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Russian News 1900-

Started by Guinness, August 11, 2014, 10:22:38 AM

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Mid July (new calendar)

With the summer heat baking down on Budapest and the Hungarian countryside, the Russian Army undertakes to rotate forces, deploying the 3rd Guards Cavalry to secure supply lines on either side of the Russian-Hungarian border, and deploying Cossacks south from Poland to areas within Russia near the principal railheads near Hungary.

Russia takes no measures to conceal these movements, and answers frankly if asked about them.

Additionally, troops who have been facing the Russo-German and Russo-Austrian border since the outbreak of hostilities are seen mounting renewed efforts to expand their earthworks.

General Zhilinskiy also cables command asking for the 2nd Siege Artillery Battalion in Cherntivitsi be mobilized and positioned where it might be more use should hostilities break out again. Eventually, authority is granted. Unfortunately, the usually sedentary artillerists aren't terribly pleased, and operational security is not what it should be, resulting in the following in a leading London broadsheet:

QuoteRussians to move heavy guns to Hungary. Do they mean to demolish Budapest if the Conference at Constantinople turns against them?