North America Buildup

Started by Guinness, June 07, 2011, 01:25:00 PM

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The CSA now to be known as the United Southern States or USS does not really miss having large swatches of Green territory that I do not yet control removed from the map.

They were at best hubris I have arguements as to why they legally belong to the USS but at best it is something for a future bunch of diplomats to argue over. 
Now a foreign power controlling the territory the USS would probably object strenously too.   But I look forward to diplomatic discussion with both Tejas, and NER in the future over territorial claims along the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois Rivers...

If people didnt notice in the last Game Italia loved to play at Diplomacy and negotiations politics is a fun roleplaying experience.
Note never take anything I say in a roleplaying event personally it always about the roleplaying never a personal attack.

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The CSA territory shaved off was by mutual agreement between me and Charles. There's no reason to revise it.


Diplomacy... isnt that where people go talk talk talk talk talk... when do we get to the Charge  ;)
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


*shhhh..*  while your going when can we charge when can we charge... I was talking to distract you from me prepositioning my troops and more importantly the supplies needed to keep those troops in the field.

Leutenants and Amatures study Tactics.... General study Logistics.
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Quote from: ctwaterman on July 27, 2011, 11:16:18 PM
*shhhh..*  while your going when can we charge when can we charge... I was talking to distract you from me prepositioning my troops and more importantly the supplies needed to keep those troops in the field.

Leutenants and Amatures study Tactics.... General study Logistics.

Logistics... you dont even want to get me started on how to issue bottled watter... or Rounds per kill... Tactics may win battles but Logistics win wars.  Even if S4 might be the most thankless job in any unit it is quite possibly the most important.(Dont belive me try marching acrossed a desert without bullets, food, or watter)
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


I know at one of my future bases (Cimarron, New Mexico, I'm thinking as a base for a mountain division or so); 3.5 liters of water storage ought to be find. Logistics, tho, bullets and whatnot, that's going to be hell on wheels; there's no way to resupply in that mess up there without basically bulldozing four or five mountains. Nice place for a battle, eh, Tan?


shit mate, its a god awful place for a battle in our time period... the whole desert Southwest is without railroads ima have to import Camels to efectivly patrol half my borders.  Basicly our supply situation is going to be bad at best if any of us try and fight a war out there.
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Depends. I figure it might be possible to supply maybe a brigade force if we keep them along the river; ALA Rio Grande/Salt/Colorado. Think the British Sudan Campaign...

Besides, that's what we have indians for. :P


Quote from: TexanCowboy on July 28, 2011, 11:35:45 AM
Depends. I figure it might be possible to supply maybe a brigade force if we keep them along the river; ALA Rio Grande/Salt/Colorado. Think the British Sudan Campaign...

Besides, that's what we have indians for. :P

which gets right back to the majority of any of the 3 being non navigable (atleast by anything that can haul a decent load) Railroads are our only period answer.  Course since its a fictional world I may just declare the southwest to be "the Breadbasket of Deseret" (think a climate somthing like Kansas and Oklahoma, what its a fictional world where there has to be basicly 18 million people in my teritory by 1880).
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Not sure that would work. I think you'd be better off declaring the Sacromento Valley your breadbasket; maybe with minor irrigation advances down south...


Quote from: TexanCowboy on July 28, 2011, 11:46:48 AM
Not sure that would work. I think you'd be better off declaring the Sacromento Valley your breadbasket; maybe with minor irrigation advances down south...

Irrigation you say, now thats somthing I know WAY more about than I wish I did... Sacramento Valley will be important, but like I said Transport is going to be a stone cold pain in the arse... Railroads Lots and Lots of Railroads
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Now there is something we can discuss.....

The USS is willing to form a Corporation to build a Trans Continental railroad and back the loans made to this Corporation.  It would need similar backing in Deseret and possible spur lines into Tejas could prove profitable for all :)

Hmmmm... Silver and Gold from Colorado, Nevada and California, for Tejas Beef, and Rice, Beans, Cotton, and manufactured goods from the USS.
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You forgot about the Texas Buffalo, Sugar Cane, Cotton, and generic agricultural product. Oh, and alligator meat. :P

(Having major parts of Louisiana ought to help...)


The Lord Protector will take this under Consideration.  and you left out important things like Lumber, Lumber, and Uranium for Deseret (ok so not much use for Uranium just yet I still have a crapload of it) OH and Guns John Browning has to have somthing to do...
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War



Remember the First Part of the US to be a large Cattle Farm was Florida.... ;D  Disney had to hire drovers to get the wild cattle of the land he purchased to build Walt Disney World.

Anyway I am willing to build a Subsidized Railroad from Cairo Illinois Kentucky across the central Planes to say Salt Lake City Utah, a Spur Line would probably go South into Texas as well into the Minning territory in Colorado once it is discovered but those would be pure profit oriented lines built by the mine owners.   But an East West Railroad well that would have to be financed by a Government or two... and possibly be the reason for building the a Multi-National Corporation.
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