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Naval Set-up

Started by The Rock Doctor, April 14, 2014, 10:07:59 AM

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The Rock Doctor

Historically, the Ottomans didn't produce a great deal of their own ships.  Obviously, I'd change that.  But there'd still be a hefty foreign influence, particularly early on. 

The early 1880s would see stuff largely bought from friendly power(s) - notionally but not necessarily Germany.  The capital ships would be a batch of Siegfried-style coastal defence battleships.  By 1900, these tubs are hanging out in the peripheral regions of the Empire doing flag-waving things.  One or two might be in auxiliary roles - targets, gunnery training, etc.

Subsequently, a batch of three battleships would follow in the early 1890s; these would be akin to contemporary German PDs, except with 28cm guns instead of the historical 24cm peashooters.  The Germans would build the first locally, then provide technical support and specialized components for two local-builds. 

One of the three is subsequently lost to (whatever) and a second-hand German ship is picked up to fill the gap.

Come the mid-90s, the Ottomans embark on an AC program to deal with Italian and Russian equivalents.  Again, the Germans build the lead unit and the Ottomans the remainder.  The design will be broadly similar to an early SMS Roon.

In the late 90s, the Ottomans build their own class of battleship, probably with some component imports.  I'm undecided on the precise evolution here - it'll either use the AQY layout with a third 28cm turret, or it'll be 2x2 - 28 cm and 4x2 21cm.  The third unit would still be under construction as of 1/1/1900.

This would set me up to look at a new AC class as the first major in-game build project.  After that, either a late run of additional semi-dreadnoughts or the early dreadnought program.  The semi-dread layout allows for several possibly design evolutions - 3x2 with larger guns, or 4x2 28 cm en-echelon deal, or maybe even 4x2 28 cm centreline.  Or 4x3 centreline.  Who knows?