Empire. However, we shall not go so far as to suggest that elder Kingdom be torn to shreds and awarded to new overlords. We shall however, request that it be shorn of all lands lacking a clear majority of Hungarians. That would include the northern regions dominated by Slavs, and the eastern dominated by Romanians.

<pauses for a drink of wine>

We recognize that the loss of the Hungarian half of the Empire is a severe blow to the Austrians, and that the consideration of a union with their Germanic cousins has been suggested in some quarters.
After all, what would be more natural than to seek prosperity and security in union with their kinsmen?

<pointing to a map in front of him>

However, the Austrian Hungarian Empire was one of many peoples, of many backgrounds, many of who were not German or Hungarian.  We therefore propose that the Czech core of Bohemia, shorn of the mountains with their Germanic colonists, be combined with Moravia and the Slovak regions of northern Hungary   This would create an independent Slavic kingdom, strong enough to resist the diminished Hungarians, – a rebirth of Greater Moravia if you would.

As our Russian colleague correctly alleged, the Kingdom of Italy does desire to incorporate areas with those of Italian ancestry notably the district of Trentino, and the Austrian Littoral. To guard Trieste'ss approaches, we propose the eastern boundary to be the Sava Hills beyond the river Sava*.

That leaves the rump of Carniola, Stryria and the lands around Olsnitz** , who are kin to to the Croats to the South, and possess German and Hungarian minorities. This region shall not be strong enough to stand alone, and so we propose, subject to promises of autonomy from the Ottomans, that these peoples be reunited with their southern brethren.

* That border would be east of Ljubljana and so would incorporate roughly half of the slovene lands, and also the german colonial areas.
**currently Murska Sobata
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


OOC Waiting on a reply of the mods to a question sent to them.

The Rock Doctor

OOC:  I have a family emergency to deal with.  Long story short, the Ottomans point to existing measures of autonomy for minorities and say they'd extend the same to any lands the international community chooses to place under their administration.


Count Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal stands, "With all do respect to the representative of my nations ally it would not be... 'prudent'... to place these Christian lands under rule of the Sultan."

From the tone of the counts voice its fairly clear that he holding back his thoughts in response to the Italian Statement.

The German Chancellor stands next, "Assuming that Austria votes for annexation to Germany and restating that Germany has no desire for Italians and so an agreement can be worked out with respect to a new border.  If Italy has no desire for the southern part of Styria then perhaps it should remain as part of Styria and the rest of Austria.  As to the idea of a Czech Slovak state perhaps we should wait and see results of votes in Vienna and Berlin in the two Parliaments.  I would also like to hear the views of Russia on this idea of a Czech-Slovak State.  Please note I am not saying that Germany is for or against this idea other than to say the Bohemia and Moravia have been part of the German Nation, German Confederation and the Holy Roman Empire before it since the Middle Ages and so there is a clear historic claim to the region of Bohemia and Moravia."   

The Rock Doctor

Minister Efendi's eyebrows rose, and his aides scribbled furiously as the Count spoke, but the Ottoman delegation did not seek the floor once their German counterpart had spoken.

Kaiser Kirk

Undersecretary Tittoni confers with his colleagues, listens to the Admiral, and makes notes. Motioning for the floor, he rises and speaks.

Esteemed colleagues.

We have full faith that the results of the votes will mean at long last the German people will be reunited.
We also meant in no way to disparage the legacy of the Holy Roman Empire and the Hapsburg historic right to the Bohemian crown. However, on this historic event, with the crumbling of an Ancient Regime due to internal tensions brought about by the disparate nationalities of it's subject peoples, we felt such matters worthy of consideration. In particular the truculence of the Czechs and the troubles in past months related to the slovak peoples led my Kingdom to broach the issue for consideration and debate.

In the event this council does not believe that our proposal has the necessary vitality to sustain an independent nation, we feel the most appropriate course of action would be to leave them under the Hapsburg Crown as part of Germany, including the Slovak areas in northern Hungary currently occupied by the Russians.

As for eastern Carinola and southern Styria, given the Ottoman reforms of 1877, we have a lesser concern regarding the proper respect for Orthodox and Catholic religions. While the Bosnian area has long been forced to accept the Muslim sword, the Serbs, Croatas and Herzogovinians have been allowed to maintain their faiths.*

If our fellow council members are unwilling to accept this proposal, we welcome the German option, but also my Kingdom is willing to accept responsibility for these slovene lands in order to maintain their continuity with their kinsmen.

The good Admiral, mindful of the effects of trade on regions vitality, has suggested that the Kingdom of Italy proffer a guarantee that for the next twenty years, Import/Export duties at the Port of Trieste shall be 1%, and that goods traversing these new Italian borders from origins in former regions of Austria-Hungary will be subject to no more than a 1% duty. This miniscule 2% total duty on trade should ensure that the economic recovery and transition of the former Imperial lands can occur with minimal disruption, and hopefully peace and prosperity will follow.

*Based on what Rocky put in the butterfly tracking thread, and an 1877 map of the religions/ethnicity of the Ottoman Empire.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


OOC I can't see the Austrians being in favor of any territory going to the Turks with the history of the two states; lots of blood spilled last few centuries and the Turk come back has to be a bitter bill with A-H being the state to shatter first.

OOC2 Germany is waiting on a response from Russia in particular but also to see if ANY other great power speaks up.  Right now the way things stand only the Italians are supporting the idea of Czech state and their support somewhat lukewarm.  If no one speaks up moderate Czechs are going to see the way the wind is blowing; 6 million Czechs aren't going to revolt vs. over 60 million Germans.   

Kaiser Kirk

OOC - I concur, a pause for folks to take care of RL and chime in if so desired is good. Esp as the Italian alternative to an indep Czech state included giving russian-occupied Slovakia to Germany.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


British Embassy
Brodrick looks at his compatriots, "so what do you think?" Sir William looks back at him, "I really don't like how this is turning out, we either need to support the dissolution of an empire through occupation by foreign troops, or we must support a nationalist state.  Nether of which bodes well for the Empire".  Baron James starts writing a memo to Salisbury, "I think this requires some additional thought at a higher level."


Kapnist rises and motions for a recess.


Through the back-channel the Russians let it be known that they will not assent to the Slovaks coming under the rule of the German Empire. If the most sensible way to accomplish that goal is to bond them to the Czechs in one nation, so be it, but the Russians would prefer the creation of 3 states: A Czech state, a Slovak state, and a Hungarian state.


The key German members meet with Italy and Austrian representatives.

At the same time in a side room a member of the German Delegation meets with a member of the Russian Delegation.

Germany has no objection to the Hungarians keeping the Slovaks and is frankly worried by the entire line of logic that its ally Italy has embarked upon with this desire for all ethnic groups of the former Hapsburg state having their own little nations.  The Germans submit to the Russians that is not something in the interest of either nation.  Note all of the minorities in both states, Poles for example that Germany and Russia share. 

On the status of the Czechs the German States that preceded the German Empire IE the German Confederation and Holy Roman Empire both contained the entire lands of Bohemia and Moravia.  As such Berlin views that if Austria is to join Germany than so should the Czechs. 

If Russia is prepared to agree to German Annexation of Czech Lands then Germany will agree to Hungary keeping the Slovaks lands.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: miketr on September 29, 2014, 03:07:05 PM
The key German members meet with Italy and Austrian representatives.

At the same time in a side room a member of the German Delegation meets with a member of the Russian Delegation.

From the content I'm guessing that what what the German delegation to the Russians said.

Otherwise I expect when Rocky has a chance he can chime in, and then we can all proceed.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest



Also would like to see if Guinness has a response to the German offer, accept, reject, counter offer, etc.

The Rock Doctor

During the course of the recess, the Ottomans indicate that they are agreeable with the notion of Italy taking responsibility for the entirety of Slovenia.

The Ottomans also appear to favor a retention of Slovakia by Hungary at this moment.