Simming Colliers & Tankers

Started by KWorld, December 28, 2012, 09:15:47 AM

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Question: how should we go about simming colliers (or later, tankers)?  When you're using SS2, there's really only one workable option, which is to use additional range to get the program to put the weight (or a good chunk of it) below the waterline where it belongs.  But SS3b3, which is what we're using, is different: it allows you to specify miscellaneous weight locations other than above the main deck.  So SS3b3 allows you to sim a tanker or collier or freighter (or liner) with cargo weight below the main deck.

Why does this make a difference?  It makes a difference because of costs: SS3b3 does not include the weight of fuel in it's calculation of light displacement, but it DOES include the weight of miscellaneous weight.  So a freighter that carries 2000 tons of cargo will have a light displacement 2000 tons heavier than that of a tanker that carries 2000 tons of oil that's simmed as "extra fuel".


I do what it says in the rules right now, up to half of the stuff a collier or tanker carries is fuel in excess of what it needs, the rest is miscellaneous weight. But since it is "non-functional" you don't pay for it in $ or BP.

It probably is still better to use fuel instead of misc, but the difference is much smaller than you think.

The Rock Doctor

Guess I'll need to re-do my two little ships, then.


Quote from: Nobody on December 28, 2012, 11:46:53 AM
I do what it says in the rules right now, up to half of the stuff a collier or tanker carries is fuel in excess of what it needs, the rest is miscellaneous weight. But since it is "non-functional" you don't pay for it in $ or BP.

It probably is still better to use fuel instead of misc, but the difference is much smaller than you think.

Where does it say this?  I was able to (finally) find the "non-functional miscellaneous weight" stuff, but I haven't found anything about the "half the fuel in excess", etc.

Jefgte don't pay for it in $ or BP...

I agree, we SS them for the fun & SS them as auxiliaries of the fleet is most serious, I think.

"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


So if they are to civilian specs you subtract the non-functional misc weight from the total, then divide by 4? 


Quote from: Darman on December 07, 2012, 10:48:43 PMModified Cost: 3,000-2,150= 850
                         850/4= 212.5

Does the final calculation here work?