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Started by Walter, July 19, 2014, 06:03:17 PM

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(could probably change a bit)

Rating Scale:

10:  Best Friends Forever (and Allies)
9:  Not Allied, but excellent long-term friends
8:  Friends
7:  Good terms
6:  Cautiously Good terms
5:  Neutral/Ambivalent
4:  Wary
3:  Unfriendly
2:  Hostile, but non-violent
1:  Kill 'em all
0:  #^@%$

The Americas List
General: We respect the Monroe Doctrine of the United Staters despite the fact that we are not a European nation. Therefore we try to limit getting involved in any way thus resulting in limited contact with the vast majority of nations of the Americas.
-- Republic of Argentina => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Brazil => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Chile => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Colombia => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Presidency of Mexico => 3. Dictatorship. Traitors who murdered their Emperor. At least we were decent enough to talk with Aisin-Gioro Zaitian (= Guangxu Emperor) about stepping down and he now resides in a house outside Shanghai. Limited contact but we already find that way too much considering what they truly deserve. We'll leave that to the United Staters.
-- United States of America => 5. The United Staters managed to get some more footholds in the Pacific. Maybe in the future we will be neighbours. Perhaps we should start to work on some trade and the relations so that perhaps in the future we can get a bit more involved with trading with other American nations.
-- Republic of Venezuela => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Confederation of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica) => 5. A couple of nations now as one. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Ecuador => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Peru => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Bolivia => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Paraguay => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of Uruguay => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Dominican Republic of Haiti => 5. We believe that this used to be the French holiday resort, but the locals weren't too happy and decided to kick out the French and make it their own holiday resort. Limited communication.

The Europe List
General: Many different nations around to deal with although there are a few that we do not really talk to a lot. Perhaps we need to change that.
-- Austrian-Hungarian Empire => 8. Declining empire but still capable. We get some of our infantry arms from here.
-- Kingdom of Belgium => 8. Fries, waffles, beer, chocolate. A tasty nation to deal with.
-- Kingdom of Denmark => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Republic of France => 9. Regional neighbour through their control of Tonkin. Our main infantry arms supplier and besides the arms... cheese, croissants, mille-feuilles, macarons, wine, baguettes. Another tasty nation to deal with.
-- German Empire => 8. Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Pretzels und Bier. Another tasty Nation to deal with and we even remembered to write the nouns with capitals.
-- Kingdom of Greece => 5. They seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place and in both cases it is called the Ottoman Empire.
-- Kingdom of Italy => 6. Trading. Something that dates back quite a few centuries. Venice, now part of Italy, is where the Great Western Trader came from. While some of our citizens know about it, most don't and even those who do unfortunately do not know him by name. With his ancestor having met the Great Western Trader, the emperor is eager not only to improve relations but also to find descendants from the Great Western Trader. Used to be the center of Da Qin (= Roman Empire).
-- Kingdom of the Netherlands => 8. Present in the region though their control of the Dutch East Indies. Cheese, Beer, Pies, many types of fish. Another tasty nation to deal with.
-- Kingdom of Portugal => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Kingdom of Rumania => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Russian Empire => 6. Our Northern Neighbour. Tsar Nicholas II seems a decent ruler. Russia also has to deal with the vast, cold and empty eastern realms. We try our best to keep any troublemakers from sneaking into Russia.
-- Kingdom of Spain => 5. Used to be in the region but got kicked out by the Japanese and United Staters. Maybe they will be back in the future. We're not sure about their favorite past time watching those wimps run away from those bulls in those rings. We have even seen a bull with many markings on his horn to indicate the number of people who are unable to properly sit in a chair.
-- Kingdom of Sweden and Norway => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Swiss Confederation => 8. The huge Bank in the mountains. We get some of our infantry arms from here. Some tasty chocolate as well.
-- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland => 5. Neighbour through their control of India. Our inbetween neighbours seem to be troublesome and our western neighbour should probably become the definition of 'confusion' in dictionaries. Perhaps...
-- Principality of Monaco => 8. Cassino!!! Gambling is the way to go and stay entertained. A friendly neighbour of a friendly neighbour has got to be a friendly nation, right?
-- Republic of San Marino => 5. Say what?
-- Principality of Andorra => 5. Uhm... Yeah... Right...
-- Principality of Liechtenstein => 5. Don't know this one either...
-- Grand Duchy of Luxemburg => 5. You're just making up some nation now... What? It's real? Okay, we'll send someone there then...

The Africa List
General: Some foothold of the European along the coasts, vast majority of the African lands are the Savage Lands. We try to steer clear of those parts. Probably steer clear of the entire continent.
-- Orange-Freestate => 5. They seem to be a thorn in the side of the British. Limited contact.
-- South African Republic => 5. They seem to be a thorn in the side of the British. Limited contact.
-- Republic of Natalia => 5. They seem to be a thorn in the side of the British. Limited contact.
-- Kingdom of Morocco => 5. Limited contact. They are there...
-- Ethiopian Empire => 5. More limited contact. They are also there...
-- Algerian Empire => 5. Even more limited contact. Are they there? Guess so...
-- The Savage Lands => 1. Here be Dragons... or at least lions, hypos, rhinos, elephants, crocodiles, snakes, monkeys, canibals and other nasty creatures that can deal you a swift death. Lots of sands, grasslands and jungles as well which makes the region even more unfriendly. The Chinese government advices not to travel through this region.

The Asia List
General: Our continent. Various nations around, various nations controlled by Europeans around.
-- Emirate of Afghanistan => 3. Confusion. Sometimes hostile and sometimes friendly. We totally agree with the British about this lot.
-- Bhutan Empire => 3. Troublesome... troublesome indeed...
-- Japanese Empire => 4. We got our @$$es kicked by them in thing 1894-5 war. They handed Taiwan back to us in exchange of our recognition of Korea as Japanese sovereign territory. The fact that they did shows that they're probably okay but with the war quite recent, it will probably take a while to restore relations.
-- Sultanate of Muscat and Oman => 5. They are close to the Chaos of Arabia though.
-- Ottoman Empire => 5. A sizeable empire on the other side of Asia that spreads into Europe and Africa. There is quite some distance between us and them, but we should keep an eye on them.
-- Persian Empire => 5. Might become troublemakers in the future.
-- Kingdom of Siam => 5. They're in the region...
-- Kingdom of Nepal => 3. Troublesome... but seem to be more troublesome to the British.
-- Kingdom of Sikkim => 3. Stuck between troublesome and troublesome makes this one troublesome as well.
-- Wastelands of Arabia => 2. Anarchy. Chaos. More troublesome to the Ottomans though.
-- Some small bit along the Persian Gulf => 5. They scream that they are independent. The Ottomans claim that it is part of their empire. We will have to wait to see who is right.

The Undefined List
General: Uhm...
-- Terra Australis => 0. The enemies here are the weather, terrain and horrible fridgid temperatures. Some part of the year it seems to be dark there as well. Death awaits all who dare to face these fearsome forces. Worse than the The Savage Lands. The '0' rating of diplomatic relations was specially created by the Chinese Government for this inhospitable and hostile region simply because there is no one to deal with. these lands seem to be ruled by vast hordes of Penguins so fearsome that they would make even the bravest of the Kansu Braves cry. Naturally the Chinese government advices not to travel through this region. If you happen to have life insurance, it will not be valid in this region. The people of the island of Australia don't seem to like it that we call those white wastelands 'Terra Australis'. Maybe we should make them happy and change the name.
-- Time Lords => 8. We let time flow the way it should flow. No need to upset the balance of Yin & Yang.

The China List
General: Our Glorious nation with many, many people and many, many, many ethnic groups. In general all is well within the Empire... except for the occasional bandit raid... and the occasional pirate raid... and the occasional argument... and the occasional vanishing consul sent to aonther part of the world...
-- Mongol => 10. The people of the emperor as well as his famous ancestors, Genghis and Kublai, although there may be many more who are descendants of the great Mongol Khans.
-- Uyghur => 9. Very dependable, but need to be kept in check as they can be a bit too eager with matters.
-- Tibetan => 9. The religious center of China. All hail the Dalai Lama whose spiritual wisdom shall help lead China back to the greatness of pre Qing corrupted China.
-- Manchu => 7. Some Qing supporting troublemakers are still around, but they are being watched and dealt with when it is deemed necessary. Majority does support the new emperor, recognizing the corruption of the Qings.
-- Han => 9. Vast majority of China. A troublemaker here and there but the dependable Governors of Wei, Wu and Shu know how to control them.
-- Many other ethnic groups => 9. Tatar... Zhuang... Hui... Miao... Yi... Dong... Bouyei... Yao... Bai... Lahu... Va... Sui... Nakhi... Qiang... Tu... and there are so many more ethnic groups around besides those, but they all appear to be very supportive and glad to see the Qings gone.

The Other groups living within other nations... more a matter of our opinion of them rather than true relations between us and these people, although it is possible that the feeling may not be mutual... List
General: There are many. A lot more than we have in China. Still there are a few that in our eyes seem to stand out.
-- Scots => 4. Part of the British Empire. Red-haired, mad and angry. They eat strange food as well. Good thing that the British have to deal with them.
-- Irish => 4. Part of the British Empire. Also red-haired, mad and angry. Rebelious and don't like the British. Good thing that the British have to deal with them.
-- Indians (India) => 5. Part of the British Empire. Not to be confused with the Indians from the Indian tribes of the Americas. The people that inhabit the lands of the British Empire that borders our lands. Not sure about them, but they are probably okay.
-- Pakistani => 4. Part of the British Empire. Confusion. Sometimes hostile and sometimes friendly. Being part of the British Empire probably makes it worse but the British seem to be able to keep them in check.
-- Eskimo => 5. Part of the US (Alaska Territory), the British Empire (Canadian Confederation), Russia (Siberia), and Denmark (Greenland). Tribe of nutters living in the freezing north of the American and Asian continents. Rather them than us.
-- Lakota => 6. Part of the US. Part of the Great Sioux Nation. The tribe of the great warriors Tat... Taht... Tathat... Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, who gave major Custard a good spanking at Big Littlehorn. Can't be bad people then.
-- Apache => 6. Part of the US. The tribe of the great warrior Goi... Gogo... Goyo... Yoda... Geronimo, who fustrated thousands of Mexican and American troops with just a handful of warriors and resisting the United States occupation of the indian lands. Can't be bad people then.