North America Buildup

Started by Guinness, June 07, 2011, 01:25:00 PM

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Since England doesn't speak England what if I figured the Dutch took over instead? 


Well Albany New York was once called New Amsterdamn.
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I think I'll reserve my history for when Iberia and the rest of North America get fleshed out.


Quote from: ctwaterman on June 09, 2011, 07:59:24 AM
Well Albany New York was once called New Amsterdamn.
Albany or New York City?  And that is pretty much where I got the idea.  Especially if the English didn't defeat the Dutch in the various Anglo-Dutch Wars, then the Dutch could have held on to their maritime supremacy and thus onto their colonies.  The Dutch could easily be defeated in their homeland if some people don't wish there to be an independent Holland.  That would work for me. 


Hmmm... if no one here from the Great White North will take offense, I'm planning on using Muskogee as the 'native' language in my nation (in spite of it being about a thousand miles out of place) from one reason- I have a sizable amount of resources available for that language.

For native languages from the Canada area... not so much. ;)
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


I dont have much objection to what the other players are doing.... I didnt even really object to the the Language changes that would have been put into place by Kaiser Kirk ... Keltoi Britania... ;)

Because if his Britania was capable of repulsing the waves of settlement well then we know what happened to poor France ;)   And then the Saxon, Angles, and Norse all Settle in France, Spain and historically in Sicily as well.   And the English we know develops with a bit of France Romance thown in...

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General outline of Northeast North American history....

*colonized by English/Dutch/Swedes as OTL. 
*fought indian wars (there was talk of a more organized indian confederacy, could take the place of the French and Indian wars?)
*fights revolution against European masters (be they English or whoever) in conjunction with CSA (also still a colony perhaps?).  Instead of winning complete independence as a whole nation (north south and middle colonies) the two extremes split because the populations and leaders of each dont think the others helped them enough.  (Think of a southern campaign without Nathaniel Green and a Northern campaign without Washington). 

Thats as far as I've got.  And any and all comments are welcomed. 


A revised New Russian timeline to account for Mike's 1848 date for dissolving Russia.

Novaya Rossiya: The Bear, The Dragon and The Salmon (modified for 1848 collapse of Russia)

Early-1780: A more unified culture of Natives comes into fruition in the Pacific Northwest. While not reaching the extent of unification necessary to form a traditional nation-state, the interdependence of the tribes slowly grows through the mid 1000s, becoming a proto-nation-state by the 1700's. During this time, several wayward explores bring the illnesses of the West to the region. The arrival of Russian colonists sees most of the population of remaining natives with a developed resistance to the illnesses that wrecked havoc with native populations in the East.

1780's and 1790's
: Grigory Shelikhov and others spearhead a much greater colonization effort of the future lands of New Russia. When contact is made with the proto-nation-state of the natives, the Russians chose to attempt to integrate the native's society with that of the colonists instead of exterminating it. This eventually leads to the extent of colonies territory and population being much larger than originally thought possible.

1810's: By Imperial decree, most of the Jewish population of the Russian Empire is relocated to other areas. Most of the exiled Jews end up in the colony, greatly increasing its population.

1826: After the Decembrist Revolt, the conspirators are exiled to the colony. At this time, the more radical military elements are purged from the exiles. Pavel Pestel (who is not executed as in OTL) emerges as the leader of a new political group geared amongst the Colonists that strives for liberty for the serfs.

1840's: Forward looking individuals and the Russian government begin the slow process of industrializing the colony, harnessing the ememce power of its natural waterways at first, and eventually the large reserves of coal, wood and iron that dot the colony. The Russian government subsidizes creation of large shipyards to facilitate the transport of these goods on Russian-made ships.

1842: Following the end of the Opium war (or its NTL equivalent) a large group of Chinese appeal to the Russian government to let them settle in the colony. The Russians agree and give the Chinese access an island and some territory north of the main colony to settle in.

: As part of the sweeping reforms across Europe, the Russian Empire falls. Fleeing his once-oppressed subject's wrath, the Czar sets up shop again in the Pacific Northwest colonies. The new close imperial governmental control is not welcomed, as the Czar clamps down to prevent reform from spreading.
Early 1850's: The discovery of Gold to the south of the colonies, now dubbed New Russia, brings new trade opportunities as the land to the south greatly swells the demand for finished goods. Factories see increased productivity and numbers, at the expenses of workers. This new strain is added to the growing resentment against Czarist control over most aspects of everyday life. The foundations of rebellion begin to assemble.

: Pavel Pestel ignites the long-smoldering resentment against the Czar and the monarchists into full rebellion. Pestel is killed early on, leading the rebellion to expand its scope from freeing the serfs, to disposing of the monarchist government. For two years the Czar attemps to squash the rebellion, but the clumsily handled attemps serve to give the rebellion more recrutes and more causes to rally behing. Eventually, the monarchists are forced to flee to Alaska to buy time to regroup, where the locals are less numerous and industry almost nonexistent. Due to this, there efforts to retake New Russia from Alaska fail and the last of the Czars is assassinated along with the remaining members of the royal family as they attempt to flee. The rebels are quick to fill the power vacuum and catch those responsible for the death of the royal family.

1862: A new government is formed out of the rebel factions. One of the first official acts is to execute the murders of the royal family, as it was never a goal to kill them. This act serves to appease the monarchist supporters and prevent a civil war, though the action and the politics surrounding it are debated for much longer. The new nation takes the title of Respublika Novaya Rossiya (Republic of New Russia). Due to the amount of different cultures present and the origins of the reble movement in anti-serfdom, all men are granted equal participation in the government. Freedom of religion is also granted to the population as a whole, owing to its great religious diversity. Slavery is outlawed, but due to the relative lack of slaves this does not cause much fuss. The government is a representative republic, with very advanced social policy owing to its origins as both an anti-serfdom and pro-labor movement. The Republican Army is formed with the elite groups of rebels forming the Republican Guards. The government buys many small vessels for fishery protection and patrol duties to form the Republican Navy.

1865: The Republican Navy finally commissions it first purpose-built warship. This heralds the start of an aggressive military buildup, with an accompanying general industrial buildup, to accomplish the goals of kick starting the economy out of its post-revolution slump and defending the young nation's interests.

1875: The last holds of Monarchist power in Alaska are crushed by the Republican Army. The power vacuum left by the monarchists is filled by local governments who remain on good terms with the New Russian government. These actions, along with treaties with California and native tribes to the east, see the solidification of the boarders of New Russia.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


I want to check in on things here.

Is this the current version of the map?

Also I would like to add some smaller NPC for North America like Europe has.


I think this is the current version.

For NPCs: The blue nation that spans Alaska is to be an NPC. Since Blooded has inquired about Cali, that leaves the interior as the only real place for NPCs unless we start shaving coastal territory off player nations
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


The Mississippi needs to be the Border between the CSA and Texas.   I think that puts the 2 small costal sections of Louisiana in the CSA area.  Other then that the map looks good you can make some small confederations north in the center of the Map and maybe something in Central America.

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- Florida to the CSA. Rest of red is NPC(s)
- I say keep Louisiana as is. There is no one Mississippi in the river delta, so it makes more sense to me if the Whole delta belongs to one or the other.
- I'd toss eastern Kansas back to the NPC
- Blue and Gray are, of course, actually any number of NPC territories.

I think that's all the changes I think there need to be to that map.


Quote from: Guinness on June 14, 2011, 10:35:52 AM
- Florida to the CSA. Rest of red is NPC(s)

Meh... I could see a 'Spanish Main' nation with St. Augustine as it's capital.
This is especially if there was no England, no Spanish Armada loss and little European expansion into old Spanish colonial territory.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


Florida or most of Florida could start as an NPC, I suppose, but it would be natural for Charles's CSA to just take it. What's your thinking here Charles?


I thought Florida was supposed to be going to Logi in the Caribbean.