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Italian News, 1900 onward

Started by Kaiser Kirk, August 19, 2014, 11:12:49 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Rome -
The King convened the Chamber of Deputies today, having dismissed them on December 1st. The King announced that he would no longer be needing the services of Pelloux Cabinet, but was restoring Deputy Giovanni Giolotti as the Prime Minister.

Deputy Giolotti has spent the past several years rebuilding his credibility after the failure of his administration in 1893, and the disgrace of the Banca Romana scandal from his time as Treasury Minister in 1889. Deputy Giolotti is disliked by the conservatives for his refusal to forcibly break strikes in Sicily, but that has proven to be a source of public popularity in the intervening years. The selection of Deputy Giolotti is seen by many as a signal by King Victor to break from King Umberto's policies.

It was further announced that a general election shall be scheduled for June.

Captain Cagni of Prince Luigi's North Pole expedition departs camp.

The King submitted to the Chamber of Deputies a proposal to expand the Carabinieri's roles and duties in investigations of corruption, the provision for undercover officers,  and calls for draconian penalties for accepting a bribe unless reported to the proper authorities, in which case half the bribe may be retained when the would be briber is arrested. The policies of Depretis socialist period, including the practice of vote buying that had become Trasformismo was to be officially banned. The bill is designed to be gradually implemented in coming years, promising amnesty for past actions freely admitted.

The Prime Minister, previously brought down by scandals and a shrewd practitioner of Transformismo supported the bill stating "In my previous tenure, I had noble goals and grand ideas, and allowed my lofty ends to justify sordid means. I have confessed my failings, asked forgiveness,  have paid my penance, and stand before you cleansed of the past. However, the affair has made me keenly aware that the appearance of impropriety, of injustice, of no recourse...appearances become reality, and the populace's faith in government fails.  This bill threatens none but those corrupted, who choose to persist on that path. It is my expectation that only they will be so threatened by this bill as to not vote for it.

The Prime Minister then announced that a Court of Inquiry would be formed to evaluate the events of May 5-9, 1898 in Milan. As expected the announcement was welcomed in the lower chamber, but a source of consternation in the Senate, where General Bava-Beccaris has been welcomed since his elevation to that body by King Umberto.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

The King submitted to the Chamber of Deputies a new program for the Kingdom. Given the fiscal surplus granted by the King's fall "peace budget", coupled with the substantial reduction in naval procurement, this reflects the work of the King and his advisors since last summer.  The King's power to personally submit bills was rarely used under King Umberto, and so marks a notable departure. Given the contentious nature of the bills, outside observers expect months of negotiation prior to a vote.

The King proposes a three pronged approach to improving the conditions of the rural poor.

The first relies on a program of infrastructure improvements via public service, pooling of public funds, and loans channeled through the Banca d'Italia. The State is to hire engineering teams to systematically survey for means by which to improve harbors, roads, railways, and opportune locations for dams. Given that the domesitic supply of engineers is unlikely to be sufficient, state sponsored scholarships are to meet long term demands, but for the near term, the bill explicitly authorizes recruitment from the Italian dispora, subject to working knowledge of Italian.

The second is a revised system of taxation, creating an family exemption which will in essence lower the burden on the lowest tier, offset by a overall raise certain to be unwelcome to the wealthier. 

The third bill is in essence a contract with the Catholic Church to provide Jesuits as instructors in areas without public schools. The goal being a system of schools meeting several times a week in the local church facilities. The Local dialect, Italian, History, simple maths and basic knowledge of advances in sanitation and agriculture are to be imparted to children from age 6 to age 12. The Anti-clerical left is certain to raise objections to gifting the Church with such a role

Much to the astonishment of those knowledgeable in Italian politics, the King's three bills have passed despite substantial, if disjointed, opposition. The passage of a mere two days, and the mysterious silence of the Prime Minister lead to many editorials to speculate extensively as to what sort of deals or strong arming was resorted to. 

4.25.1900 The Arctic expedition of Prince Luigi reports that Captain Cagni reached 86deg34min, establishing a new record for Arctic exploration.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

<a little behind the times>

Italian Newspapers, May 1900


Twenty years ago, the olive branch of peace was clasped firmly by
the Austrian Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy.
A firm pledge to come to each others aid was exchanged

For twenty years, the Kingdom of Italy has prospered
peaceful and unified.

Now, the Hungarian Nobles rebel, seeking more power to
dominate the Hungarian plain and the minorities they oppress.

The Austrians have requested the aid of their
German and Italian allies in deposing the Hungarian nobles
and bringing the Emperor's rule to the Hungarian subjects

I, Victor Emmanuel III have have pledged the assistance
of the Kingdom of Italy in this glorious endeavor.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

In the weeks that followed the proclamation there is a flurry of activity in Italy.

The King's orders are transmitted to his Generals. Lt. General Giuseppe Domenico Perrucchetti is placed in command of the Expeditionary Corps.
The Kings orders provide the simple mandate -
Help the Austrians reclaim the Hungarian lands and subdue the Hungarian rebels.
Provide assistance to secure the Austrian -Ottoman border.
Act in a Christian Manner, to bring Honor and Glory to Italy.

In the Po River valley, the reserves of the renowned Bergsaliaris as well as the Cavalry were entrained and sent east.
Troops garrisoned around Venice, as part of the II Fantera (infantry) Division, were ordered to prepare for embarkation once rolling stock was available. At naval bases, the companies of the La Marina Division were embarked on available vessels, both naval and any civilian vessel unfortunate enough to be available. In the southland, two of the reserve divisions were activated to provide regiments to replace the mobilized brigades of the II Fantera and La Marina divisions.

Along the coast, shipyards were appalled to find the Naval Ministry ordering severe slowdowns in work. Steel foundries were instructed to accept more foreign orders to supply the sudden need for funds to support the military activity. Some relief for the suddenly idled shipyard workers and owners was apparent in treasury payments to offset their lost paychecks.

Despite these strains on the nation's treasury, the choice to ony mobilize a fraction of the forces, and sacrifice the naval construction to fund it meant that infrastructure projects urgently needed to improve the lot of rural areas could continue.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Morning, June 30th

Chief of the General Staff, Lt. General Saletta, was nearing the conclusion of his briefing and was attempting to discern the King's thoughts.
"And so Sire, if you decide to proceed with full mobilization, our recommendation would place 10 Divisions in Hungary to support our Allies, leaving us exposed at home. Railway capacity is sufficient to support this force.All prior scenarios had presumed that engagement on any Austrian front would be in the Udine region, backed by a friendly France. Admittedly, we project any French opportunism to be directed towards Germany, not Italy, but we do suggest the 5 listed divisions be held back to support the Alpine forts and lines.

As outlined, with 10 divisions committed, we can be of substantial aid to our allies, guarding the Frontier with two divisions, the other eight can press on to Budapest, and letting a mobile wing consisting of the Kavallerie, the Bergsagliari and Celere Division, swing east of the city to cut the Russian supply lines at Getterle, we feel we can seige the Russians in Budapest. This will allow the Germans and Austrians to sever the last railroad link at Zvolen. The Russians will be forced to choose to attempt relief and the chance of defeat in detail, or resign themselves to the loss of the forces in Budapest.

Further we are formally suggesting a training program for new reservists. We recognize that recent conflicts have quick and glorious affairs resolved within the year, but Russia is so massive that losses in men and territory that would force a lesser power to the negotiating table may not be sufficient. We shall have to plan on a longer war.

King Victor Emmanuel III stared at the maps some more.
"Well, it looks as if our little adventure will become the first real test of our Army.   I suppose it is better that it is in support of allies rather than defense of the homeland. "

<A knock at the Chamber doors, the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Tommaso Tittoni enters >

Tittoni : "Sire, I have urgent news, the Turks are becoming involved, they wish to hold a conference in Constantinople on the Hungarian issue!".

King Victor Emmanuel III : "I see, well General, it may be we have a reprieve."

<The chamber doors are shut at the luminaries confer.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

OOC : I meant to roll this out slowly and better presented, but too many things depended on the Conference, which lasted Waaaay to long.
7.1.1900  Preliminary election results returned Prime Minister Giolotti to office and serves as a vote of confidence for the new "Peace" budget of the king. The Prime Minister will focus on an economic expansion  secured by monetary stability, moderate protectionism and government support of production. The goal of rising wages and an increase of the general standard of living is hoped for, and should it prove successful, the southern Italian diaspora to other Nations may slacken.

July : News of the Ceasefire and the Conference in Constantinople lead to speculation in the streets and earnest discussions in the legislature. The concept of regaining Italian lands is welcomed by all, but there is quiet debate on how the King should proceed. The King, not suprisingly, does not solicit advice as matters of war and foreign affairs are his perogative.

News of the Treaty of Constantinople breaks on the front pages of the Italian papers, leading to celebrations in the streets of major cities. The news was slower to arrive in the new territories, but met in a similar pattern of celebration.

8.3.1900  The first Italian troops board trains for home. The demobilization, planned over the nearly month-long ceasefire, first removes troops from Hungary, and then ripples backwards. Over the course of the month, the Italian troops stream home.  In Carinola,  Marine detachments remain in the Gottschee district and Ljubljana to train a new militia, while at the new border along the Julian Alps, Bergsagliari construct border posts at the Postjana Gate. In Trieste and Kustenland, Bergsagliari companies show the flag and bolster local authorities.

8.5.1900 The King submitted to the Chamber of Deputies an amendment to the 1888 Public Health Act calling for a new Directorate of Sanitation Engineering. The mission of the new directorate will be to apply the knowledge gained by  Filippo Pacini's 1854 discovery of the Cholera bacterium and Dr Snow and Dr Koch's subsequent findings linking poor sewage sanitation to the proliferation and spread of the Cholera. An associated proposal funds medical research into the proper treatment of Cholera victims.

The King leads a parade of the returning Cavalry troopers through the streets of Milan, throngs of joyous citizens celebrate the reunification. Subsequent parades in Florence, Rome, and Naples are similarly successful. Finally, the King travels to Trieste, to meet the City Fathers.

8.16.1900 Prince Luigi's Arctic expedition departs for Norway aboard Stella Polare .

The King introduces two bills in the legislature, both amending the constitution.

The first enacts the provisions of the Treaty of Constantinople and assigns new provincial boundaries, creating the part of Veneto and the new lands, the new province of Friuli with Udine as it's capital. Trieste, while nominally part of Friuli, is afforded it's own district within the province with considerable powers of self rule. The new portion of SudTirol is merged with the Trevino Tirol district.

The act includes a tariff provision, declaring "Goods either originating in or bound for the former lands of the AustrioHungarian Empire, and shipping through the Port of Trieste, shall be subject to a maximal tariff of 1% of value by Italian Authorities. This shall not apply to goods for which authorities have reason to believe are merely to be transshipped through the former lands of the AustrioHungarian Empire to avoid the standard tariffs. This law shall stand until August 1, 1920."

The second enacts the changes necessary to incorporate the new areas. The Italians of Sudtirol are to be united with Trentino, while Kustenland and Trieste will be joined with Goriza and Udine in a reborn province of Friuli.

An education provision is added, allowing provincial districts to choose a local dialect to conduct primary education in, but requires proper Italian to also be taught each week.

9.10.1900 Stella Polare arrives in Trondheim, and Prince Luigi Amedeo announces that Captain Cagni reached a new record latitude of latitude 86° 34' on 25 April, exceeding Nansen's efforts.

The Temporary Commission on Citizen Transfers sets up a central headquarters in Trieste and teams go out to Kustenland and Carinola to contact those who wish to establish citizenship cross borders, or change lands.  The budgetary changes to allow this included a small sum of money ($0.2 ) to facilitate those who wish to change lands. With tens of thousands of Slovenians in Kustenland, not to mention those from other former Imperial lands, and a small number of ethnic Italians in Carinola, it is expected several thousand will take advantage of this opportunity.

The last of the troops return to their respective barracks, with the exception of some Bergasarli regiments policing the new territories and boundaries, and some Marine Companies still training militia in Carinola. The Italian Army has spared old stocks of arms to train a brigade of Slovenians, while some newer equipment was made available to supply the minority Gottschee Germans with their own Brigade.

In Trieste and Goriza, efforts continue to facilitate the turnover of Austrian facilities, helping their Garrison troops ship the armories to Vienna, while the small Austrian fleet prepares to move to German waters.

The first government surveyors team arrived in the former Kustenland, to explore the lands existing infrastructure and identify ways in which focused government resources can be used to provide capital improvements and incentives to bring prosperity to this former Austrian province and the rest of Friuli.

Antonio Starabba, Marchese di Rudinì, leader of the of the Liberal Constitutional Party (formerly "The Right"), introduced a bill to award Tommaso Tittoni with a medal for his efforts securing Italian Reunification.  Marchese Starabba also called for "exporting Italian civilization to other lands, securing resources for our nation at home and abroad", continuing his speech he stated "we owe it to our countrymen, not only to seek further peaceful expansion through reunification with the lost lands of Italia, but to explore opportunities for expansion in the wilds of Africa, or partner with Asian lands for access to resources. We must not think of just now, but also the future of our Nation and her industrial and commerical strength, as that will bring prosperity to our children's children."

Maggior GeneraleCarlo Caneva announces his early retirement. General Caneva had not received a new command since being removed and replaced by Brigadier General Capello. General Capello is promoted to Major General, and Colonel Revel is promoted to Brigadier General, Marines.

The Commissariat of Emigration was created, granting licenses to carriers, enforcing fixed ticket costs, keeping order at ports of embarkation, providing health inspection for those leaving, setting up hostels and care facilities and arranging agreements with receiving countries to help care for those arriving. The Commissariat tried to take care of emigrants before they left and after they arrived. The Commissariat also helped to set up remittances sent by emigrants from the United States back to their motherland, which turned into a constant flow of money amounting, by some accounts, to about 5% of the Italian national product.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

OOC : The following will be a series of posts.  They will explore current Italian thinking on the international situation. The specific contents are not public knowledge, these all occur within the halls of the Royal Palace, far from the press or prying eyes. 

The purpose of posting them is to both "share", and give folks a general idea of where I'm going. We're all new in Navalism6, so I figured "showing my hand" would be useful in giving curious folks an idea of what Italia's about in this world. 

The general point of view represented by the posts should be reflected in popular press coverage of events in the newspapers and diplomatic attitudes of the Italians, and so not be a shock to others. For example, if in the posts the King discusses the desirability of an Alliance with San Marino, players may presume that Italian diplomacy and newspaper coverage regarding San Marino generaly portrays it in a friendly light, such that it wouldn't be shocking if such was suggested.

Comments or requests for clarifications from other players are welcomed.

Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome
(the Royal Palace)

King Vittore Emmanuale III welcomes his foreign ministry, his Army and Navy chiefs, his Prime Minister, Treasurer, and leader of the Opposition. 

King : Victor Emmanuel III
Prime Minister : Giovanni Giolotti
Minister of Foreign Affairs : Emilio, marquis Visconti-Venosta
Minister of the Treasury : Luigi Luzzatti 
Opposition : Antonio Starabba, Marchese di Rudinì, leader of the of the Liberal Constitutional Party
Army : Lt. General Tancredi Saletta
Navy : Admiral Marquess Marcello Amero D'Aste-Stella

King : Gentlemen, I appreciate your prompt attendance. With the Constantinople Conference wrapped up, I have been doing some reflection.  Foreign Policy is entrusted to the Monarch to ensure a consistent and long term approach that looks for the good of the Kingdom, not a momentary political consideration. It is better for a Monarch to make an unpopular but necessary choice, than a politician that may pay at the polls for making the righteous choice. The events in Austria uphold that approach. My fathers joining the Triple Alliance was never popular, and my aiding the Austrians maintain their hegemony had at best mild support. The results of being a good ally, exceeded all my expectations. I had hoped for a favorable bargaining position for greater autonomy for the Littoral, potentially joint citizenships, but this, unexpected.  Further, I am gladdened to see another fractured people long dominated by outsiders, given liberty, our Founders would be pleased by our Kingdom's honorable actions in recent months.

So, I have asked you here so we can discuss the Future of the Kingdom of Italy.  While I may be charged with the formulation of policy, your insight into the fiscal, military, and popular realities are of great import.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Not General Knowledge

Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome
(the Royal Palace)

On France
France was of great assistance to us when it meant whittling down Austria-Hungary. Once we became a power in our own right, she became less enamored of us.  Eight years ago we became allies, bolstering France against Germany while she bolstered us against Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans. This was the opposite hedge of our Triple Alliance where Germany and Austria-Hungary supported us against French actions.

In the past several years, the relationship has decayed. The massacre of our citizens by the French at Aigues-Mortes devastated popular support for the Alliance shortly after it came into being. Things have been neglected since. Certainly it is telling that France did not see fit to endorse our gaining Carinola. Indeed, to vote for that Dutchy to be poor but independent instead of increasing the strength of an Ally, suggests she does not view us as an Ally, but rather a potential foe.

Add to that that with the demise of Austria-Hungary, the strategic reason for us to Ally with France is gone.  One must question if we should continue our participation in the 1892 Alliance, knowing it could involve us in a bloody war with Germany. I'll come back to that.

I think everyone here recognizes that had France stuck to the agreement we would have gained Trieste 40 years ago, but Napoleon III struck Villafranca behind our backs.  Failure to abide by the agreement should have invalidated our delivering Nice and Savoy to him, instead he blackmailed my Grandfather and made them the price of recognizing our reunification. The referendum was an obvious sham. Indeed a bit insulting to rig it so blatantly.

Our Risorgimento advocates recovery Nice, Savory, that portion of Piedmont ceded, and of course Corsica, but we clearly lack the military strength to do so. The French possess an army nearly twice our size, with a Marine component for which there is no need in Germany.  Their Navy in the Mediterranean alone is equivalent to ours. A confrontation strictly between our nations on this issue would be ruinous.

A dishonorable course of action would be to encourage a French attack on Germany, then citing the Triple Alliance, we reclaim those territories. While that might achieve the short term goal, it would have long term repercussions on how our Kingdom was viewed. Further, it has the possibilities of entanglements with Russia in a very big war, which may bankrupt our nation and bleed our citizenry for matters of little import to us. Worse, with Germany's inept bombastic diplomacy at Constantinople, I fear England is inclined towards France. When we joined the Triple Alliance we made it clear we were not to oppose England, she is still a nation which we wish to grow closer to, not further from.

Therefore, I do not see planning a war with France as an Honorable or desirable course of Action. I would rather present the Alliance with Italy as a desirable state of affairs. As our economic and military strength grows, our military and it's effects on the balance of power is more important. From that stance we can use it to gain concessions regarding our former territories in a peaceful manner. Only if that fails shall we consider other measures.

As such, I would like to hear ideas on demonstrating military cooperation with France, and proactively addressing the status of our migrant citizens within France to diminish domestic rancor regarding the 1893 massacre. It is my belief that those events have led to neglect of the relationship, and the most recent Austrian adventure may have led France to believe we are only Germany's ally and not theirs. So, this is a matter where the Monarch must take the unpopular path of rapprochement for the long term good of the nation.

Admiral, I will leave it to your staff to dream up some joint exercise for the Genoese fleet and the Toulon fleet, or simply some port calls.  We shall endeavor to move forward with this in the Spring.  Prime Minister, we need a proposal for a joint policy for migrant workers too and from France, some manner of avoiding repeats of 1893.  We can present the joint policy and proffer the military side as well to shore matters up.

Discussion Ensues
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Not General Knowledge

Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome
(the Royal Palace)

On England

King : Curiously, I have placed England below France, albeit E preceeds F.  My error...

Traditionally, the United Kingdom has see us as a useful friendly power.  My Grandfather cemented that relationship with our participation in the Crimean war, which while deeply unpopular at home, demonstrated to the United Kingdom that we could be a useful tool. Further, strengthening our Kingdom meant weakening two of the continental powers, particularly France. Unfortunately, the United Kingdom has been content to be officially isolated, making alliances of convenience, always the desirable bride.

I am concerned that the Kaiser's bombast at Constantinople paints Germany as the new continental successor to Austria-Hungary, but with a fleet on the North Sea. Our recent military cooperation  presumably suggests a closer relationship, especially compared to the erosion of our relations with France.   However, in the end, the goals of the United Kingdom are similar to those of the Kingdom of Italy. 

The question is, what enticements do we have to offer the English?  With Gibralter and Malta, they have bases in the Mediterranean, otherwise we could offer use of our ports to protect their commerce.

Admiral Marquess Marcello Amero D'Aste-Stella  : Sire, if I may...

King : Proceed :

Admiral Marquess Marcello Amero D'Aste-Stella : While you are correct regarding Gibralter and Malta as naval Arsenals, neither has repair facilities. The Devastation class is 115m long, and the most recent vessels are reportedly 20m longer.

We of course have Taranto and Castellammare, but we also have the nearly unused dockyard across from Castellammare at Naples proper.  At 120m long, it is adequately sized to service any ship the English have on Mediterranean station, yet we rarely make use of it.

King : Excellent idea. We shall have to work out the details, but perhaps suggest a two part contract, where goods bought at Naples by the Royal Navy have some minimal export duties, and so long as Italy is at peace and not actively using the dock, the Royal Navy may avail itself of those services. Certainly the brothels of Naples will make it a popular shore leave port.

We will task the Foriegn Ministry with persuing that offer in conjuction with the Navy.

After England, we have a whole slew of nations to consider, Germany, Greece, the Ottomans, Persia, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Zanzibar. But first we shall break for lunch.

Antonio Starabba, : Persia and Zanzibar Sire?

King : Oh yes, we shall be discussing matters far afield this week.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

This will be most interesting, even if I know none of it in character.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 09, 2014, 03:49:13 PM
This will be most interesting, even if I know none of it in character.

I managed to get rid of the underlining after some efforts :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

OOC : Unexpectedly tired & busy, should get back to this Tuesday.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

I can't complain - too busy dealing with sick Mrs. Rock.

Kaiser Kirk

Not General Knowledge, continued

On the German Empire

King : Gentlemen, I suggest we discuss the German Empire and our relations with it this afternoon.

Antonio Starabba : *ahem* If I may Sire, may I ask what your intentions regarding our lost island of Malta is ?

King, vaguely cross : Mr. Starabba, you may construe my omission of that subject when speaking of the United Kingdom as deliberate. The English have a long history of naval warfare and the largest fleet in the world. Our coastline is long and vulnerable and short-transit maritime trade and fishing vital to our economy.  Yes, Malta was once part of the Kingdom of Sicily, but it has not been in Italian hands in seven centuries and it's inhabitants do not trace their lineage to Italy or speak an Italian dialect. Considering it has no resources, no industry, and is very small, it is not in the best interest of the Kingdom to rile the United Kingdom over. For them, it is a useful guardian to their sea lanes, to us – irrelevant considering our other options. The Crown would appreciate it if you all understand that fact.
Am I understood ?

All: yes, sire.

King : Very Good.  Now, the German Empire.
While the Triple Alliance did not require it, I felt responding to the Emperor's request important on a number of points. First, our commitment to the Alliance, and especially in regards to Austria-Hungary, has often been publically doubted. Second, the performance of our forces and the will to employ them were a matter of question, even to many in our own Kingdom. Third, it seemed an honorable course of action. All of these matters should strike third parties as noteworthy. The Kingdom stands by her allies, stands by her words, and delivers on her promises. I can not think of a better way to showcase such concepts.

This brings us to now. The Germans have been extremely useful to use in the past, allowing us to ride their coattails in 1867 and 1877 to reunification. Their training and technical acumen on military matters has been of import. They are currently the most powerful nation on the Continent. That would seem to make them a desirable ally, which it does.

But, from the reports of Constantinople, what should have been a condemnation of what effectively was a Russian sneak attack on the AustrioHungarian Empire and it's undeclared act of war...became about the Demands the Germans made, and their paranoia regarding a small nation being created adjacent. From the reports, I am concerned that the leaders of England, France and the Ottomans, but I do not feel they feel threatened by the Russian Aggression, but may by the German Demands.  The expectation I had, that the Germans would replicate their approach of the Franco-Prussian war and repatriate those territories not inhabited by Germans was not met.  Unfortunately their presentation appears to have been overall poor. The fact the Triple Alliance has been substantially weakened by the loss of the populence and armies of the Bohemians, Moravians and Hungarians, and so Germany is by extensioned weakened not strengthened.  I fear that may escape notice and the Russians and French will more eagerly collaborate, and the English may be enticed as well.

So this raises the question- with Austria gone, it is no longer a Triple Alliance, and participation threatens entanglements with the French and Russians* – I'll remind you we already have clauses against being trapped into fighting the English, but if they join in opposition after the war starts we would have no choice. So shall we remain in it ? The answer gentlemen, is a long term one, we shall.

To explain- the French Army is nearly as strong as the German, both are roughly twice our strength. However, as we share a border with both, we are valuable to both the French under the Treaty of Nice, and the Germans under the Triple Alliance.  I would presume that my demonstration that we will aid even a repeated foe such as Austria-Hungary in order to fulfill our word shall reassure the two nations that we will abide by whichever treaty is activated.

Abandoning the 1882 treaty now would place our German allies in a bad spot, possibly casting them as vulnerable. Considering our recent cooperation it would also be dishonorable. Further it would likely lead Germany to embrace the Ottomans instead, alarming England with threats in the North Sea and Suez.  Even if our entrance condition the alliance makes clear we do not wish to oppose England, diplomatically it would be all very undesirable. By continuing as Germany's Ally, and standing ready to fufill our word, we forestall the need for them to grow closer with the Ottomans, and we also maintain leverage on the French, and gives us the Kaiser's ear to counter his more extreme nationalists. We are far more empowered as an ally that can be counted on than one that has left. However, should that not succeed, well then we shall have to reassess.

Minister of Foreign Affairs : Emilio, marquis Visconti-Venosta : Sire, what actions should we take in regards to the Germans ?

King : Principally, we stay the course, grow neither more distant nor closer to the Germans. We have demonstrated our willingness to act honorably in time of need, but that Italia does not slavishly follow German dictates.  Your primary role will be to be lavish in your issuance of passports to those that wish to relocate lands, and continued charge the funds to help those moves. We shall also grant passport status to those with Austriohungarian papers, to allow free travel and relocation of funds.

Minister of the Treasury : Luigi Luzzatti  : Funds sire?

King : <looking thoughtful>... huh, I suppose we should include funds. Mr. Luzzatti, can it be arranged that Trieste is granted a liscense to accept international transfers to her banks with no, um, charges?

Prime Minister : Giovanni Giolotti : Sire, I believe I can get that passed expeditiously.

King : Excellent. Make it so number one.
<Drinking wine>  Excellent vintage. From Picardy.

Minister of Foreign Affairs : Emilio, marquis Visconti-Venosta : Yes, sire, the vitners there are quite enterprising. I believe you wished to discuss Greece Next ?

*The text of the 1892-4 Franco-Russian Military convention was secret at this time, but the fact it existed was known. 
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

1.2.1901  The three vessels chosen for the African expedition are taken in for Overhaul.  The two armored cruisers of the Marco Polo class will be supported by the tender/collier Carbonia in a voyage down the east coast of Africa, verifying merchant reports of harbors and securing rights to them.

1.22.1901 The final ratification of a bill creates an allowance of full citizenship for any who can prove their ancestors alive in 1780 were subjects of an Italian state, or spoke a dialect of the Italian language.  The citizenship must be claimed at any Foreign Office facility or city hall.  The bill paves the way for the descendents of the Venetian Republic, torn asunder by France and Austria in 1797 and now reunited, to claim their rightful place in Italian society.

The second part of the bill formalizes the special status of the "Crown City of Trieste" as a city with virtually no tariffs and limited taxation, answerable to it's city hall and the crown. People of all countries will continue to be allowed to hold property and companies.  These measures are intended to ensure the continuing vitality of the city and it's status as port for the former lands of the Austrian Hungarian Empire.

The expedition to Africa departed today.  The two armored cruisers of the Marco Polo class will be supported by the tender/collier Carbonia in a voyage down the east coast of Africa, verifying merchant reports of harbors and securing rights to them.

4.1.1901  The spring Milan Trade Fair has awarded it's winning prizes, including one for the "Type 2",  an advanced racing car designed by Ettore Bugatti.  Mr. Bugatti is from an artistic family, brother of the famed sculptor Rembrandt Bugatti, and the craftmanship and art is evident in the automobile as well.   

Bari Province, Warsangali Sultanate
The denizens of Berbera were astounded today as the Italian squadron eased itself past the spit guarding the harbor and came to anchor.  Lighters from the two armored cruisers and the merchant were lowered and rowed to shore.  Fielding some speakers of passable Arabic, the Italians found it necessary to reassure the local authorities of their peacable intent, and subsequently proved to be poor hagglers. Over the course of the week, the lighters criss-crossed the harbor, tossing marked chains over and recording the result, while Italians Marines examined the areas around the town. Finally, the Italians returned to their vessels and departed.

Las Khorey, capital of the Warsangali Sultanate
The arrival of the large Italian warships was the source of some excitement in the ancient harbor, and in the fortress behind it. The Italians, having received permission to come ashore, disembark and request an audience with the Sultan, Mohamoud Ali Shire, at his majesty's conveiniance.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest