Started by miketr, June 01, 2011, 02:34:00 PM

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Quotebut the Willamette has a nicer climate
Sure, if you like your rain ;D
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


My picks are as following:

1. Italy/Greece

2. Gulf coast focused around florida

3. Guandong

Delta Force

Quote from: miketr on June 02, 2011, 06:05:44 AM
What Guinness said.

A quick question for people.

Since we have like ZERO real interest for Asia and everyone that is interested wants to play Japan would people with a Asia pick be willing to MOVE out to North America / Europe?  That or we NEED people to make picks in asia OTHER than Japan.


We could always open up some of the medium tier powers in Europe, like Spain, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, etc.

I think people are hesitent to play Asian nations other than Japan because historically they did not fare too well and so there is little to go off of. The only major powers in the region are China and Japan, and with the others only Siam retained independence.

As in OTL, the center of action is likely to be Europe I think, since it would take a major point of divergence to have countries other than China, Japan, and Siam be on equal terms with Europe.


Quote from: Delta Force on June 02, 2011, 11:47:05 PM
We could always open up some of the medium tier powers in Europe, like Spain, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, etc.

I think people are hesitent to play Asian nations other than Japan because historically they did not fare too well and so there is little to go off of. The only major powers in the region are China and Japan, and with the others only Siam retained independence.

As in OTL, the center of action is likely to be Europe I think, since it would take a major point of divergence to have countries other than China, Japan, and Siam be on equal terms with Europe.

I also think it is that with the Island taken it is quite tricky to cut loose to suitable piece of mainland china without it having a strong focus on its overland connections with the rest of China.
Then it would be harder to motivate a naval focus of any significance, a similar situation to Russia, the potential areas for expansion is all overland rather then overseas.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: miketr on June 01, 2011, 02:34:00 PM

1) We would like nations to make sense in terms of history and geography.  Even if we are changing history all over the place we want things to line up.

Kaiser Kirk   GB+Brittany

Sketch back story:

N. American history is largely as OTL until the French and Indian War (the 7 Years War in Europe). Unlike OTL history, the war in N. America went quite a bit better for the French. The result is the French hold on to all of Quebec, and the lands north of Quebec, formerly held by the British are ceded to the French. In return the British receive claim to all formerly French lands south of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River, with the exception of a parcel east of the Mississippi near Baton Rouge. The British fare better in the negotiated peace to the south, acquiring Spanish holdings north of the James River in OTL Florida. Spain continues to hold the Florida peninsula south of that point.

Hmm some issues.
1. Since "Asia" has been narrowed to "East Asia" no Persians- No, not willing to move out of Europe.

2. One of the things I found appealing was the idea of new nations in the place of the old. So my intent was a "Celtic" nation- not quite "English". Not necessarily the mother country of a bunch of colonies off in America. Involvement on the continent would drain some of those resources. So I'm not thrilled to have such a major portion of my nations back story dictated.

3. It's really hard to tell what is going to come out of the cloistered one's discussions, but the little bits I've seen so far lead me to think I won't be participating, so GB could go to Jefgte as well. Which would solve #2.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on June 03, 2011, 12:11:18 AM
Quote from: miketr on June 01, 2011, 02:34:00 PM

1) We would like nations to make sense in terms of history and geography.  Even if we are changing history all over the place we want things to line up.

Kaiser Kirk   GB+Brittany

Sketch back story:

N. American history is largely as OTL until the French and Indian War (the 7 Years War in Europe). Unlike OTL history, the war in N. America went quite a bit better for the French. The result is the French hold on to all of Quebec, and the lands north of Quebec, formerly held by the British are ceded to the French. In return the British receive claim to all formerly French lands south of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River, with the exception of a parcel east of the Mississippi near Baton Rouge. The British fare better in the negotiated peace to the south, acquiring Spanish holdings north of the James River in OTL Florida. Spain continues to hold the Florida peninsula south of that point.

Hmm some issues.
1. Since "Asia" has been narrowed to "East Asia" no Persians- No, not willing to move out of Europe.

2. One of the things I found appealing was the idea of new nations in the place of the old. So my intent was a "Celtic" nation- not quite "English". Not necessarily the mother country of a bunch of colonies off in America. Involvement on the continent would drain some of those resources. So I'm not thrilled to have such a major portion of my nations back story dictated.

3. It's really hard to tell what is going to come out of the cloistered one's discussions, but the little bits I've seen so far lead me to think I won't be participating, so GB could go to Jefgte as well. Which would solve #2.
2: My view on those matters in easy; no one should  be forced to major changes (or refraining form changes) to their nation only to fit the backstory of other "fantasy" countries.
So if they want the UK in their backstory and the UK does not exist, they simply have to change the backtsory.

3: We are not so many that a more open debate on the rules will not happen when we got more of a complete draft to look at (at try and poke holes in..). Untill then one stakes ones claims and see what happens.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Yes the "Cloistered ones" need some time to get organized given the vacation schedule this is going to take months to get a draft proposal ready.  And only then can people poke holes in it.... :'(

As for back stories lets just say thats going to take some haggling and horse trading as well. 
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


Quotethats going to take some haggling and horse trading as well.
"My horse, my horse, a kingdom for my horse!" ;D

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: ctwaterman on June 03, 2011, 07:26:28 AM
As for back stories lets just say thats going to take some haggling and horse trading as well. 

I find my tenative point of departure for the persians would have started @600AD, while the celts was @260AD. I will point out that Persia is next door to Turkey...
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


1 - Manchuria + Primorskiy Kray (if possible)
2 - New Zealand (that's broadly understood Asia, folks!)
3 - Persia / Phillipines

EDITED TO ADD Maritime Province to Machuria
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Borys on June 03, 2011, 01:01:09 PM
1 - Manchuria
2 - New Zealand (that's broadly understood Asia, folks!)
3 - Persia / Phillipines


YAY! He is back!
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


...Oh, that's gonna make for an interesting early game, Borys. I'm up for it, though.

Culturally, do you have in mind a Mongolian/Jurchen, a Slavic, or a 'Sinicized' society?

See, something I've had in mind historically speaking has been the idea that, rather than allying with the Chinese Tang Dynasty in the 7th Century, the kingdom of Silla managed to bring in the state of Yamato by backing one side in a civil war that was going on there. The Japanese, of course, would have made a much less impressive ally than the Chinese, so Goguryeo survives several decades longer than it managed to historically - only finally falling sometime around 700CE - but aren't in a position to make territorial claims to the lion's share of Goguryeo the way the Tang did OTL, thus leaving 'Korea' with a somewhat larger geographical extent than we think of it as having today, with the (differently named) cities on the sites of Shenyang, Changchun, and Vladivostok all being fairly near the border. 'Japan' applied as I hope to, would include Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu, and the Ryukyus, but exclude Hokkaido. 'Ezochi', comprising Sakhalin, Hokkaido, and the Kurils, would be a culturally and ethnically Ainu but distinctly civilized kingdom - having picked the habit up relatively early from the Japanese and Chinese. All three would be, in theory, close allies contributing funds and personnel to a combined military under the control of a council of their kings...

...Although, in practice, the Shogun would be the 'real' power, with the kings of Ezochi, Japan, and Korea jumping whenever he said frog. Hence 'Sandeii no Bakufu' - 'Shogunate to Three Thrones'.

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


Quote from: Valles on June 03, 2011, 03:48:40 PM
Culturally, do you have in mind a Mongolian/Jurchen, a Slavic, or a 'Sinicized' society?
I'm undecided as to the first two, the third is right out.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Note: I've added threads and stickied them for the three regions/continents that need discussing for buildup. I see no reason for us not to use those for the messy sausage making of borders, etc. and eventually back story in those places. I'm going to cut up the mike's world map in a few minutes to give us more reasonably sized files to manipulate there.


Note: in the regional threads I'm likely missing some folks, and in a case or two we're still working out (behind the scenes) some "disputed" areas. If I missed you or you don't know what's going on specific to you, please ask me.