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Imperial Diet

Started by Darman, October 14, 2012, 02:03:14 PM

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Bicameral Legislature with very little power in 1900. 

Legislative authority was shared with the Diet, and both the Emperor and the Diet had to agree in order for a measure to become law. On the other hand, the Diet was given the authority to initiate legislation, approve all laws, and approve the budget.

The House of Peers originally comprised:
    *the Crown Prince from age of 18
    *all imperial princes (shinnō) and lesser princes of the imperial blood (ō) over the age of twenty
    *all princes and marquis over the age of 25 (raised to age 30 in 1925)
    *150 representatives elected from the ranks of counts, viscounts, and barons over the age of 25 (raised to age 30 in 1925), for seven year terms
    *150 additional members nominated by the Emperor, in consultation with the Privy Council
    *66 elected representatives of the 6,000 highest taxpayers, for seven year terms.