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Italian News, 1900 onward

Started by Kaiser Kirk, August 19, 2014, 11:12:49 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

The Commission on Italian Territories met today, chaired by Antonio Starabba, Marchese di Rudinì. The commision is charged with overseeing the policies and implementation of development of the new overseas territories.

The Commission on Italian Territories announced the adoption of a name for the new African lands or "Terra Nodum Cognita". The territory of Berbera will retain it's Hamitic name due to it's lease status.  The territory of Querimba shall be known as the Colonia Nysa after the mythological Greek land.  Many on the commission desired the name Tarraconensis, linking to both Roman history and the son of Noah,  but Livingston's naming of the lake in the mountains Nyasa proved such a similarity to the Greek mountain land of nymphs that the majority of commission felt the name Nysa much more appropriate.

The Commission also issued a request for a formal report on "Successful Colonization of Savage Lands", to explore historical results and failures. Several Universities are given requests for a broad historical review due in October of this year. Given that most efforts in Savage Africa have been trade port focused, with the exception of the Boers, the report is to focus on interactions in the Americas by the Americans, English, French, and Spanish, as well as the issues being faced with the colonization of Australia and the experience of the Boers. A follow up report with more depth and a focus on the economic opportunities and financing due in September of next year.

The Temporary Commission on Citizen Transfers announced the results of the past years work. In the past year, the commission has expended a substantial quantity of Lira ($1.3* ) in assisting inhabitants of the reunified areas and the Duchy of Carinola with citizenship papers, deeds of title, and most importantly, financing the relocation of those that wish to permanently abide on the other side of the border. The Commission reports that 2,295 individuals of Austrian and other Imperial origins, and 8,320 individuals of Slovenian descent have applied to depart the Kingdom of Italia. The commission reports that of 15,700 individuals in former imperial lands have claimed Italian ancestors and applied for immigration, of which 10,350 have been found to have valid claims. The commission has been budgeted a substantial amount ($0.3)through next summer and is working hard to arrange commiserate property swaps and locate property for sale or rent.

*if one thinks about it, $1.3 represents the taxes generated by 13million people. It also represents 5% of the Italian annual civilian budget.  My point – the Italians are *really* trying to do this right.

The Commission on Italian Territories, having reviewed some draft reports received earlier this month, extended the deadline for the final report to December. However the Commission felt sufficiently informed to make several decisions today
* No colonization or mercantile attempts within the Overseas territories are to be permitted without official auspices prior to January 1st, 1903. This date may be extended as needed.
* The Commission recommends the enlistment and or conscription of fit scholastic individuals with a surveying and engineering background to properly assay the new territories. 
* The Commission recommends the enlistment and or conscription of fit scholastic individuals with medical, zoological, botanical, agrarian, ethnographic, geographic and geological specialties.
* These individuals are to be combined into survey teams and follow on exploration teams.
* Gifts of simple non-perishable goods – blankets, colored glass beads, musical flutes or recorders, and assorted nickle-steel hand tools are to be amassed and passed out.
* Pietro Paolo Savorgnan di Brazzà, the famed explorer, has accepted responsibility for forming the survey teams and will assume command of the teams in Nysa. Formerly of the French Navy, he has explored much of the Kongo region on behalf of  Société de Géographie de Paris.
* Given recent discoveries of mosquitoes as vectors for disease, fine netting shall be ordered from hosiery manufacturers, and camp sites are recommended to be away from waters. Further, all those dispatched to Africa shall be required to eat at least one Garlic clove with each meal. Folding cots, such as devised by di Brazzà, shall be built and issued to keep individuals safe from ground creatures in the night. 

The Admiralty today reassigned several vessels.
The Carbonia will be stationed in Stone Town harbor, Zanzibar and act as African HQ. The Carbonia will serve as both a coal depot and maintenance facility. Rear Admiral Paolo Emilio Thaon di Revel shall command.
It is decided that Minister  Bustari will return to Stone Town to assist in implementing the treaties. Minister Bustari will be relieved next year by a delegate of the The Commission on Italian Territories to serve as Governor.
The Pasquale di Paoli shall serve as a transport for surveyors and exploration crews, as well as the initial garrisons.
The brig Minerva shall remain on station exploring the new territory's coastline.
The brig Calatafima shall be assigned to assist survey teams verify aspects of reports regarding the West African coastline.
The brigs Aretusa and  Iride shall be assigned as courier vessels.
The remaining two brigs Partenope and Caprera will remain as training vessels at Livorno.

The Armored Cruiser Amergio Vespucci is to be transferred to the Sultanate of Zanzibar.  The vessel will accompany the Carbonia to Stones Town, where training of the Sultan's crew will commence.

The La Marina Division shall be stripped of her Engineering units. The 10th Serenissima Brigade of the LaMarina Division will detach two full regiments for Foreign station. The 1st Battalion, 102nd Regiment of Marines will be deployed to Berbera, where they shall assist engineering and surveying teams in assessing the Colonia Berbera. The 2nd Battalion, 102nd Regiment of Marines shall be assigned to Stone Town, Zanzibar.  Both battalions will be engaged in training Sultanate troops, per the respective treaties. The 103rd Regiment will be deployed to the Colony of Nysa, where it will establish fortified camps and assist engineering and surveying teams. Engineering units will be deployed to Berbera, Zanzibar, and Nysa. The Division's Medical unit will be also deployed to Zanzibar.

12.24.1901 University of Florence
Count Ardito Desio* looked curiously at the letter, arrived by special post with many official looking markings.
Breaking the seal, he began to read the official form letter.

Dear Count Ardito Desio

Congratulations, you have been chosen for an all-expense paid trip to Africa !   
Your Kingdom needs the aid of your talents as geologist in the exploration of the new territories.
On January 10th, 1902, the Carabinieri's will call to assist in any final packing and ensure your safe arrival at Taranto....

The letter continued, but the Count's mind did not absorb it at first...
Elsewhere , at other Universities and private industry, many individuals were reading very similar letters.

*who apparently was born 20 years earlier in Navalism
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

I have very good intentions on doing the news, and have an outline somewhere for 1902, but paused as most folks hadn't posted H1/02, and then for Venuzuala, and now I'm busy through the 5th...and kinda through the 20th.  :)

Ed: Having just looked at the S.American thread, I realize the blockade is dated Dec , 1902. So it occurs at the END of 1902 and mostly 1903.... why was I waiting?
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

I kinda lost track of when that was happening as well.  Need to do some Ottoman news myself.