Ukraine News from Foreign Service.

Started by Marek Gutkowski, March 25, 2010, 08:31:33 AM

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OOC: What might be the date for this information? So I can make a RP response to this in my news thread.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: Marek Gutkowski on April 05, 2010, 08:32:25 AM
Ukraine holds The Royal Elections.

We take any candidate.
He she has to be human...

Frederick Augustus III, King of Saxony and rightful King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and Duke of Warsaw will indicate his willingness to take the crown.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Minister Jean Jaques Capet, of the Name Capet, offers his humble self for the duty to the Ukranian People.


Why not?

Empress Flowranis declares a willingness to command the Duchy of Kiev....(For the sake of Yettenburg! YAHHH!)

The Rock Doctor

Valerian Osadchuk wishes to submit his nomination.

Born in Odesa in 1872, but raised in a coal-mining district south of Kiev, he started working at the age of eleven, joining his father and older brother deep below the earth.  By the age of nineteen, keenly aware of how mines were constructed and laid out, he successfully petitioned for a position as an apprentice to the company's mining engineer.  His initial efforts quite impressed the engineer, who convinced the company to pay for a scholarship to the university in Kiev. 

Graduating at age twenty-four, in 1896, he returned to the company and aided in the design and construction of additional underground workings.  He was married in 1897 to the daughter of the company's chief geologist, and lived contently until the uncertain events of 1905 caused the mine to be closed.  He, his bride Oksana, and their two young children emigrated to Gran Colombia, where he found work in the damaged mines of the former El Dorado.  A third child followed, as did a successful career.  By 1914, he was serving as Vice President of Operations of Minas del Dorado, and in 1918, was promoted to President by the company's board of directors. 

Valerian and Oksana are committed to the Eastern Orthodox faith, and are actively involved in charitable works in the city of San Sylvestre (formerly El Dorado).  His three children have been raised to be fluent in both Spanish and Ukrainian, and maintain correspondence with extended family in their native homeland.

As Sovereign, Valerian would offer the Ukranian people a role model of hard work and perserverance, respectful of family and faith, while dedicating his life experience and business knowledge towards developing Ukraine's economy and its position in the world.

(OOC:  fictional character - allows Marek to round him/them out if elected)

Marek Gutkowski

Interesting candidate. Better that what I had in mind. ;D 
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Marek Gutkowski

Interview with Prime Minister Jozef Cyrankiewicz

Random Journalist:"Good evening Prime Minister. I like to thank you for agreeing for this interview."
Jozef Cyrankiewicz:"You welcome"
RJ:"Here's my first question, Your appointment by the late king,good bless his soul, was controversial.
Given Your left wing back ground. Many put you in the same basket as the Bolsheviks. Care to comment on that?"
JC: "Certainly, My appointment was to create a balance with in the government. My views and nationality were a factor in that decision. Before his death the King said that in order to create for good working government all the fraction with in a country have to be represented."
RJ:"Thats brings me to a second question. You are polish, poles take up less that quarter of the population yet You are now head of the government. You have supreme legislative power, You are in-charge of all the domestic matters, You are the person that swears in the new king or queen. You approve the budget.
Your power is second only to the king.
JC:"Well... You make it sound like my mandate is gives me power. I work of the king, well regent at this time, and the king works for the people. My job is too make certain that the country works smoothly.
For example to ensure that railroad are being build, I'm the manager, I work out the details. I give the king a well working economy, Its up to him to figure out what to do with it.As for my nationality well I'm the only minister in the cabinet who is polish. Besides I like to think I was chosen for my merit not my birth"
RJ:"The Aristocracy is opposing the new changes in our nation. They were in position of power for times immemorial and now more and more people outside the nobility is taking positions with in the government.
The regent is a Jew, prime minister is Polish, the marshal is a Cossack. The kings idea to allow people not of royal born too apply for kings positions was considered insult to many."
JC:"The aristocracy, they take up 15% of the population however only 0,1% of that have 30% of the wealth. Those 0,1% have nothing to worry about loosing there position. There is also a new nobility emerging the Rich and Powerful,  the world is changing and the aristocracy changes with them.
The regent reminded me of a old joke 'lach, zyd, sabaka wsio jednaka". It was a war cry of one of our old revolutions. As long as the people in the government do there job its dose not matter who they are."
RJ:"What are Your plans when for the time You will be in office?"
JC:"Building new schools, expanding the infrastructure and ensuring equal development of all the regions of the state."
RJ:"Thats sounds minimalistic"
JC:"But it is a hard task, and a open ended one..."
RJ:"What are Your plans of foreign affair"
JC:"I do not make policies, I only implement the ones I am given"
RJ:"What about the right to bare arms, now it is limited to the aristocracy. Will that change?"
JC:"Weapons of war will be limited only to the state armed forces. Personal weapons will not be limited. However right to carry unconcealed weapons by the aristocracy will remain. Any way few in the aristocracy exercise that law."
RJ:"Have You chosen who You will vote for in the royal elections?"
JC:"Right now the elections are only stating, but I'm quite taken by Margita. If no one better shows up I'll vote for her"
RJ:"Is that Your official statement?"
CJ:"It is at this moment"
RJ:"Will You take part in the elections are a voters representative?"
CJ:"Unfortunately no, my duties prohibits it. Still I like see the election field just once. Those things don't happen everyday you know"
RJ:"Thank You for the interview"     

OOC:Jozef Cyrankiewicz is a historical figure. Although one that will at this point is 8years old.
Polish National.
He was a freedom, prisoner in Auschwitz concentration camp and a prime minister of Poland 1947–1952 and 1954–1970 (that is 19years). He was  lawyer and a journalist from trade.
His person is somewhat controversial today,  However he was a competent and intelligent leader.

In N-verse he became Prime Minister the moment I took over. In RL he became PM in 36 years of age.
So His N-verse birth date is 1887. 
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare


When did Cyril die? I could not find a date in the news.

Also, the way it was setup before, his father Vladimir would have taken over. In OTL he died in 1909 of natural causes I think. What would be the story here?

While officially the Romanovs send regrets, unofficially we are doing a jig.  ;)

Finally... the Ukraine can join the 'good' nations of the world.  ;)
"The black earth was sown with bones and watered with blood... for a harvest of sorrow on the land of Rus'. "
   -The Armament of Igor

Marek Gutkowski

His last order was to reinstate the royal elections.

Date of death is March 5th.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Marek Gutkowski

News for naval construction plans.
Currently there is no new construction planed till 1925.
The decision was dictated by budgetary constrains.

There is a plan for large naval production dust form 1925 onwards.
The plan is for replacing old ship on one for one basis.
That way without the numbers of units increasing the ability will grow exponentially.

In other news the elections are continuing. It is unlikely that there will be a new monarch elected before the year is out.

They yearly flood was mild this year.

As for the international relations the only worth while information that was released is trade agreement on sale of large quantity of wheat too Holland.   

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Marek Gutkowski

Ukrainian people have elected a new head of state.
It came a surprise to the foreign observers that the new Wielka Ksiezna is a previously unknown young woman Margita.

The coronation ceremony is too be held in Kiev Grand Catedral on the first of September.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare