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Tengo una Boina nera

Started by Borys, March 30, 2007, 03:29:56 AM

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Viraca, Catnaduanes, Philippines
late January 1906

Linienschiff Kapitaen von Tempelhoff, the Governeour of Catanduanes, was going over dispatches and messages. There appeared to be some unrest in some New Swiss territories.
- Serve them well, verfluchte hundschwanzen - the old salt smiled a nasty smile.
- But still, with the Red Menace raising its head, it would not hurt if the IIIrd and VIIth Brigades of the AFL (Auslander Freiwilliger Legion - foreign mercenries) were put on alert. And he'll instruct the Naval Kommandant - Karl-Heinz Baumundziege to do likewise with his forces.
He wondered when the Wien-Madrid negotiations about raising a Heimwehr or Landwehr corps composed of Filipinos will end, and with what result.

He decided to take a stroll and take a look - with a loving eye - at the multicoloured army of labourers working on the Naval base. Construction had resumed after almost two years of interruption caused by external and internal problems. Peace is good ...
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The Kreigsmarine hereby offers to donate the torpedobooten stationed at Catanduanes to the Habsburg government.

(They'd cost more to return and scrap than they're considered to be worth. ;) )


Viraca, 1st February 1906

With fanfare the Schwarz-Weiss-Rot were lowered on the small and old Brandenburger Torpedobooten, and the Schwarz-Gelb raised. This doubled the number of small units in the Pacifik Skwadron under Fregatten Kapitaen Karl-Heinz Baumundziege.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Viraca, early February 1906

Jose de Ramos was slowly reading the notice stuck to the bulding wall. He was going through the right column, written in the language which the Spanish started using after the Disaster. Quite similar to the previous tongue they had used previously, so he could still catch the sense. Not like in the left column - not only was it the language of those new Foreigners, the Ostrakos, but only half of the letters resembled those he had been tought by the village priest.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!