Middle Kingdom War News and Stories

Started by snip, October 25, 2010, 11:30:09 PM

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OOC: The details of this event are only known to the Middle Kingdom, and select Dutch and Russian Persons. Just to good to not share

   Fear. The feeling permeated the air in the train car. The Imperial Army private gulped. This was torture. He felt like he was drowning. Suddenly an explosion sounded from up ahead. The men standing were thrown into those sitting and to the floor of the car as the squeal of steal on steal issued in ernest from the breaks. Confused shouts rang out from the enlisted men, the barks of orders from the officers trying to restore order. The door on the side of the car jerkily worked its way open. "Out, OUT! GET OUT OF THE CAR!" The shout came from several officers. Training took over and the men exited the car and began to secure a perimeter around the train. "The Southern whore-suckers blew up the bridge! We are trapped!" Someone shouted. "Listen you coolies!" This was the Major's voice. "We have orders! The RRC Army is attacking the town ahead. We are to go and assist the Dragon Army units fighting the Southerners. These orders come from her royal Highness, DO NOT LET HER DOWN!" The assembled men began running off towards the ford near the ruined bridge. The private felt the lack of weight on his left hip and realized his pistol was missing.

The Staff Sergeant cursed his bad luck. His ankle had decided to go the wrong way when he jumped out of the train car. Now instead of joining his men in fighting the Southern Devils, he was stuck on guard duty. Looking around, he noticed a pistol lying on the ground next to the train. Picking it up, he had an idea. The car was only a short distance off. Stepping inside he bowed deeply. "You Royal Highness, if I may." A woman in golden robes turned "Yes Sergeant, what is your request" "If her Highness would please take this weapon. The enemy is close and I would despair if you were unable to defend yourself should the need arise." The sergeant held out the pistol by the barrel. "I am touched by you concern sergeant." The pistol changed hands "Now, go to the gun crew and help them set up for firing. This will be what breaks the back of the RRC attack. I thank the ancestors that we were stopped at this time." "As you command your Highness." The sergeant exited the car and moved down towards the 330mm rail gun being uncovered near the middle of the train.

Emperess-Mother Longyu looked down at the pistol in her lap. One of the Dragon Army regulars has given it to her before he left, running off towards the sounds of gunfire coming from ahead. He had shouted something about her safety. This was not something that was supposed to happen to royalty, left alone with only a few guards and a pistol. It was not her job to stop the RRC army that was what the guards her son had insisted on were for.  The 330mm gun that accompanied the train, also at her son's insistence, would help as well. Shouts of men from outside and the clanging of metal signaled that the 330mm rail gun attached to the train was preparing to open fire on the Southerner's attacking the village. "It is time they pay for their defiling of my kingdom." She said standing up and tucking the unfamiliar weight of the pistol into the sash of her robes.  Exiting the train car one of her guards jogged up. "Your Imperial Highness, the enemy is close; it would be wise to stay in the safety of the train car." "Your concern is noted, but I wish to view the gun crew in action. Besides, the fighting is far off; we will have plenty of warning if this position is to become endangered." "As you command, you Highness." The guard returned to his station. A screeching sound from beyond the gunfire caused the Imperial Army men near the train to look towards the horizon, smoke trails arcing their way into the sky.

The rockets of the RRC were unreliable, especially in accuracy. The 330mm gun had yet to open fire, and was unknown to the battery commander of the RRC artillery. The gun crew had already begun to unload ammunition and propellant, so the doors to the cars containing those items were open. Most of the rockets fell on the town, with some landing short. One rocket went farther than the rest. As it entered into its final dive, anyone with its field of view would have seen a train towing a large gun, a gun that was training to fire. The final powder bag was just being rammed into the breach.

The rocket impacted the unarmored roof of one of the cars carrying gunpowder bags. The resulting explosion set of the ammunition car and the load of power and shell already in the gun, creating a firestorm that blew men and metal far and wide. Anyone close to the gun was killed instantly as the explosion flung the breechblock high into the air. Others lasted as long as it took their bodies to be thrown to the ground and pulverized by the shockwaves. The unlucky ones were crushed, impailed, or decapitated by flying bits of train or the gun car. The gun itself was blown forward, crushing the car in front of it. Men came running back, trying to find survivors. One Imperial Army Private tripped over a piece of metal and fell face first next to the contorted body of the Emperess. Her face bore a look of surprise, in complete contrast to the look of horror on the face of the private.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Anyone within the walls of the Forbidden City heard the scream. It was not a scream of rage, anguish was the most fitting description. Everyone inside the walls wondered what could possibly warent such a scream.

Kaili fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. The paper holding the news which brought on such a reaction floated gently to the floor. Despite his best efforts, his mother was dead. The messenger who had brought in the message stood near the door, tears rolling gently down his cheeks, but no other emotion showing in his frame. Kaili turned to face him, eyes red and puffy. "Go and gather the court." he said in a shaky voice. "Were shall I have them gather, your Highness?" The messenger was barely able to hold his voice steady. "In the garden, it is peaceful there" Kaili broke down into gasping sobs again. The messenger left the room, leaving the Emperor of China alone in his sarow.

Some time later members of the Royal Court and several high ranking officers in the Imperial Army had gathered in the garden need the palace. The conversations were in hushed tones, all were wondering why they had been summoned at this time, why not wait until the next meeting? When the Emperor finally appeared, they could tell something was wrong. Kaili waited until the last bits of conversation had died off before inviting those assembled to sit. After all, including Kaili, had chosen a seat, Kaili began to speak. "You all know how my mother has an adventurous spirit. Well now that spirit resides above, as I learned earlier today that Emperess-Mother Longyu was killed on her tour of the front by a Republican rocket attack." There was a collective gasp from those assembled followed by several wails of despair and shouts of rage. Kaili waited for these to die down before continuing. "You all know the effects that this news would have if it becomes known to the Republicans. No one outside of here must know what truly happened. I will inform you later as to what the story will be. Now I must go, I have rituals I must preform." With that Kaili stood up and left the garden, those assembled stood as well. None of them knew what to do now, and slowly the crowed dispurced, the knowledge that the Emperess was dead waying down there sports.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Because I need a break from lab report writing...

The Imperial throne room was quite the sight to behold, but Emperor Kaili had taken to conducting all but the most formal of conversations on strolls around the grounds of the Forbidden City. He had found that matters of importance were better resolved this way. The man he was currently walking with had some very important matters to resolve, and as the commander of the Dragon Army, there was nothing more important now.

General-Marshal Lie ho Zang was a bear of a man. Standing a little over two meters tall with incredibly broad shoulders, he had trouble fitting through some doors. The one time he had been on a ship of the Dragon Navy, he had been unable to enter the ship's interior, so the meeting he was there to attend had to be moved to the quarterdeck. The scar on his face only added to the fearsome figure. Gained during the Second Pacific War, it garnered instant respect. The shear number of metals adorning his chest helped there as well. his personality was almost the exact opposite that his figure would indicate, if one took the time to get to know him. The Emperor and General Zang had some history, and both men were close. That always helped when Zang had news that was hard for the Emperor to hear.

"Your royal Highness" Zang began "I was saddened greatly to hear of the Emperess-Mother's untimely demise. I can assure you that all efforts were made to capture the RRC solders who were responsible." "Thank you for your efforts General" Kaili responded "If you would convey my gratitude to those men who lead that effort, it would please me greatly." "As you command" Zang responded. "I have other news as well, the troops we capture from the RRC armies tell of sickness in the Yangtze river valley. Our troops along the river give accounts of the same nature." Kaili stopped walking and turned to face Zang "And what are we doing about this" Zang let out a breath. "We are taking steps to ensure that the illnesses in question do not spread to army units, but we simply do not have the resouses to do much for the civilian's effected." Kaili looked Zang in the eye. "There are several international organizations that may be able to help us with this. It is very important that these illnesses do not start effecting army units, we have to many young men dieing as it is. I will handle the appeals to these international organizations myself, you just take all possible measures to minimize the effect on the army." "Thank you your royal Highness" Zang bowed as deep as his gargantuan frame would allow. "Now if I may take my leave, we still have a war to fight" Kaili smiled, "Still want to be in the field with your troops, leading the charge?" "Well I've grown a bit to big for that now I'm afraid" Zang said patting his midsection. "So would you like to stay for some tea, I have found a wonderful new leaf that you must try. Zang smiled "I would be honored your Highness" The two men began to stoll back twords the palace, and the tea.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


OOC: This is a letter personally written by Kaili sent to various nations that have shown interest in helping with the current situation in the Yangtze Valley. Known only to those nations who have received it for now. Call the date sometime in early-mid December

To (insert name of state official who would receive such a request),

By now news may have reached your shores and seats of government of the potential disaster that is begging to show its teeth in the Yangtze River. Actions undertaken in the ongoing war between the Middle Kingdom and the so-called Reformist Republic of China have lead to outbreaks of several potential epidemics in the forms of Dysentery and Cholera, some other deadly pathogens may have begone to show themselves sense the sending of this document. This problem is being multiplied by the crop failures that have been caused by the fighting, leading to famine in the Yangtze Valley. The Middle Kingdom, acting on behalf of those who are unable to speak about these trials themselves due to the fighting or the RRC government, request that negotiations be opened with the goal of providing humanitarian aid to those effected by the catastrophe forming in the Yangtze Valley, and the war between the Middle Kingdom and the RRC. Please do not let these pleas fall on deaf ears, as the fate of many innocent lives depends on it.

On behalf of the people of the Middle Kingdom,

Kaili, Holder of the Dragon Throne and Emperor of China
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


OOC: Date is sometime very close to the end of December

The lead ambassador of the Dutch mission the the Middle Kingdom paced nervously outside of the throne room in the Forbidden City. Why Emperor Kaili had summoned him was unknown, but something in his gut did not feel right. By the time the elegant doors swung open, the ambassador wondered if he had made a mistake in not sending an underling to the meeting.

Kaili stood up as the ambassador entered, his face a carefully made mask of rage and anger, but not so excessive as to frighten the ambassador. What Kaili had to say would suffice for that. The ambassador bowed "Your royal highness, it has been to long" "Indeed it has" Kaili said as he began to descend the steps to come face to face with the Dutchman. "If I may ask" the ambassador said "what is your reason for summoning me here to your opulent palace?" Kaili smiled thinly "Buisness strictly business. Tell me the ambassador, have you ever lost someone you loved dearly?" The ambassador began to speak but Kaili cut him off "No? Well how about had the leader of you nation slain in cold blood?" Before the ambassador could begin Kaili cut him off again "No? Well how about both of those people IN ONE PERSON!" Kaili screamed right into the ambassador's face. "You didnt think I would find out did you" Kaili was calm again. The ambassador sputtered "I...I ...I dont know..." Kaili cut him off once more "I know it was your office or that of the Dutch volunteer Corps that leaked my mother's schedule to the Republican army." the ambassador looked both confused in shock into the face of the Emperor, his mouth flapping trying to form words "You thought that with her out of the way, that I could be forced into doing exactly what you wanted, which was to turn the Middle Kingdom into one of your colonies" Kaili practically spat the last word right into the ambassador's right ear and walked around behind him. "Well, you were wrong." Kaili's eye boared holes into the back of the ambassador's head. "I will not be pushed around like a child! I AM THE EMPEROR OF CHINA!" These last words were shouted into the ambassador's left ear as Kaili came to stand in front of the Dutchman again.

"But these are not the only crimes you have committed." the ambassador was to shocked to move, or even look at the enraged face of Kaili. "By breaking the dikes along the Yangtze river and not preparing beforhand for the illnesses that have sense struck there, you left me no choice and for the sake of my countrymen, I had to go to the Swiss for help." Kaili unrolled a document handed to him by an aid. "See this?" The ambassador looked at the message. "This is a peace treaty between the Middle Kingdom and New Switzerland. DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO RESORT TO THIS!" Kaili screamed again. The ambassador had to take a step backwards.

"Now, these acts would warent sentencing you to death, but I have decided that humiliation is a better punishment in this case. Effective at once, your mission to China is over. You will find that your headquarters has been seized by the Dragon Army. When you return, you will in-act the following orders. First: All Dutch serving under you are to leave at once. Anyone found delaying unessential will be captured and executed. Second: The Dutch Volunteer Corps is to disarm and leave at once. Any members found delaying or attempting to smuggle their arms out of the Middle Kingdom will be executed. Third: Any Dutch military hardware that has been turned over to the Dragon Army or Navy will remain. Fourth and Final: Any Dutch persons who wish to remain in China will need to swear an oath of allegiance to me. Any Dutch persons who do this and then are found to be aiding the Dutch in any activity's of a inappropriate nature on Chinese soil will be tried with the sentence being death." Kaili looked at the trembling the ambassador and smiled. "Guards, remove this traitor from my sight" As the guards closed on the ambassador he shouted "YOU INSIGNIFICANT BASTARD! WITHOUT US YOU WOULD HAVE LOST THE WAR BY NOW!" Kaili's smile vanished "But we will win it without you." he said coldly, "Silence him." As Kaili turned and walked back up the steps towards the throne, one of the guards unhostered his pistol and whipped the ambassador in the head, knocking him out. The ambassador was dragged from the room as Kaili watched. "Let this be a lesson to the world." he said in a booming voice that filled the room, "Do not try to cross Imperial China, the one true China."
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Somewhere north of the Quingdow Pocket:
General-Marshal Zang hunkered down next to the fire, taking in what little warmth it gave. His large coat helped matters, but the cold night breeze bit at his face. Members of his staff fought the same battle to keep warm from there spots around the fire. One aid returned from putting the maps back into one of the trucks that was convoying the replacement troops to the front. Zang had chosen this time to get a closer view of what was actually going on at the front. No conversation was started as his aids began to nod off for the night. As Zang began to fall asleep, the fragment of a conversation that he had with a PFC flashed through his mind. The PFC had asked Zang a simple question, "Will we win?" Zang had answered, "We cannot loose, for that would mean the end of everything we stand for. Do you want that to happen?" "No" the PFC replied. "Good" Zang had said as he left. Now as sleep reached out to swallow him up again, Zang wondered if his question had been right, so much was already changing because of the war, how much of the old ways would be left behind? Or would all of China's traditions be consumed like her young men? Sleep calmed Zang's mind before he could dwell to much on that question.

The port of Quingdow:
Captain He Dang relished the new destroyer he commanded. Lei Cheng was quickly becoming one of the most decorated ships of the Quingdow force. Having first taken the vessel out in the battles surrounding Quingdow in November of the previous year. Sense then the ship and her crew had become one of the heroes of the Fleet. But her last sortie had been caustly. The poor girl needed some yard work bad. Many holes from Republican guns interrupted her fine curves. Someone higher up in the Navy had decided that transferring the crew to other ships while the Lei Cheng was patched up as best as they could was a good idea. As far as He Dang knew he would stay in command of the Lei Cheng indefenetly. Until that day a staff officer showed up on the bridge of his little destroyer. He Dang was given two choices. The commander of the Coastal Battleship Weisheng (Commanding Victory) had recently passed on. He Dang was the top candidate for taking command due to his experience and status as somewhat of a hero and good taction. The second choice was to join the Naval Design Burro and lend his experience into designing the next generation of destoyers. Now as He Dang left the Lei Cheng for the last time, he knew he has made the right choice as he walked down the pier towards the Weisheng.

Schezwan Provence:
Sargent Jinan Wu peeked up over the edge of the trench that he and his squad occupied in some river valley. Really whoever had called this a river had never seen the Yangtze or Yellow rivers. Jinan was from a small town on the bank of the Yellow river and had joined the army just after the end of the first civil war. Now his squad and others were moments away from charging an Republican emplacement on the other side of the small clearing ahead of Jinan. Of to his left, a whistle blast sent men loaded with guns, grenades and other equipment poring out of the trench, Jinan amongst them. As if on que, a Republican machine gun opened up from the other side of the clearing. Men fell, but not fast eghouth to make a difference. The nest was quickly outflanked and Jinan chucked a grenade inside. Paniced shouts were silenced seconds later by the exposition. By the other sounds Jinan could make out, similar advances were being made around him. He had heard that attacks like this were much more costly out to the East around Quingdow. Jinan hoped that he never had to find out just how hard they really were, as attacks like these were costly. Looking around he only saw 7 men from his squad of 12 still standing. Jinan grumbled something about replacements as he rounded up his men and pushed forward along with the rest of the battalion.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Imperial Army Headquarters, Shantung Provence, near Qingdao:
General-Marshal Zang entered the tent that comprised the map-room of this Command post. A clipboard was thrust into his hands by an aid. "The updates you asked for General-Marshal sir!" "Thank you Captain, for your prompt delivery of these." The Captain saluted and left the tent. Zang leafed through the papers, his disapproval obvious to anyone looking. "Sir!" A Lieutenant General appeared beside him "Do you have news yet of whether we will be able to cary our an attack soon?" Zang looked at the younger man. "General, I am afraid the news is not what we had hoped, it seems that the needed assets will not be in place until sometime in March." The younger man looked slightly downtrodden. "Don't worry, we will drive the Republicans back. Have faith." Zang raised his voice so the whole tent could hear him. A chores of "Yes General-Marshal Sir!" rang out. A small smile turned the corners of Zang's lips upwards. Faith in a ideal was a powerful force indeed.

The Yellow Sea:
Captain He Dang stood up on the bridge of the Weisheng. The small task force, made of of his ship, Shengzi, and an handful of destroyers, had been steaming towards the Qingdao Pocket. There mission was to bombard Republican positions near Qingdao, at least it had been till some ships of the Republican Navy had shown up. The action that had followed had badly damaged the Shengzi and caused minor damage to the Weisheng and several of the destroyers. The task force had damaged several of the RRC ships and sunk at least one destroyer. Captain Dang scanned the horizon for smoke, as the ships guarded the badly listing Shengzi back to Quingdao. Her war was most likely done. Dang wished that the whole war would be over.

The Forbidden City:
Emperor Kaili walked into one of the many dining areas of the Forbidden City to find his wife, the Empress Anguo seated in front of a meal for two. Standing on his entrance, Anguo and Kalil walked into each others arms and held a long embrace. "I have missed you my Jasmin Flower" Kaili said "With the way things are going, we do not get to do this nearly as often as I would like." "I feel the same way" Anguo whispered. "But we must make more time, as I have some wonderful news that will make you wish the same as me." Kaili looked Anguo in the eyes, his gaise questioning in nature. "What is it?" A coy smile came to Anguo's soft face. "Kaili, I am with child. You are going to be a father." Kaili's expression changed from questioning to joy almost as fast as the crack of a whip. "This is wonderful news! Wonderful! Who do we tell? Who already knows?" Anguo giggled at her husband's reaction "You are the first to find out. I knew that would please you." Kaili grind "As long as I was not the last to find out I would still be filled with joy, and even then. Shale we make the rounds of the City together and inform everyone we meet?" Anguo looked at her husband, "After we eat, remember, I am eating for two now." "Of course" Kaili said "I could use some food for one as well" Anguo giggled again as Kaili guided her back to the seaming food. "A child!" He exclaimed again. "Even hearing of the complete surrender of every Republican solder would not bring as much joy to my heart."
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon