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Naval Technology

Started by Darman, October 10, 2012, 09:00:15 PM

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As of January 1900

Blue is researched
Red is researching

Naval Artillery
(See Research Rules for details on how naval Artillery is researched.)



VTE Steam Plants, Complex Reciprocating Engines
Half of base research cost once turbines have been developed
1895:Engine Year 1900
1902:   Engine Year 1905
1905:   Engine Year 1909,   Range +5%
1909:   Engine Year 1912,   Range +10%
1913:   Engine Year 1916,   Range +25%
1917:   Engine Year 1920,   Range +40%
1922:   Engine Year 1925,   Range +40%
1927:   Engine Year 1930,   Range +35%
1932:   Engine Year 1935,   Range +35%
1937:   Engine Year 1940,   Range +35%
1942:   Engine Year 1945,   Range +30%
1945:   Engine Year 1950,   Range +30%

Direct-Drive Turbines
1902:   Engine Year 1903,   Max. power 10500 HP/shaft
1905:   Engine Year 1905,   Max. power 20000 HP/shaft
1909:   Engine Year 1907,   Max. power 22000 HP/shaft
1913:   Engine Year 1909,   Max. power 25000 HP/shaft
1917:   Engine Year 1912,   Max. power 28000 HP/shaft

Geared Turbines
1909:   Engine Year 1912,   Max. power 10000 HP/shaft,   Requires 1905 Direct Drive turbines
1913:   Engine Year 1916,   Max. power 20000 HP/shaft
1917:   Engine Year 1920,   Max. power 38000 HP/shaft
1922:   Engine Year 1925,   Max. power 40000 HP/shaft
1927:   Engine Year 1930,   Max. power 50000 HP/shaft
1932:   Engine Year 1935,   Max. power 55000 HP/shaft
1937:   Engine Year 1940,   Max. power 60000 HP/shaft
1942:   Engine Year 1945,   Max. power 70000 HP/shaft
1947:   Engine Year 1950

Turbo-electric drive
1902:   Engine Year 1903,   Max. power 5000 HP/shaft,   Range +5%
1905:   Engine Year 1908,   Max. power 15000 HP/shaft,   Range +5%
1909:   Engine Year 1911,   Max. power 25000 HP/shaft,   Range +10%
1913:   Engine Year 1915,   Max. power 40000 HP/shaft,   Range +15%
1917:   Engine Year 1919,   Max. power 60000 HP/shaft,   Range +20%
1922:   Engine Year 1921,   Max. power 70000 HP/shaft,   Range +25%
1927:   Engine Year 1923,   Range +35%
1932:   Engine Year 1926,   Range +30%
1937:   Engine Year 1931,   Range +25%
1942:   Engine Year 1935,   Range +20%
1945:   Engine Year 1939,   Range +15%

Hydraulic Turbines
1905:   Engine Year 1910,   Max. power 10000 HP/shaft,   Requires 1902 Direct Drive turbines
1909:   Engine Year 1914,   Max. power 30000 HP/shaft
1913:   Engine Year 1918,   Max. power 35000 HP/shaft
1917:   Engine Year 1921,   Max. power 42000 HP/shaft
1922:   Engine Year 1925,   Max. power 45000 HP/shaft
1927:   Engine Year 1929,   Max. power 48000 HP/shaft
1932:   Engine Year 1933,   Max. power 52000 HP/shaft
1937:   Engine Year 1938,   Max. power 55000 HP/shaft
1942:   Engine Year 1942,   Max. power 60000 HP/shaft
1945:   Engine Year 1946,   Max. power 65000 HP/shaft

Diesel Engines
details still to be determined
1911:   Max. power 1500 HP/shaft,   Requires 1905 VTE
1915:   Max. power 13000 HP/shaft
1927:   Max. power 28000 HP/shaft
1931:   Max. power 32000 HP/shaft
1937:   Max. power 55000 HP/shaft

Miscellaneous propulsion technology:
1900 Underway Recoaling
1901: Mixed firing: allows bunkers with up to 20% percentage of oil.
1905: Oil firing: allows bunkers with over 20% percentage of oil.
1915 Underway Oiling

BB/AC Architecture - Main battery in turrets
1880: Main guns in twin turrets, secondaries in casemate
1890: Mixed main armament or AQY with double turrets+casemates

1904: All-big-gun ship with wing turrets, superfiring turrets (restricted axial firing arcs), improved turret hydraulics, Torpedo Bulkheads
1906: Superfiring turrets (unrestricted firing arcs), triple turrets
1912: Quadruple turrets
1920:  No restriction (high or low) on caliber of turreted guns

Secondaries are 4-7" guns. 8-10" medium-caliber guns are not secondaries, but medium-caliber main guns

Aircraft/Seaplane Carriers
1910: Experimental aviation ships; automatically granted upon completion of the 1910 Aircraft (1914 models) tech.
1915: Floatplanes; flying-off decks for wheeled aircraft
1918: Gunpowder catapults for floatplanes; separate landing and taking-off decks for wheeled aircraft
1922: Hydraulic catapults; full length decks for wheeled aircraft; arrestor wires
1926: Armored box carrier

Light Cruiser Architecture - Main battery in deck mounts/casemates
1880: Guns in single mounts or casemates, on side/centerline
1900: Ammunition hoists, deck torpedo armament, superfiring mounts

1910: Twin gun mounts (require hoists); powered gun mounts; unrestricted weapon armor
1920:  No restriction (high or low) on caliber of turreted guns

Destroyer and TB architecture - Top speed no less than 20kts, composite hull strength > 0.49, and engines must take up at least 50% of normal displacement
1880: Single TTs - max 4, displacement 500t
1904: Double TTs - max 8, displacement 750t
1908: Triple TTs - max 12, displacement 1000t
1912: Max displacement 1500t
1918: Quad TTs, 2000t
1924: Quintuple tubes, 2,500t

MTB Tech: 1905, 1910, 1914, 1920, 1928

Mine Warfare
1890: Long stick and Very Slow Forward. Hand detonated mines
1900: Primitive paravanes and dragged booms behind small vessels.  Horn mines.

1908: Advanced paravanes, active charges. Reliable horn mines, early antenna mines.
1918: Reliable antenna mines.
1922: Unreliable magnetic mines & countermessures.

Naval Artillery Shells
1880: Solid shot
1890: High Explosive
1895: Semi Armour-Piercing

1905: Armour-Piercing
1908: Capped shells

1910: ASW tactics, depth charges
1916: hydrophones, depth charge throwers

Night fighting
1908: Basic tactics, searchlight, night scopes
1912: Starshell + improved tactics
1918: Illuminating shells with parachute, improved night scopes

Rangefinding, Fire Control and Gunnery (double-time tech)
1908: Centralized FC, early directors - 12kyd
1912: Primitive FC computers -18kyd
1918: Spotting planes, Central director stations, long base-length RF - 24kyd
1930: Electromechanical FC computers - 30kyd

Radar technology (double-time tech)
1905: Early Huelsmeyer-type "radar", listening dishes, War tuba's.
1915: Refined Huelsmeyer-type "radar"
1930: Primitive "modern" search RADAR

Armor technology
1880: Cast Iron -20%
1890: Compound -10%
1900: Krupp Cemented 0

1915: All Imp. KC types +10%

An armor tech not related to the metallurgical aspects of the main tree, and not required as a per-requisite to later techs on that main tech tree:

1912 Sloped external belts; "All or Nothing" Protective Schemes

Torpedo Technologies
1890: 800m@26kts range, 50kg warhead (-1 dam.), Compressed Air, 16" dia.
1890: 1200@26, 400@35, 100kg warhead (+0 dam.), Compressed Air, 16"
1899:3000@26, 1500@30, 100kg warhead(+0 dam.), Early Wet Heater, 18"

1905: 5000@26, 2200@35, 100kg warhead, Imp. Wet heater, 18"
1908: 7000@26, 3000@35, 100kg warhead, imp. wet heater, , 21"
1913:15000@26, 10000@30,7000@35, 200kg warhead (+1),  21"
1918: 20000@26, 15000@30, 10000@35, 300kg warhead (+2), 24"
1928: Reliable Oxygen Torpedoes (aka Long Lance Torpedoes, double time tech)

These are max capabilities. If there's a historical torpedo with less weight and lower performance, you can use that.

Electric Torpedo Proplusion
1905: 2000@20/1000@30, +0 damage
1914:  Torpedoes as capable as normal torpedoes at "slow" setting.

Tech years are 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940:

*Note that a submarine of the 1920 tech level or newer may carry any mix of mines and torpedoes at a 1-2 ratio. So a sub might for instance carry a total of 20 torpedoes and no mines, or a total of 40 mines and no torpedoes, or a total of 10 torpedoes and 20 mines, etc.