The Conference of Constantinople, July 1900

Started by The Rock Doctor, September 22, 2014, 08:09:07 AM

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Kaiser Kirk

Here is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire :
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire :
United Kingdom :

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire :
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Italy
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire :
United Kingdom :
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on October 31, 2014, 11:47:12 AM
Here is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire :
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Aye
United Kingdom :

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire :
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Italy
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Independent
United Kingdom :

The Rock Doctor

Er...did you vote on behalf of the UK, Guinness?



Quote from: Guinness on October 31, 2014, 12:55:01 PM
Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on October 31, 2014, 11:47:12 AM
Here is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire :
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Aye
United Kingdom : Aye

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire :
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Italy
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Independent
United Kingdom : Independence


QuoteHere is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire : Aye
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Aye
United Kingdom : Aye

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire : Independence
German Empire :
Kingdom of Italy : Italy
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Independent
United Kingdom : Independence
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


I should like to add that Britain would like an addendum to the treaty declaring any Slovene state to be neutral, on the same conditions as the Czech and Slovak states in accordance with Article 5. 

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: Darman on November 01, 2014, 06:21:50 PM
I should like to add that Britain would like an addendum to the treaty declaring any Slovene state to be neutral, on the same conditions as the Czech and Slovak states in accordance with Article 5.

With 3 for independence, presumably the Germans and Ottomans will vote Germany or Italy, possibly rendering an unpalatable 3:3 split, and forcing the Mods to vote as Austria.
So...for the record, if it comes to 3:3, Italy is willing to change her vote to Independence. Though she will note which of her "friends" objected to Italy being entrusted with the territory.

Why don't you figure out the rewording of Article 5 that makes that so as well as Amending Article 9 to specify independence and if it's to be a Monarch (then who), or Democracy.
Aside from some nostalgic Venitians, Italy wasn't too enthused about taking it on in the first place, so don't really care to much.

However, Italy won't go for them being added to Article 14 and garaunteeing the borders as 0.6million slavs  will make $0.06 a HY and basically be perpetually poor and a non-factor and are most definitely NOT worth spilling Italian blood over, nationalistic principles or not. 
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

The Ottomans will be voting on the treaty; they're just not quite sure about the Slovenes at this point.


Quote from: Jefgte on November 01, 2014, 05:24:31 PM
QuoteHere is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire : Aye
German Empire : Aye
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Aye
United Kingdom : Aye

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire : Independence
German Empire : Italy
Kingdom of Italy : Italy
Ottoman Empire :
Russian Empire : Independent
United Kingdom : Independence

OOC I always assumed that Italy would get the Dutchy in question

The Rock Doctor

Okay, mods!

QuoteHere is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire : Aye
German Empire : Aye
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire : Aye
Russian Empire : Aye
United Kingdom : Aye

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire : Independence
German Empire : Italy
Kingdom of Italy : Italy
Ottoman Empire :  Italy
Russian Empire : Independent
United Kingdom : Independence

Kaiser Kirk

IC : Gentlemen, it would appear that we have agreed on the primary issue of the Treaty, but not the specifics of the Slovene areas. As you may recall, the Kingdom of Italy originally, suggested the best course of action would be to unify this region with the Croatian lands to the south, only when that idea failed did we agree to assume responsibility.  We feel that it is unwise to create such a tiny independent state, but we also do not wish this conference to founder over such a tiny detail.

As such, the Kingdom of Italy hereby will consent to independence for the Duchy of Carinola.

QuoteHere is my idea for Voting  - Just quote the player before and add your selections in the spots of your choice. As each votes, the ballot fills up.

On the Treaty of Constantinople,  Aye or Nay

French Empire : Aye
German Empire : Aye
Kingdom of Italy : Aye
Ottoman Empire : Aye
Russian Empire : Aye
United Kingdom : Aye

On the Future status of the Slovenes in the Dutchy of Carinola and Southern Styria : Independence, German Empire, or Kingdom of Italy

French Empire : Independence
German Empire : Italy
Kingdom of Italy : Independence
Ottoman Empire :  Italy
Russian Empire : Independent
United Kingdom : Independence

OOC : While Italy has always seen the idea of being entrusted with it as very gratifying recognition of their "big boy" status, and so view favorably the German and Ottoman endorsement,...and view poorly their French Allies *not* backing them, or for that matter their British friends not trusting them. Only the Russians stance make sense to them.

Quote from: miketr on November 02, 2014, 06:45:37 AM

OOC I always assumed that Italy would get the Dutchy in question

OOC : The reality is the Italians rather felt the Ottomans were the most logical, and they don't really want to expand their kingdom to pick up a bunch of Slovenes. Italy has 2 provinces lacking IC as it is, and severe under industrialization elsewhere that they'd rather develop. When you toss in the need for some troops to secure the long border, the potential problems from the Slovene:Gottschee issues, the lack of resources and industry, they were looking at a potential drag on their economy, which they were only willing to take on to prove that they could be trusted to be one of the "Big Boys".
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Hey I guess that means we're done with the conference :)

...yay... :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


OOC I assume that Austria would vote Italy or German Empire but I am fine with whatever mods decide.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: miketr on November 02, 2014, 11:53:17 AM
OOC I assume that Austria would vote Italy or German Empire but I am fine with whatever mods decide.

Let's just say they vote German Empire :)

I tossed in the Italians building an 1880 Slovene and an 1895 Gottschee brigade in my reworked HY2 budget.
Since their budget will be ~$0.06, and only $0.03 for Mil, that's about all the Slovenians can afford to support.
Even that's a bit sketchy as technically they should have some active units, and both will have to be reserve to be affordable, but I presume they will simply have some regiments active and others not. Probably double as a police/border force.

Overall, since we didn't ensure trade will be unaffected, the new countries will have the same issues the post WWI countries did, of substantial market disruptions and trade barriers going up. The Italians will stick to their 20year 1% tariff offer (even if it's not in the treaty) for goods shipped through Trieste, which should at least connect them to the outside world, but the erection of trade barriers within the old AustrioHungarian Empire should be very limiting. Austria, Bohemia and Slovakia will benefit from being part of of the German trade pact, but it will take time to reorient their markets.  Hungary and Slovenia will probably be in a bad way, and should get worse after 1920 when Trieste tariffs go back to normal.  By my projections, somewhere around 1966 Slovenia will have 3 million folks and will be able to afford their first IC, if they don't get run over first. Though as a crossroads location (Hungary/Italy/Germany/Ottoman), they would be a prime local for smuggling, black market revenue wouldn't count....hmm maybe I should ship them some Sicilians. .
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest