The Conference of Constantinople, July 1900

Started by The Rock Doctor, September 22, 2014, 08:09:07 AM

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More OOC: I'm sorry, as I realize I've probably not be explicit about this in-character, other than, you know, invading Hungary at least. The Russians' intent was to install a government in Hungary it could ally with. Any enemy of the Ottomans is likely to be a friend of Russia. ;-) The question for me is whether the Germans would stomach that immediately.


OOC Mike as the player wants this wrapped up and at this point I really don't care as long as I get the two deal breaker items.  Germany is another matter but again this has taken too long.

If you wanted alliance with Hungary I would have done that in exchange for annexation of the Czech lands.  I am sure the crass realpolitik would have disgusted everyone else in character.

There is a long history of secret alliances so I suggest that before the ink is dry on this treaty Russia offer such to Hungary.  If its public I would have to protest but to what effect not sure.

For other people where are we at in terms of deal breaker items that voids a deal?  Assume that Germany backs down on the no army for the Czechs.  Other than that do we have a deal?

The Rock Doctor


Ottomans - Yes
Germany - Yes
Russia - ?
Italy - ?
France - ?
Great Britain - ?

If people could sound off yes or no and if you say no please be specific as to what you are objecting to and how we can deal with it.



If the czechs get to have their own army, Russia will relent on Habsburg rulers for the new states.

Expect all sorts of dirty dealing WRT Hungarian foreign policy in the future. ;-)



Quote from: Guinness on October 28, 2014, 03:41:48 PM
If the czechs get to have their own army, Russia will relent on Habsburg rulers for the new states.
Pretty much the British decision too


French positions about Czech state;
=> Own army
=> Independant foreign office
=> Strong monarchy (Habsburg for exemple)
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


I believe this covers what we have agreed to.

In the name of the Omnipotent God.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom, etc, His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, etc, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, etc, the President of the French Republic, His Majesty the King of Italy, His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, desiring to regulate, with a view to European order in light of the civil war of last half year that has disrupted Austria-Hungary, have been unanimously of the opinion that the meeting of a Congress would be the best means of facilitating an understanding.

Article 1) The Kingdom of Hungary, Crown Lands of Saint Stephen is recognized as a sovereign and independent state.   Joseph III of Habsburg-Lorraine is recognized as Apostolic King of Hungary.  Succession to the Crown of Saint Stephen to be specified by Diet of Hungary.

Article 2) The Kingdom of Bohemia and the Margraviate of Moravia are to be divided along ethnic lines between Germans and Czechs.  Areas that have an ethnic German majority are to be annexed to Austria.  Areas that have an ethnic Czech majority are to be annexed to the new Czech State.  The New Czech State is recognized as a sovereign and independent.  Gisela Louise Marie, Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Bohemia, Princess of Bavaria is to be the Monarch of the new Czech State with her husband Prince Leopold of Bavaria as consort.  Succession to the Crown of the new state to be specified by the Czech Diet.

Article 3) The new Czech State is to be a member of the German Customs and Postal Union.  As such there will be free movement of people between Germany and the new Czech State.  The Czech state will confirm to the standards of Germany with respect to border control. 

Article 4) The Kingdom of Hungary is to be divided along ethnic lines between the Hungarians and Slovaks.  Areas with a ethnic Slovak majority are to form a now Slovak State.  The new Slovak state is recognized as a sovereign and independent.  Marie Valerie Mathilde Amalie Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany is to be the Monarch of the new Slovak State with her husband Archduke Franz Salvator as consort.  Succession to the Crown of the new state to be specified by the Slovak Diet.   

Article 5) The Czech state specified in article 2 and the Slovak state specified in article 4 shall perpetually be neutral States. They shall be bound to observe such neutrality towards all other States.

Article 6) The ethnic German majority districts in western Hungary known as Burgenland shall be annexed by Austria.

Article 7) The union of Austria with the German Empire is recognized by all signers.

Article 8) In the four countries of which the separation takes place in consequence of the present Articles, inhabitants and proprietors, if they wish to transfer their residence from one country to the other, shall, during two years, be at liberty to dispose of their property, movable or immovable, of whatever nature the same may be, to sell it, and to carry away the produce of the sale, either in money or in any other shape, without hindrance, and without the payment of any duties other than those which are now in force in the two countries upon changes and transfers.

Article 9) Two years after ratification of the treaty the four countries of which the separation takes place in consequence of the present Articles will be subjects of the new nations they reside in without respect to their ethnic background.

Article 10) A joint commissions shall be established to resolve any border disputes between the four nations.

Article 11) The borders established for the Czech State and Slovak states are guaranteed by the signing high contracting powers. 

Article 12) The treaty is be ratified and go into force immediately upon signing by all participants.

Done at Constantinople, the twenty ninth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred.


"Russia is prepared to sign, but subject to the clarification of the following question: 1. Should not the Kingdom of Hungary be listed in Article 11?"


"The new Czech and Slovak states are to be perpetually neutral, as such they cannot form alliances to help defend themselves and so the great powers of Europe will provide this protection as specified in article 11.  The most recent example of such a clause being the treaty of London 1839 with respect to the newly formed stateof Belgium where the great power protection was based upon Belgiums neutrality.  So if the Hungarians are to have the current borders guaranteed aslo then they should also be perpetually neutral."

Kaiser Kirk

Th Udersecretary rises :  The Kingdom of Italy will accept articles 1-12.  We would request articles 13, 14 and 15. 

Article 13 would address the status of those lands dominated by Ethnic Italians in southern Trentino and Kustenland to the Julian Alps and the Imperial city of Trieste. The Kingdom of Italy has long desired reunification with these lands, and the actions of inhabitants suggest this is a desired course of action.

Article 14 should address those lands dominated by ethnic slovenians who are unsatisfied with their Austrian leadership. With a half million residents and an agrarian economy, they are unlikely to be able to stand alone. The Austrians rejected unification with Slovenians under Ottoman rule, which leaves three options of independence, granting the Germans with their possession, or charging my Nation their guardianship and development, a charge we are willing to accept.

Article 15 should require the new states to grant that all citizens be treated equally, regardless of their ethnic background.

As such we propose 3 Articles.

Article 13 : The Austrian Crownlands known as Küstenland, including the City of Trieste, that portion of the Duchy of Carinola west of the Julian Alps; and the portions of Südtirol which have a preponderance of Italian ethnic inhabitants, shall become part of the Kingdom of Italy fully equal to other parts of that Kingdom.

Article 14 : The Duchy of Carinola, and the southern reaches of the Duchy of Styria with a preponderance of Slovene ethnic inhabitants, shall be joined with a nation. That nation shall be charged with allowing the native languages, religions, and cultures, both Slovene and German, to continue within that region, and to foster development and prosperity in that region.

Article 15 : All regions effected by this treaty shall be legally required to grant the same rights and privileges to those born within the region, regardless of their ancestral ethnic origin.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


OOC Great Britain, Germany, Hungary and Russia with ethnic minorities of various sizes had various track records of abusing said minorities typically as part of a drive to assimilate them.  Mostly by suppressing said minorities language and or religion. 

Even the French embarked on a campaign of forced assimilation and standardization in the late 19th century.  There is a reason that today France is one of the most unitary states in Europe. 

So I can't see any of our nations really agreeing to such a clause as the precedent it sets is far too dangerous for our own minorities.


"The German Empire suggests instead of a clause with respect to minorities we borrow article 20 from the 1839 Treaty of London that created Belgium.  IE that persons shall not be molested for any acts they took with respect to the recent fighting.

Article XX.

No person in the territories which change domination, shall be molested or disturbed in any manner whatever, on account of any part which he may have taken, directly or indirectly, in political events."

Kaiser Kirk

OOC :  You're probably correct. I was specifically including the regions under this treaty, and actually meant it as a protection for the german minority areas like Gottschee, or those enclaves in Hungary, etc. Likewise I figured it would make those Slovenes agitating for independence accept the results easier. However, if the German's aren't enthused, I can't imagine the other Empires would be.  Oh, and I'll point out now that the Italians will seem very hypocritical should they ever gain some colonies, there the 1890s tiered races of man concepts will come into play.

Italy: Our German colleague has found a most acceptable substitution.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

OOC : The following is Miketr's treaty, with the 2 Italian clauses added as #8&9 and the Article XX of the Belgian added as #12, as that seems to be the best places for them.

I left a ____ for who is appointed to take care of the Slovenes as I think we came down to Italy, but there was a suggestion of independence, so I think we should just vote that part out.

I will next post a vote page for both the treaty and what happens to the Slovenes.

In the name of the Omnipotent God.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom, etc, His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, etc, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, etc, the President of the French Republic, His Majesty the King of Italy, His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, desiring to regulate, with a view to European order in light of the civil war of last half year that has disrupted Austria-Hungary, have been unanimously of the opinion that the meeting of a Congress would be the best means of facilitating an understanding.

Article 1) The Kingdom of Hungary, Crown Lands of Saint Stephen is recognized as a sovereign and independent state.   Joseph III of Habsburg-Lorraine is recognized as Apostolic King of Hungary.  Succession to the Crown of Saint Stephen to be specified by Diet of Hungary.

Article 2) The Kingdom of Bohemia and the Margraviate of Moravia are to be divided along ethnic lines between Germans and Czechs.  Areas that have an ethnic German majority are to be annexed to Austria.  Areas that have an ethnic Czech majority are to be annexed to the new Czech State.  The New Czech State is recognized as a sovereign and independent.  Gisela Louise Marie, Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Bohemia, Princess of Bavaria is to be the Monarch of the new Czech State with her husband Prince Leopold of Bavaria as consort.  Succession to the Crown of the new state to be specified by the Czech Diet.

Article 3) The new Czech State is to be a member of the German Customs and Postal Union.  As such there will be free movement of people between Germany and the new Czech State.  The Czech state will confirm to the standards of Germany with respect to border control. 

Article 4) The Kingdom of Hungary is to be divided along ethnic lines between the Hungarians and Slovaks.  Areas with a ethnic Slovak majority are to form a now Slovak State.  The new Slovak state is recognized as a sovereign and independent.  Marie Valerie Mathilde Amalie Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany is to be the Monarch of the new Slovak State with her husband Archduke Franz Salvator as consort.  Succession to the Crown of the new state to be specified by the Slovak Diet.   

Article 5) The Czech state specified in article 2 and the Slovak state specified in article 4 shall perpetually be neutral States. They shall be bound to observe such neutrality towards all other States.

Article 6) The ethnic German majority districts in western Hungary known as Burgenland shall be annexed by Austria.

Article 7) The union of Austria with the German Empire is recognized by all signers.

Article 8)  The Austrian Crownlands known as Küstenland, including the City of Trieste, that portion of the Duchy of Carinola west of the Julian Alps; and the portions of Südtirol which have a preponderance of Italian ethnic inhabitants, shall become part of the Kingdom of Italy fully equal to other parts of that Kingdom.

Article 9)The Duchy of Carinola, and the southern reaches of the Duchy of Styria with a preponderance of Slovene ethnic inhabitants, shall be joined with ____. That ___ shall be charged with allowing the native languages, religions, and cultures, both Slovene and German, to continue within that region, and to foster development and prosperity in that region.

Article 10) In the four countries of which the separation takes place in consequence of the present Articles, inhabitants and proprietors, if they wish to transfer their residence from one country to the other, shall, during two years, be at liberty to dispose of their property, movable or immovable, of whatever nature the same may be, to sell it, and to carry away the produce of the sale, either in money or in any other shape, without hindrance, and without the payment of any duties other than those which are now in force in the two countries upon changes and transfers.

Article 11) Two years after ratification of the treaty the four countries of which the separation takes place in consequence of the present Articles will be subjects of the new nations they reside in without respect to their ethnic background.

Article 12) No person in the territories which change domination, shall be molested or disturbed in any manner whatever, on account of any part which he may have taken, directly or indirectly, in political events

Article 13) A joint commissions shall be established to resolve any border disputes between the four nations.

Article 14) The borders established for the Czech State and Slovak states are guaranteed by the signing high contracting powers. 

Article 15) The treaty is be ratified and go into force immediately upon signing by all participants.

Done at Constantinople, the twenty ninth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest