The Conference of Constantinople, July 1900

Started by The Rock Doctor, September 22, 2014, 08:09:07 AM

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The Rock Doctor

Though Sultan Murad V lived in Ciragan Palace, the Conference of Constantinople took place at Dolmabahce Palace, located more centrally between Cirigan and the Cadde-i-Kebir along which most major embassies were located.

Dolmabahce lay along the Bosporous, looking southeast towards Uskudar and the Asian continent.  Build by the order of the current sultan's father, Abdulmecid I, between 1843 and 1856, the compound was lavishly adorned with marble, alabaster, and porphyry, illuminated with the world's largest collection of crystal chandeliers, and decorated with fourteen tonnes of gold-leaf gilding. 

"Honored guests," Murad V said to the assembled representatives of the world's major powers, "This palace consumed one quarter of the Ottoman Empire's annual budget.  It contributed heavily to the financial troubles that plagued the empire through the middle of this past century.  When I am here, I am reminded of the need to learn from the past and to avoid repeating mistakes already made.

"This outlook informs who I am, and what I have done.  I have discontinued the calamitous practice of erecting enormous palaces for my own benefit; I have reformed the empire along more democractic lines; I have pushed for a more inclusive society in which Muslims and non-Muslims prosper side by side.

"It is also important to learn from the past when considering modern diplomacy.  How many times has Europe trembled as the passing of a king or the sundering of a kingdom triggered forceful reactions by their allies, neighbours, and rivals?  How many millions were displaced, injured, or slain in the wars that followed? 

"So it has come as no surprise that the previously internal conflict in Austria-Hungary has escalated to an international affair.   It has already drawn in Germany, Italy, and Russia because of their historical and familial interests; who else may be caught up in the current - my government?  Rumania?  Allies of the current combattants, such as France?  Perhaps even the isolated British, should the conflict transform into a war for European domination?

"I put to you that nobody will win such a war; oh, borders may change, but rivers of blood will be spilt and treasuries emptied to move the markers.  So let us ensure that such a war is not fought in the first place.  Today, let us speak together as gentlemen, recognizing that a dire situation exists and that we have the power to resolve it peacefully.  It is no less than our duty to God and to our peoples that we do so.  Thank you."

Murad V bowed to the gathered dignitaries and departed, his retinue gathered around him as he retired to an office elsewhere in the palace. 

The Minister of State for the Ottoman Empire rose and said, "Gentlemen, colleagues, friends:  I am Sefik Efendi, and I will be facilitating this conference on behalf of his excellency Murad V..."


Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz, Reich Chancellor and  Bernhard von Bülow the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs are to represent the German Empire.


OOC Administrivia questions:

When is this conference kicking off?

Has there been a negotiated cease-fire ahead of time?


The Romanian diplomatic minister shuffles into the room. He is clearly a very nervous man.

OOC Note: I will be mod-puppeting Romania with regards to this conference.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon

The Rock Doctor

Quote from: Guinness on September 22, 2014, 08:39:54 AM
OOC Administrivia questions:

When is this conference kicking off?

Has there been a negotiated cease-fire ahead of time?

OOC:  Maybe I got a bit ahead of things.  I'm thinking train/ship travel should allow for ~July 15.

As for ceasefires in place - I'll have to defer to you guys on that.

Kaiser Kirk

The Italian representatives arrive in Constantinople on the protected cruiser Pollux.

With the Foreign Minister committed to the Hague conference*, the Undersecretary of Foreign affairs, Tommaso Tittoni, will lead the Italian delegation. Mr. Tittoni will be advised by Prince Tommaso of Savoy, Duke of Genoa. As military advisors, Lt. General Antonio Baldissera and Vice Admiral Aubry accompany them. 

*ooc: for the Italians it's only ~4 days from Rome, so the 8th works, and I picked these folks based on that. I guess they could already be in route when it's postponed for the slow pokes. And in case it was missed, yes hasty cease fire. 
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


For Russia: Pyotr Alekseyevich Kapnist, Ambassador to Vienna will be in attendance, joined by Count Alexander Petrovich Izvolsky, who is currently without portfolio, but is of higher influence within the court.


For Austria* Count Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal, Foreign Minister

*The count claims to represent Austria-Hungary but reality is of course something else.


The German Empire thanks the Sultan for calling for and hosting these talks.  "The position of the German Empire is that Austria-Hungary is a single nation and that Russia is an interloper.  If the Poles of Congress Poland revolt against the Tsar will it be acceptable for Germany to send troops across the border?  The Hungarians have risen in revolt against their rightful ruler over political differences and they made no attempt to resolve these differences other than through Force of Arms.  So be it if the Hungarians want to live by the sword then they can accept the results of the battlefield; Hapsburg troops stand at the gates of Budapest."

Bernhard von Bülow sits down.

Count Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal, Foreign Minister stands, "I wish to thank Germany and Italy for their support in these tragic events.  I will also say that at no point has the government of the Dual Monarchy requested Russian troops to enter into Hungary.  I also echo the demand of Germany that Russia should leave at once. "
The count returns to his seat.


Kapnist rises.

The comparison that my esteemed counterpart from Germany, the Count makes is, of course, fallacious. First of all, Russia has not invaded Germany, as in his comparison. Rather Russia has entered Hungary to assure it's lawful sovereignty, independent if need be of the Austrian half of the Dual Monarchy. I assure the Count that had Germany invaded Congress Poland, war would be most assured.

There should not be war here though. The Austrians and their German cousins should instead heed to the rule of their own laws and traditions. Hungary has refused to persist under Habsburg Imperial rule. Only after Germany and Italy return to their own borders will Russia remove it's troops from Hungary, provided that the sovereignty of Hungary and the protection of the Slovak peoples are guaranteed.


I take it that none of the other European Powers have decided to attend?



I considerd it, but I can't see why the Dutch would bother.  The whole situation is to their line of thinking a long ways away, and anything which ties the Germans down is proly a good thing from our perspective.

Quote from: miketr on September 23, 2014, 11:40:32 AM
I take it that none of the other European Powers have decided to attend?

"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


The United Kingdom is sending several members of the government to "observe and advise" the proceedings.  The United Kingdom is currently not exercising its voice but reserves that right. 

Members of the party are as follows:
Henry James, 1st Baron James of Hereford (Baron James of Hereford)
Sir William Walrond, Bt
St. John Brodrick

Kaiser Kirk

Undersecretary of Foreign affairs, Tommaso Tittoni takes the floor :

"Esteemed Gentlemen,

If you forgive me, let us revisit the terms of the Austrio-Hungarian compromise of 1867.  The terms vest common Ministers in Vienna with the portfolios of Defense and Foreign Affairs. Further, the Emperor-King was granted the right of preliminary assent to bills of the national diets. The ministers did not invite the Russians, the Emperor-King was denied his right. The Hungarian Diet had no standing to issue an invitation to the Russians.

While I believe we all received the Russian proclamation claiming they  <refers to notes> "has come to the aid of those loyal to the rightful claimants". However, the identity of those "rightful claimants" remains a bit of a mystery to my government.  Furthermore, while the Russian proclamation of June 29th may constitute a singular recognition of the Hungarian Diet, Russian troops had already entered the territory of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire prior to that formal recognition, and so can not pretend to be answering a legitimate call. Further, no other nation has formally recognized* the standing of the Hungarians.

The Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary, the individual entrusted with Hungary's foreign policy by the 1867 compromise, has formally requested the Russians depart, the Kingdom of Italy stands in support of our ally. "

*unless I missed it, think I'm up to date there.
of course, I could have just had the minister stamp his feet, point at the Russians and say 'they are big meanies!'
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Kapnist scribbled a long note on a sheet of paper, handed it to an aid, then sat back in his chair and took a long time contemplating the faces of the Austrian, German, and Italian representatives. Then he sat forward and folded his hands.

"Gentlemen, we are all diplomats here. I assume we were all sent here to find a solution to this problem that does not involve further bloodshed?"

He sat back again, measuring his next words. The aid to whom he handed the note leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

"Representatives of the Hungarian Diet have made clear to us that they no longer see the dual monarchy as tenable. It seems obvious to me that the German Empire would prefer Austria to join His Majesty Emperor Wilhelm II's dominion. I expect that you, Mr. Tittoni, have instructions to assure that the Italian speaking areas of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire come under your King's dominion."

The aid leaned in to whisper again, but Kapnist waved him away.

"Gentleman, I suspect we can spare ourselves much time and effort if I cut to the chase. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is no more. It can no longer stand. Events have already decided that. What is left is to shape the map after that fact. Russia proposes this: Austria, should it be its will, can join Germany. If it is the will of certain divisions of the former Empire to join with their Italian speaking brothers, so be it. Russia, being the mother nation of all the Slavs, should take Slovakia under its wing in personal union with Emperor Nicholas II. Hungary will stand on it's own under its own King."

"Who rules Austria, and under what arrangement with the Kaiser, matters not to Russia. If this arrangement is agreed to, and if German, Italy, and Austria also agree to withdraw their troops from Hungary, so will the Russians."