Encyclopedia Setup

Started by Guinness, July 17, 2011, 04:35:47 PM

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République Française
1. Your Country's short name: France
2. Your Country's long name : République Française
3. The name you'd like to use for your "Encyclopedia":  Encylopédie
4. The name you'd like to use for your navy:  Marine Nationale
5. The name you'd like to use for your army:  Armée de Terre
6. The name you'd like to use for your diplomacy information: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

IV French Empire
1. Your Country's short name: France
2. Your Country's long name : IV French Empire
3. The name you'd like to use for your "Encyclopedia":  Encylopédie
4. The name you'd like to use for your navy:  Marine Impériale
5. The name you'd like to use for your army:  Armée Impériale
6. The name you'd like to use for your diplomacy information: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


Section is getting sorted by continent (Europe, Asia, North America, because I get to choose the order), and then by country short name in Alphabetical order.

I'll get around to adding France in the next pass.

Everyone should have edit rights to their own encyclopedia, but no one else's. If that's not true, please alert me.


What?!?!? Mexico is not automatically first? No brownies for you! :P

*Changes short name to 'AAAmexico'* ;D
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Quote from: Guinness on August 16, 2011, 08:47:52 AM
Section is getting sorted by continent (Europe, Asia, North America, because I get to choose the order), and then by country short name in Alphabetical order.

I'll get around to adding France in the next pass.

Everyone should have edit rights to their own encyclopedia, but no one else's. If that's not true, please alert me.

Why bother with the Continent sort?  Just seams like extra work for no real reason to me.  Unkless you intend to make a Continent forum for each one with our nation forums being sub forums.  OH and wouldnt it make more sence to go Asia, Europe, NA?
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Quote from: ctwaterman on August 15, 2011, 10:59:02 PM
Quote from: Darman on July 18, 2011, 09:08:08 PM
I'm thinking of calling my country the New England Republican Federation.  I'm waiting for the poll results to roll in....

The Federated Republic of new England is a decent Name...

NERF just makes you seem soft and squishy and probably prone to invasions :o


I'm afraid to tell you Guinness, but it appears you made a few typos (or more likely you didn't have an "ä" on your keyboard) when you set up Germany. So let me quote myself and mark a few mistakes I found:
Quote from: Nobody on July 19, 2011, 01:10:05 AM
1. Your Country's short name: Deutschland
2. Your Country's long name: Deutsches Reich
3. The name you'd like to use for your "Encyclopedia": Encyclopädie
4. The name you'd like to use for your navy: Kaiserliche Marine
5. The name you'd like to use for your army: Deutsches Heer (Reichsheer)
6. The name you'd like to use for your diplomacy information (has often been "palace" in Navalism3): Auswärtiges Amt (Außenministerium)

I'm not sure it helps, but "ä" is "ä" in html or Alt+0228 if you want to type it directly.


No I didnt have an Umlaut when I was setting it up....
I also didnt have the computer I needed to cut and paste your typing like I did
Byzantium.  I will edit the set up when I get home to a decent computer.

Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


I'm curious now, how can you be unable to copy and paste?!?


I think I've got everyone added that posted here. I also believe I've fixed Deutschland's spelling issues.


Quote from: Nobody on August 17, 2011, 05:32:39 AM
I'm curious now, how can you be unable to copy and paste?!?

I have a computer at Work that barely has the memory to run simple programs.   It is mostly used to run simple programs that are actually running on the Servers and not on the dumb terminal as we call it.

I can use one of these I have about 12 of them but if I try to have two windows open at the same time the system crashes.   Lets just say they arent popular.  Now about half the time I have our real PC at work and can do well everything but I have to share it with a co-worker.

Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


Thanks for the continental setup.
*taunts Desertfox*

Perhaps Mexico should become ZZZmexico.  ;D


1. Your Country's short name: Förenade Kungadömena
2. Your Country's long name: Förenade Nordiska Kungadömena Sverige-Danmark-Norge
3. The name you'd like to use for your "Encyclopedia": Kungliga Statistiska centralbyrån
4. The name you'd like to use for your navy.: Amiralitetskollegium
5. The name you'd like to use for your army.: Krigskollegium
6. The name you'd like to use for your diplomacy information (has often been "palace" in Navalism3): Ministeriet for de Udenlandske Anliggender
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


1.Your Country's short name:Nederland
2. Your Country's long name: Vereingte Koningreich Nederland und Belgica
3. The name you'd like to use for your "Encyclopedia": Encyclopaedia.
4. The name you'd like to use for your navy.: Koninklijke marine.
5. The name you'd like to use for your army.: Koninklijke Landmacht
6. The name you'd like to use for your diplomacy information : Außenministerium.


1. Your Country's short name: Iberia
2. Your Country's long name : Imperio Ibérico
3. The name you'd like to use for your "Encyclopedia":  Instituto Nacional de Estadística
4. The name you'd like to use for your navy:   Ibérica Armada
5. The name you'd like to use for your army:  Ejército de Tierra
6. The name you'd like to use for your diplomacy information:  Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación