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News from Austria Hungary

Started by miketr, August 09, 2014, 08:37:26 AM

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January 30th, 1900

Franz Joseph I Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary from 1848 died after a massive stroke.  The late Emperor and King was 69.  It is noteworthy that January 30th is the 11th anniversary of the suicide of Franz Joseph's son, Rudolf, Archduke of Austria and Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary.  Besides his son Franz Joseph was also predecease by his wife Elisabeth Empress-Consort of Austria and Queen-Consort of Hungary and a two year old daughter, Archduchess Sophie.

These family deaths are only part of the troubled reign of the late Emperor and King.  Franz Joseph came to the throne in 1848 following the abdication of his uncle Ferdinand I during the year of Revolutions in 1848 that swept Europe.  The next four decades saw a steady decline in the fortunes of the Hapsburg Empire as various territories have been peeled away.  First the Italian territories Lombardy in 1859 and Venetia in 1866 as part of the aftermath of the Austro-Prussian War.  Besides loosing Venetia the Hapsburg Empire was also pushed out of Germany as the German Confederation was disbanded which Franz Joseph had been the president of.  Over the next five years Prussia went on to form the German Empire.   The chaos of defeat in 1866 allowed Hungary to push for radical change in the Hapsburg Empire and to avoid possible civil war the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 followed.  This agreement split the Empire into Austrian and Hungarian halves.   Each half with its own parliaments and administration but a single foreign policy and united under the rule of Franz Joseph.

1880 saw the final humiliation of the Hapsburg state as it declared war on the Ottoman Empire when the later attempted to assert historic rights in the Balkans.  Over the next two years the Austro-Hungarian armies lost ground while Vienna and Budapest feuded over funding the war effort and other matters.  Finally Romania entered the war to cease Transylvania.  Followed by a Polish revolt in Galacia which caused Russia, fearing revolt in Congress Poland, to move.  The Peace treaty that followed saw Austra-Hungary greatly reduced as Galacia, Transylvania and Croatia were lost to Russia, Romania and the Ottoman Empire.

Franz Joseph was only able to hold onto his throne with the intervention of German Troops.  At the time many expected that Austria would be annexed to Germany following this latest humiliation to complete the finial unification of the German People.  The German Chancellor Bismarck despite calls by Pan German Nationalists in Germany and within Austria itself refused and instead propped up what many now called the 'cripple of central Europe.'

In the roughly two decades that followed Franz Joseph has attempted to bring stability to Austria Hungary but with decidedly mixed results as the Emperor was a noted reactionary and has kept reforms to an absolute minimum.  Despite the loss various territories the Dual Monarchy is a polyglot state with various minorities crying out for increased autonomy.

The New Emperor and King of Austria Hungary Franz Ferdinand, nephew of the late Franz Joseph.  For many years Franz Ferdinand has openly called for reforms of the Dual Monarchy.   Hungarian Nationalists have been worried over some of the 'reform' ideas circulating linked to Franz Ferdinand that would see a decrease in Hungarian authority and power within the empire.  The Hungarians have been smarting since the Eastern Crises War of 1880-82 that saw several provinces of the Crown Saint Stephen lost; most notable Transylvania and Croatia.

With a new and reforming monarch could Austria Hungary be at last set to turn the page on a half century of defeats and dismembering?


Excerpts from speech of the new monarch of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand
February 1900

"The past century has brought many changes to Europe but too often Austria Hungary has not changed, instead we have been caught like wheat between the grind stones...

...If there is still to be a Kingdom in twenty years then Austria Hungary must change to meet the challenges of a new century...

...Out first act is to call a joint assembly of the Austrian and Hungarian Parliaments to consider and implement necessary changes for the survival of the Monarchy...

...Austria Hungary is made up of not just Germans and Magyars but also Czech's, Slovaks, Croats...

...A new way of governing is needed...

...Austria Hungary to be reorganized around a Federal model with rights of minority's protected and new regional parliaments established..."

There has been shock in many quarters within Austria Hungary at Franz Ferdinand's speech. While Czech politicians in Bohemia and Moravia express cautious optimism Hungarian politicians have been cool to outright angry at the suggestion of the radical reorganization that Franz Ferdinand is suggesting.



Diet of Hungary

"Bye order of his majesty this body is to assemble..."

The imperial order was cut off by a wave a boos and cat calls from many memners of the house.  After several minutes the speaker was able to restore calm to the house.

"Point of order Mr. Speaker!  Point of order!"  A member of the house shouted for attention.

The speaker with some reluctance allowed the member to speak.

"As Franz Ferdinand has not yet been crownd..."  the Member pronouced the Emperor and Kings name in the German style.

Another member of the house shouted, "And he never will either!"  Which genereated a wave of applause and it took the Speaker several minutes to restore order.

"As Franz Ferdinand has not been crowed King of Hungary I question the legality of this order..." which again set off more shouts that echoed across the chamber.

Hofburg Palace

"So they refused the summons..."  Franz Ferdinand was sitting behind an ornate desk and a large frown was plastered on his face.

"Not at exactly your Majesty there is some concern over the legal forms..."

The new Emperor and King stood up and his voice was tense, "I haven't been crowned because they are dragging their feet on that too.  Well enough is enough tell the Hungarian Premier he and the Hungarian Diet are to appear as ordered."

Then turning to the General standing off to the side of the gilded room, "Just in case I want you to start to draw up some plans...."


Wiener Zeitung

Protests broke following the order of the Hungarian Diet to meet in Prague in a rare joint session of the Austrian and Hungarian Parliaments with the stated purpose of government reform.  The protests in Hungary have turned violent with protesters attacking business owned by Germans, Slavs and Jews with the police standing by.  In the second day of rioting it appears that organized groups have been formed attacking non Magyars.  Besides property damage there are reports of injuries and some deaths in the largest cities of Hungary.  Protesters have taken to burning placards of Franz Ferdinand and waving Hungarian nationalist symbols.

The Prime Minister of Hungary has called for calm but has refused to call out the military to restore order...


Two nights ago peaceful demonstrators that were protesting the tyrannical edict of Franz Ferdinand who is attempting to strip the Magyars of their rightful place within the monarchy were attacked by subversive elements.  Fighting broke out and self-defense groups have been formed to defend against the subversive elements that wish to break apart the Kingdom of Hungary and undo the gains made since 1848...


Hofburg Palace

A frown marred the brow of Franz Ferdinand, "How many have show up in Prague?"

"A little over a third and they tabled the Hungarian Diet out of session without addressing a number of key items including approving the budget."

The Hapsburg ruler sighed as while disappointed he wasn't surprised by this news.  He asked another question already suspecting the answer for that one, "The violence?"

"Its reduced but its still going on with the Hungarian police doing little to stop it."

A fist slammed down onto the table and Franz Ferdinand had his nostrils flare like a bull, "Enough is enough.  I want the Honvéd to go into the cities and restore order and for I want arrest warrants for every member of the Hungarian Diet that hasn't appeared.  Draw up the papers for me to sign."

The ministers looked concerned, "Is this wise?"

A general interjected, "How do we know that the Honvéd will obey?"

Franz Ferdinand, "We can't let this go on and sending in the Common Army, even Magyar regiments would just enrage these hot heads even more.  No lets see if the Hungarian Army can restore order and is loyal."

The General asked, "And if its not loyal?"

"Then we see how good your plans are General..."


"By order of his Apostolic Majesty, Franz Ferdinand, King of Hungary the Royal Hungarian Landwehr is ordered to mobilize..."


OOC:  This has taken too long so spending events up.

April, 1900

Large crowds in the center of the city.

"Down with the German Tyrant Ferdinand!"

"Hungary!  Hungary!  Hungary!"

"Death to the Jews!"

"Death to the Germans!"

The mobs started to sweep through the city smashing windows of many business.  The Jewish quarter was very hard hit but also the German quarter.  When the mobs came to barricades manned by the Honvéd the rifle men looked on nervously but slowly the mobs turned down side streets and resumed burning and looting.  The Hungarian troops stayed put and did nothing.

Hofburg Palace

"How many are dead?"  A dejected Franz Ferdinand asked.

The General raised his hands helplessly, "At least several hundred, we don't rightly know.  It's clear that the Honvéd just isn't controlling the rioters at all."

"Its spreading out into the countryside too at this point.  It's no longer the cities. "  The Austrian Premier said.

Franz Ferdinand said nothing for a minute then he took a deep breath, "We have no choice, the Hungarians had their chance.  I want units from the Common Army mobilized and the Austrian Landwehr placed on alert. If the Hungarians won't restore order then we will do it for them. "
The others in the room looked at each other but no one wanted to say what they were all thinking.  What would the Hungarians do when Imperial troops were used in Hungary.

Two Weeks Later

A training carrying the Infanterieregiment Freiherr von Giesl Nr.16 from Vienna into Hungary started down a slope into the Danube valley. 

In the woods nearby, "This will teach the German scum..."


Several pounds of dynamite go off as the detonator is activated and the engine of the train jack knifes off the rails  Other cars quickly follow.  What is left is twisted mass of metal, wood and smashed flesh.

Hofburg Palace

"Have we made any progress?"  The Hapsburg Monarch looked to have aged ten years in the last few months. 

"Very little sire."

The General snorted, "Less than little, its clear that the Honvéd is in active revolt and there are reports of desertions from Hungarian Regiments in the Common Army.  Half measures are simply not going to work."

"What do you recommend General?"  Asked the Austrian Premier.
"General Mobilization of the Common Army and the Austrian Landwehr, we move in with force and end this.  Once and for all."

The politician was horrified, "You know what you are saying?  Its going to set off a CIVIL WAR!"
Franz Ferdinand looked shook his head, "The civil war is already upon us.  All that is left is to end it as quickly as possible.  Mr. Prime Minister I want a bill out of the parliament at Prague to authorize extraordinary measures for Hungary, I am declaring martial law all throughout Hungary; habeas corpus is suspended.  The Hungarian Parliament is dissolved and so are the Hungarian Courts. "

"Get the German and Italian Ambassadors in here."

Kaiser Kirk

Wein, Austria :
Ambassador Raffaele Cappelli, of the Kingdom of Italy, wondered how this strange turn events had come to pass.
King Umberto had heeded Bismarck's call to alliance, and so forged this Triple Alliance with the old foe of Austria-Hungary, but that was against the Ottomans, and if need be the French. To be asked to send troops to put down the Hungarian uprising, well he really hadn't known what to tell the Emperor.  The Hungarians were petty tyrants and ill liked, but rather distant from Italy, and the Alliance did not cover this. In fact, he was rather curious to see Rome's response, but unsure how to politely break the bad news to the Emperor.

Rome, Italy
As the carriage carried him through the night Prime Minister Giovanni Giolotti fidgeted as the Foreign Undersecretary,
Tommaso Tittoni briefed him on the events in AustroHungary. Minister Giolotti's head swam with the potential reasons the King would summon him at this time.

At the palace, they were met by the King's aide-de-campe, a Capitan Calviglia, who ushered them to the King's Library
On their entrance to the library, the tableau that greeted them was of a large map strewn table around which several men earnestly discussed matters.

As the Captain announced them, the men turned in greeting.  Giovanni surveyed the assemblage, Treasury minister Luzzati, War Minister General Magnani, Chief of Staff Lt. General Saletta, and Admiral Marquess D'Aste-Stella, and of course the spry little King.

King : "I have Wonderful news Mr. Giolotti, we're going to war!" the little King announced.

PM : "Sire? Begging your pardon, but with whom, not the Austrians? I know they are having difficulties, but with all due respect that ruin our reputation"

King :"No, no Mr. Giolotti, with the Hungarian rebels. We are to aid the Austrians. It may not be covered by the treaty, but they have asked for both Germany and ourselves to come to their aid, much as the Germans did last time this happened, but this time we are equally awarded the honor."

PM : "Aid the Austrians? Sire, I feel I must draw your attention to the unpopularity of the Alliance, further returning independence fighters to their shackles will go poorly in the land of Garibaldi".

King : "Oh, quite so, and this is why this is a perfect.  The Hungarians are revolting because the Emperor wishes to bring more independence to those they oppress, so by sending support we are aiding the oppressed slavs under the Hungarian thumb. Granted, we care little about the slavs, but it's a wonderful opportunity to burnish Italian honor and blood our troops and test General Magnani's reforms.

PM : "Yes Sire, I see, may I sit and have a glass"

King : "Of course, sit, drink, and we shall plan.

Minister Luzzati (who looks queasy) informs me we can pay for this expedition by deferring expenditures on naval construction, while Admiral D'Aste-Stella (who looks pained) has agreed to this and promised to support operations with a squadron. This will of course be primarily a task for the Royal Army, and we shall be entrusting Lt. General Perrucchetti with the expeditionary corps. 

For Phase I, we shall send the Celere Divisione (Cav) and the Bergsaglieri Divisione by train through the border to Marburg an der Drau (Maribor).  II Fantera division will join the Expeditionary Corps as rail transport is available.  At Marburg the Corps will reassemble and coordinate with German and Austrian forces, but most likely operate to secure Nagy kaniza*, seizing it's rail hub.  I expect our cavalry will be most effective on the Hungarian plains.  That will not be all of course, follow on forces will consist of the Navy delivering La Marina Divisione Regiments to Trieste where they will move inland, relieving Austrian forces of garrison duties. III Riservare will be activated and can replace the II Fantera's positions in Veneto."

PM : "I see, well if the die is cast, how can I be of service?"

King : "Well, it would be courteous to explain this to the Chamber of Deputies and the public. We will need fliers explaining the perfidious nature of the Hungarians, and the chance of glory this brings"

PM : "Ah..."

*Historically connected by rail to Rijeka, here that is held by the Ottomans, so connecting to Marburg an der Drau and thus Trieste would be logical and so make a logical strategic front for the Italians.

Wein, Austria
Ambassador Raffaele Cappelli, reread the message again. It would appear the Emperor would be pleased, well time to make an appointment. As he left the chamber, it occurred to him that it would be best to make a second appointment for the next day, to continue discussions on the coal tariffs the Austrians were leveling on their exports.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Hofburg Palace

"What do you mean the parliament in Prague won't approve the declaration!" Franz Ferdinand shot up from behind his desk and then pounded his fists.  The fine china tea cup bounced on its saucer. 

"Majesty a block of the Czech Nationalists and all of the Hungarians at the Parliament are using various maneuvers to drag out debate and prevent a vote.  The leader of the Czech's ha said they will drop resistance as soon as we agree to certain proposals regarding the future of Bohemia and Moravia."

The Austrian General snorted, "So its blackmail, never trust a Slav... " Then with an almost Gallic shrug the General turned to the Emperor, "We need the approval before we can move into Hungary in force.  It had better be quick as the Germans already have troop trains headed for the border and the Italian will be following soon."

The Emperor nodded, "Find out what they want, we need to lance this festering boil in Hungary before it gets any worse."

Leonding, Austria (a small town not far from the border with Bohemia)

An eleven year old boy with strait black hair and piercing eyes yells at a man walking down the street, "Traitor!  Dirty Czech!  You are league with the Hungarians and Jews (OOC common troupe is to blame the Jews for anything including bad weather by some)!" 

The man ignores the boy which just enrages the boy who just had another fight with his father over schooling.  The boy picks up a stone and throws it at the man, then another and another stone fly.  A few other children nearby join in.

The man enraged tries to defend himself from hail of stones.  At this point people take notice of a man fighting with several boys with the boys calling the man a Czech and traitor.  Soon other adults join in the fight...

A number of nationalist news papers run stories about a Czech attacking children in Austria.  Other incidents break out nearby Bohemia between Czechs and Germans over the delayed Martial Law bill, the stalled debate had dominated news stories for days, and over the incident in Leonding. 


Declaration of Independence of the Kingdom of Hungary!

The Hungarian Parliament declares that the Dual Monarchy of Austria Hungary is dissolved and from this moment, Hungary is an independent nation.  As Archduke Franz Ferdinand has never been crowned King of Hungary, he also has refused the just demands of the Hungarian people and has now resorted to attempting to make himself dictator, the Hungarian Parliament declares the throne of the Kingdom of Hungary vacant.  The Hungarian people offer the crown to Archduke Joseph August, eldest son of the Archduke Joseph, Palatine of Hungary, who will be crowned at once.

Austrian troops are to leave the territory of Hungary at once and general mobilization of Honvéd is declared.  Hungarian Regiments of the former Common Army are ordered to obey the lawful orders of the Hungarian Kingdom.


You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon

The Rock Doctor

Dammit, Adolf.  What is it with you and Czechs?


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on September 04, 2014, 05:07:02 PM
Dammit, Adolf.  What is it with you and Czechs?

He was born there and clashes between the two groups had a good deal of history.  I was wondering if I left enough clues to I D the future paper hanger and dictator.

Quote from: snip on September 04, 2014, 04:54:32 PM
Can we get a date on this?

Lets go with May


Berlin, Germany
May 17th 1900

"Chancellor has my army wiped out the Hungarians in rebellion to their rightful sovereign?"   

Kaiser Wilhelm was all too often prone to bombast, especially when the German Military was the topic. 

"The Bavarian Corps is passing through Austria on its way to..."

Wilhelm waved his one good hand, "Yes, yes but what of the Prussian Troops?  What of my most excellent Guard Corps?"

"They are stuck on Bohemia, problems with the railroads.  We are going to reroute them to Austrian Silesia and march overland."

The German Emperor frowned, "What sort of problems..."

Hofburg Palace
May 17th 1900

"General What in the hell is going on in Bohemia and Moravia?' 

The Hapsburg Chief of the General Staff, General Friedrich von Beck-Rzikowsky looked every inch his 70 years but his back was still straight and his eyes clear, "The Czech railroad workers are on strike and we can't move the Prussian Troops through."

Aid to the General, Major General Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf sneered, "The Czechs are showing their true colors!  We should have the Prussians crush these rebels."

Franz Ferdinand looked sideways at the fire eating General, "No I don't think I am going to push this disturbance into full blown revolt.  The real worry is the German Nationalists, the bill they put forward will do would just that.  Its casting a net so wide it will sweep up anyone that speaks out, Hungarian rhetoric aside I have no wish to be a dictator.  We need to talk the Czechs down and then the German Nationalists"

Conrad looked horrified, "Majesty you shouldn't cave into these Czech traitors..."

General Beck-Rzikowsky quieted his subordinate. 

"I am going to Prague..."


People were handing out fliers calling for the restoration of 'Greater Hungary.'  Depending on which person you got a flier from showed different definitions of 'Greater Hungary.'  One called for a restoration of the Kingdom of Matthias Corvinus in 1480.

Others called for the Kingdom of Louis the Great at his death in 1387.   

These various maps showed territory belonging to Russia, Romania, Germany, Austria and the Ottoman Empire in various combinations.

Combat Events
Last two weeks of May.

The Hungarian Army was able to get more troops into the field with Austria experiencing mobilization problems.  Believing the best defense was a good offense the Hungarians went on the offensive.

In the Carinthia Region the Hungarians hoped to be able to sweep to the coast and trigger a revolt by the Slovenes.  This would have the effect of breaking Austria's connection to the Sea and also giving Hungary a connection.  At first the offensive made good progress made good progress in the east but once out of Styria the terrain turns rough and the Austrians were able to rush enough troops to form a defense line along the Sava Hills.  In particular the elite Kaiserjäger with their specialist mountain warfare training were of decisive effect in stopping the Hungarians. 

A the same time the Slovak Regions in the north were not responding with the enthusiasm that Budapest wanted.  In reality the Slovaks were dragging their feet much the way the Czechs were in Bohemia.  So several Hungarian Divisions, with a strong backing of newly raised militia flood the region.  There is very little organized resistance by the Slovaks but that doesn't stop a great deal of prosperity damage being caused and many deaths unruly Hungarian troops.  In several villages Slovak woman and late teens suffer at the hands of the Hungarian Militia.  By the end of the month the Hungarians have rolled up to the border with Moravia.   

In the mean time the German Guard Corps has arrived in South East Moravia and the Bavarians are east of Vienna.  Italian troops have also started to cross into Carinthia heading East.

A-H-CW Situation at start of mid May.
A-H-CW-1 Direction of Hungarian offensives
A-H-CW-1a Situation at end of May.


Assassination Attempt in Prague!
June 1st, 1900

While making an impassioned speech calling for utility in the face Hungarian Revolt a Czech Socialist Deputy fired a number of shots with a revolver at Franz Ferdinand.  Struck twice, one of which was in the chest the Hapsburg Emperor collapsed.   It is reported that once the delegates got over their shock over the shooting many German Nationalist deputies attack Czech Deputies and a near riot resulted that wasn't stopped till the Emperors Guards fired several rounds into the ceiling.

It is feared that the situation in Bohemia and Moravia will grow even worse in the wake of this latest incident.   

OOC will wait a day or two to see if there is any player response.

Kaiser Kirk

HQ II Fantera Divisione
General Alberto Pollio regarded the message with a mixture of relief and exasperation.
The idea of having a reserve divisione replace his in line was not going to work. The mobilization times were simply too long, yet it had taken nearly a week for the staffers in Rome to figure that out. Now that they finally had, he was to hold his Divisione ready until regiments from V Fantera arrived to replace his brigades, a delay of several more days.

HQ Celere Cavalry Divisione
Prince Tommaso, Commander Italian Cavalry, watched as his troopers and their mounts were loaded on the waiting freight cars. The grandiose scheme was unfolding in way to cast the Quartermaster Corps in a decidedly unfavorable light. It had always been assumed the Cavalry would simply trek across the Po valley to whichever front they were needed. There was apparently little provision to dispatch them by rail to any destination in Italy, much less the Austrian Empire.  Train schedules were being improvised, there seemed no provision for troop movements to locations lacking depots, and the quartermasters seemed to lack knowledge of how many troops or horses which type of rail car could carry.

Most infuriatingly, the individual proving to know the most was the Russian advisor Polkovnik Valeri Titov.  The Russians at least had paid great attention to the details of mobilizing troops by rail across the fastness of the Russian Empire. Polkovnik Titovs assessment of the Italian reserve system had not been favorable, but his advice had served well, and was proving must useful in this case.

HQ La Marina Divisione
Captain Leonida Matarelli strode the corridors of the Pasquale di Paoli making sure his men were bunked down properly. The loading had gone as expected, as practiced. The Regiment would be finished loading within the hour, and they were told the trip to Trieste would take a little over 2 days on this ship. The Austrians were supposed to have trains to take them to some place called Adalsburg, where they would relieve border troops, their presence ensuring the Ottomans understood the Alliance to be valid.

Goritz, Austrian Littorial
Customs post, Goritz [Goriza].
Lieutenant Giuseppe Matucci, Platoon Commander, 1034th Company, 103rd Regiment, 10th Grado Brigade was trying very hard to fight the butterflies in his stomach while looking stern and insightful as he inspected his men.  The Bergsagliari tradition demanded fast movement, and he was pleased to see that had happened, everything was on schedule, but he had the gnawing worry something had been forgotten. It was the strangest thing to be inspecting his troops in conjunction with the Austrian Customs Officers at  Goritz but they insisted on it, so here, in the middle of the night, they had roused his men to hold an inspection.

Soon, the train would be let to continue east, pausing in Laibach [Ljubljana] on it's journey to Marburg an der Drau [Maribor],where the Corpo di Spedizione Italiano was marshalling under the command of Lt. General Perrucchetti.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest