Land and Air Technology

Started by Darman, October 10, 2012, 09:03:57 PM

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As of January 1900

Blue is researched
Red is researching

Line Infantry

1870: Rating 2 Artillery 0.5
1885: 3/1
1895: 4/2

1905: 5/3
1915: 6/4
1925: 7/5
1935: 8/6

Light Infantry/Cavalry (Includes all of:  cavalry, mountain, desert, commando, marine)

1870: Rating 2 Artillery 0
1885: 3/0.5
1895: 4/1

1905: 5/1.5
1915: 6/2
1925: 7/2.5
1935: 8/3

Army Reserves

Army Mobilization and Reserves:
1895: Can maintain one reserve unit per 2 active strength units
1900: Can maintain one reserve unit per one active strength unit

1905: Can maintain two reserve units per one active strength unit
1910: Can maintain three reserve units per one active strength unit OR can bring units from reserve to active status in seven days.

Note:  for the 1910 tech, the player selects which variant he is researching.  He can research both variants separately if he wishes.

CBR warfare:

1880: Blankets with smallpox, trebuchets with dead animals, etc.
1905: Tear-producing substances, chlorine,plague fleas and rats etc.
1910: Phosgene
1915: Mustard gas, anthrax spores
1920: Early nerve gases,

Heavier-Than-Air Crafts

1900: None, perhaps a few private experimenters with gliders
1902: Primitive flying machines: Wright Flyer, Langly Aerodrome etc. 1906 historical year
1906: Historical 1910 aircraft level
1910: historical 1914 aircrafts
1913: historical 1916 aircrafts
1917: historical 1918 aircrafts (wireless possible in multi-engine types)
1921: historical 1922 aircrafts (wireless possible in single-engine types)
1921: historical 1922 aircrafts
1925: historical 1926 aircrafts
1929: historical 1930 aircrafts
1933: historical 1934 aircrafts
1937: historical 1938 aircrafts

Dirigible Airships

Dated: None
1898: Volume 10 000m³ nonrigid airships, 30kts
1905: Type 1 Volume: 20 000m³ and 4 tons military payload over 700 nm speed 40 kts
1910: Type 2 Volume: 40 000m³ and 9 tons military payload over 1200 nm speed 50 kts
1915: Type 3 Volume: 70 000m³ and 16 tons military payload over 2200 nm speed 60 kts
1920: 4 Volume: 130 000m³ and 31 tons military payload over 3900 nm speed 65 kts
1925: Volume: 210 000m² and 60 tons military payload over 5200 nm speed 70 kts

Anti-aircraft Guns and Directors

1903: Machine gun caliber weapons aimed by hand and eye. Field guns firing non-AA specific ammunition. Granted automatically once 1906 Aircraft are researched
1910: Purpose designed weapons and ammunition, including hand adjusted timed-fused shells for larger calibers, and tracers in machine guns and autocannon.
1918: Improved timed fuses. AA fire plans. Central post AA fire control.
1926: Improved ammunition supply for automatic weapons. Early AA fire control tables. Dual Purpose guns.
1936: Mature AA fire control. Radar guided AA fire control. Proximity fuses for guns larger than 75mm.

Amphibious Technology

1900:  Lifeboats and the use of enemy harbors.
1905: Shallow draft barges and shallow draft support ships
1910: LST ships
1920: Landing support ships and LST carriers
1928: Mulberry harbors and amphibious vehicles.

Railway guns

1900: Railway guns of up to 150mm, armored trains
1905: Railway guns of up to 254mm
1910: Railway guns of up to 356mm
1915: Unrestricted caliber railway guns


1900:  Experimental:  A few cars and trucks have been bought by your army to see what they can do; everything else follows from this.  This tech is granted automatically once the nation has the following techs researched:  1895 Line Infantry or Light/Cavalry

1910:  Motorized HQ, Artillery units; improved tactical mobility 
1920:  All supporting elements motorized; improved strategic mobility
1930:  Troops mounted; improved tactical firepower/mobility, strategic mobility.

Light Armor

1905:  Historical 1907 civilian vehicles (unreliable) with improvised armor and machine gun mount.  Prerequisite:   1900 Motorization. 
1910:  Historical 1912 armored cars
1915:  Historical 1917 tankettes (unreliable) and armored cars
1920:  Historical 1922 tankettes and armored cars

Heavy Armour

1910:  Historical 1916 tanks (very unreliable).  Pre-requisite  :    1900 Motorization.
1915:  Historical 1917 tanks (unreliable)
1920:  historical 1922 tanks


1895:  Ability to create simple codes (if a player requests this ability.)
1900:  Ability to use and break simple codes, bored crews at wireless stations listening to radio traffic

1905:  Basic encoding protocols, dedicated radio and telegraph line listening stations
1912:  Centralized cryptographic institutions, enforced radio discipline, Room 40
1920:  Primitive mechanical encoding/decoding machines etc.

1910:  Black powder rockets .Comparable to light field guns in effect  but utterly unreliable and inaccurate.
1920:  The start of new rocket theories, experiments with vastly different propellants, active mechanical flight stabilization.
1926:  Experiments with liquid fueled rockets. Dependable solid fuel rocket weapon systems on light field gun level.
1935:  Solid fueled siege rockets, liquid fuel rocket weapon ystems in experimental phase.
1942:  Solid fueled area effect missile systems (Katyusha), less reliable long range liquid fuel rockets available (early A4) in small quantities.