Discussion of the Maori and New Swiss War...

Started by ctwaterman, March 14, 2011, 06:07:14 PM

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Not...particularly, no. After he was shot, he was taken in by a military Maori hospital. He was being took to Maori for medical treatment when the mine/whatever hit. Just a bit of random luck. After that, he was sent ashore with the rest of the survivors, and would probably be identified as just a random Gran Columbian...


Yeah but he is in my custody, how would the Maori know that? And if I don't know who he is, how would the captain know?

Plus that line goes through Hawaii which is still in my hands...
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



I...don't know. I'd figure the Maori would know because they had the patient list...


The Maori should just think he was dead.  Missing at sea and all that.  And if he had been identified when he was pulled from the water shouldn't the Gran Colombian-flagged ship have kept him on board?  


Well, it's a choice between letting him fester on a Gran Columbian ship, with no real medical care, or on shore, where there is medical care.


The Maori field staff would and did have a list of everyone aboard the Gentle Hand; the surviving officers and doctors from her would have taken down a list of survivors who made it aboard the Cartagena, making that data available to the vessels sent to investigate the incident when they met her after the fact, along with where she put them ashore. Likewise, the doctors probably would have kept copies for POW purposes and their own treatment records - unless the authorities on Hera have their heads up it, they probably know, too, though how quickly or well they propogate that knowledge is out of my hands.

From the map I found, I couldn't really tell whether or not the telegraph line surfaced at Hawaii; I figured it was about fifty-fifty odds either way, and went with what made for a more interesting story. The fact that I was wrong doesn't really change anything but the date - whether the news arrives by wire or when the Cartagena or another ship makes port is only a question of whether the important parts of the scene happen in February or March.

The posted scenelet was run past both TexanCowoby and ctwaterman in their roles as involved player and Mod In Charge Of This War.

Texan is also correct about the reasons Private Alizandro was put ashore; his condition isn't particularly terrible, as long as he doesn't catch an infection, but he's not in a state to be out of hospital for another few months, either.

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


So am I too believe that the cartagene after seeing a ship blow up in her face and suddenly finding its destination is a battleground, decided to still head there? Wouldn't all the Maori on board be taken as POW by the Swiss? Where does she head afterwards? How do the maori in Phoenix even know what is going on? And how do the Maori in Phoenix even communicate with anyone when I control all the lines going out?

The ship is sunk on January 20th, and the Columbians know late January? If he is landed in Hera, I can get the word to GC before the Maori even know what happened.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Quote from: Desertfox on May 02, 2011, 07:59:31 PMSo am I too believe that the cartagene after seeing a ship blow up in her face and suddenly finding its destination is a battleground, decided to still head there?

Don't ask me, I didn't decide that part.

Quote from: Desertfox on May 02, 2011, 07:59:31 PMWouldn't all the Maori on board be taken as POW by the Swiss?

After they were put ashore? Absolutely. Aside from Private Alizandro and any other neutral wounded who were aboard, the survivors of the Gentle Hand are now Prisoners of War, and out of the war until retrieved or traded.

But copies of their records were left aboard the Cartagena, which was intercepted at sea after she left Hera.

Quote from: Desertfox on May 02, 2011, 07:59:31 PMWhere does she head afterwards?

Gran Colombia, one presumes, at her best sustained speed.

Quote from: Desertfox on May 02, 2011, 07:59:31 PMHow do the maori in Phoenix even know what is going on?

Because they know via radio from the convoy that the Gentle Hand was sunk, and dispatched a detachment of light vessels to investigate.

Quote from: Desertfox on May 02, 2011, 07:59:31 PMAnd how do the Maori in Phoenix even communicate with anyone when I control all the lines going out?

The lines go to Phoenix; I control Phoenix and its immediate surroundings. I'd written in the admitted assumption that that control granted the telegraph lines that ran there. Whether I'm correct or not about that is a GM call. If I'm wrong, then everything goes out by ship or radio, relayed from convoy to convoy, which would indeed be much slower.

Quote from: Desertfox on May 02, 2011, 07:59:31 PMThe ship is sunk on January 20th, and the Columbians know late January? If he is landed in Hera, I can get the word to GC before the Maori even know what happened.

Assuming I actually do control the telegraph lines of Phoenix along with the city, it's perfectly possible to pass the word within a day. If not, then, as I have already admitted, the Maori line of communication would have taken considerably longer.

In either case, authoring the news seems like a fair indication that the involved Maori authorities reacted more quickly than their Swiss counterparts. Or, in other words, I get my version out first because I actually wrote about it first.

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


QuoteIn either case, authoring the news seems like a fair indication that the involved Maori authorities reacted more quickly than their Swiss counterparts. Or, in other words, I get my version out first because I actually wrote about it first.
But I wasn't even TOLD I had the President's son... Kinda hard to write about something you don't even know about.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



I would be much more sympathetic - that is to say, at all - if you'd written anything about the sinking of a hospital ship in the couple of weeks we've known about it.

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


*bonks heads together*  Play Nice...

The Link below show the Undersea Cables that anyone knows about if there are other maps with undersea cables I dont know about someone please send them to me....

A Large number of Cables all seem to come together in the New Swiss Home Islands one of which is not owned or controlled by the New Swiss.  I believe the DKB Embassy in Phoenix quite possibly has its own Undersea cable. :o

Now lets discuss the Problem here....  The Map does not show the Hawaiian Islands at ALL!  The New Swiss Cable running from Phoenix to North America does in all likelihood run through Hawaii.   But the Cable running from Phoenix to the DKB is not controlled by the New Swiss and has not yet been cut by either side.

There is also a Cable running from the DKB directly to Gran Columbia.

So by the End of the Month of January Private Torres is sitting in a tiny little hospital on the Island of Hera.   The Local New Swiss Constibles on the Island are to be blunt outnumbered by the Maori POWs the Gran Columbian Merchant Ship have just delivered to them.  And the Gran Columbian Ship has been in contact with Maori Destroyers who were on patrol.

New Switzerland by virtue of controlling the Islands that are relay stations for the Undersea Cables can not retransmit any message they wish using the Cable that runs to North America, to New Swiss New Guinnea and Australia or the Cable running to Japan.   On the other hand the Maori control the Hub of those Cables in Phoenix and Olympia.   The New Swiss cannot transmit using these cables from the Home Islands.

The Cable controlled and Owned by the DKB Undersea Cable company is under the control of the DKB and is probably open for buisness at Sachlme descretion.

Both the Maori and the New Swiss have very basic code techs so Wireless transmission are in many case cryptic or in the clear and cables are often uncoded.

Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


The line to North America goes through Hawaii, I made a note of that when the above map was being made. I also have a whole bunch of wireless towers so my communications are still operable. Hera should have more than just a few police and is a couple hours away from several other Swiss islands.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Yes Like I said the Cable goes through Hawaii because it make sense for it to do so... ;)

The Island of Hera is well its small and not all that populated the population is also probably more Polynesisan ethnically then New Swiss European.  But yes it is only a few hours from other Islands and help.   The POW were all wounded prior to being sunk and the only unwounded Maori in the mix of POW are the Medical Staff and Orderlies.

And yes you have a string of Wireless towers I want to see a listing of those towers in your Encylopedia Soon....!!!!!   Heck I want to see a listing of such locations in everyones Encylopedias soon.... >:(  Hmmm checks to see if I have updtated the UNK Encylopedia to include such info....
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


So the word of things went through the Deutsche Kaiserreich Brandenburg? The one nation in the world with the most reason to go 'a pox and a long war on both your houses'?

Heeeeee. That's hilarious. I approve! ^_^

And whatever the guard force might be like, the Gentle Hand was carrying badly wounded men, neutrals like Jose Alizandro, and noncombatants. The Incredibly Unlucky Adventures of Private Jose are out of my hands, at least for now.

I have not built any long-range broadcast or relay radio towers. Any distant communications would be happening via sets aboard airships, civilian merchants that happen to've sprung for them, or warships, and then only by catch-as-catch-can relays.

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


Private Jose Alizandro: A real man-president for a real nation.