Brainstorming: Introducing new player nations

Started by The Rock Doctor, March 01, 2007, 01:10:44 PM

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There's a young man at Warship projects who - if pointed out something not correct with his SS design - does not say "ur mean and i got the other thigs rite". He says "thank you, I am still learning".
I'd bring him in.



I am against (surprise!) increasing world size.
How are we to calculate sailing distances?



I talked a bit around, and found a nice known universe world to play.

It has  N-verse earth build in, and expansion possibilities by the  bulk carrier load.

Ringworld.  In 1 ocean (of the many)  there is a full set of "maps" of the solar system. Mars as if it had oceans as well as Venus. With only a few 10 000 miles between "planets".

We could easely and explainably put the N-verse in there, with the  earth map as one of the area's in that 1 of many oceans.


I have reservations about mucking about with the Worlds dimensions, as I get this constantly niggling little voice that says "It won't work, it won't work!

That said, a Wesworld Atlantis size Island around the position of Hawaii would be fun!


Other ideas I've had for N-Verse3.0 include:-

Atlantis in Mid Atlantic
A large, GB sized Island around St Helena(preferably to the east of the Ridge)


The Island of Sodor. ;)

The Rock Doctor


I'm not really certain that a larger world is what you need out of a sim.  There is plenty of empty and unused space in the Navalism world right now.  The problem has been filling that space, with active, long term players on one hand and reasonable, interesting nations on the other.  Increasing the world size does not solve that problem, it just lets you delay it.

If you do decide to go with a larger world, gravity/density will be an issue.  I believe P3D has alluded to this already.  Changing gravity will affect everything from buoyancy to shell trajectory to aircraft/airship performance, not a good thing considering that Springsharp assumes Earth-normal gravity.  Reducing density does allow for a similar gravity field, but implies less metal in the planet - which in turn suggests more competition for the extractable metal resources that there are.


I prefer a regular size world, because larger worlds will just become too cumbersome. Think of the map. In Navalism we had enough leeway to acommodate new players unless they wanted a totally new country, I dont think we need bigger.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


I'd prefer to stick to something mostly resembling Earth, personally. A ringworld would just be too weird IMHO (no offense).

Quote from: Dfoxlike the river in Angola.
You mean Libya, I assume. ;)

One idea I had was opening up the Great Rift Valley, like so:

This gives more nations access to the sea, along with "interesting" possibilities for conflict (i.e. nations on either end of the "Rift Strait" trying to blockade the exits, locking in the "continental" countries...)

On Brandenburg...more thoughts...a Hohenzollern Exodus from Europe in the ~1250 period...the Great Trek East could account for the establishemnt of Arabian and African colonies (as opposed to the Great Norman Fire Sale theory).

DF- I may muck about with your map to add the Great Rift and a "continental Brandenburg" and see what I get.


Well it was your map.

Hmm, a Sahara Inland Sea, Opened Rift Valley, Connected Caspian-Black Seas, that area of the world could turn really interesting.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


See here for my "Nv3.0.1" first draft, Foxy's 'world mods' on a Earth=1 size planet (also shifted those new Pacific islands to create a "Brandenburg"). Thoughts?


Maybe loose that Inland sea in the Sahara, it is just too wierd. I like the great rift sea, that would provide cause for a few minor colonial wars. And finally, isn't that big Island in the Pacific abit far south, it'll have terrible weather!


Its not as strange as it sounds. There is evidence that such a sea might have once existed.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Well the question if we are going to use an existing sized Earth becomes what do you do for new players?  The "poof, here I am" method is a bit too jarring as we witnessed with Gabi's nations.  And not allowing people to develop something of their own will likely constrict the world sooner, especially if we all keep what we have now.

Actually...Swamphen, can you whip up a Navalism map that shows the present player nations of those that are here?  That was we can see what we are working with before any changes are made.  You can drop the CSA if you like from the players list.

I just want to see spaces are "open" and thus at least give us a starting point for debate.  That will help Borys I think with a new map.

I'm more for an enlarged Earth (yes distances will be trickier, but that can be compensated with a little cartography, setting some sea lanes up at start for known distances to estimate off of).  New lands would allow for places to put new people for a longer period of time.  Some would prefer to have an existing nation inthe Old or New Worlds, others would want to be another culture on the Later Worlds  This also allows for more exploration/colonization that has pretty much ended by the 1890s.  Sort of like having a 1500s feel in the 1890s.  You don't know if there be dragon out there or not for sure.  The world is round yes, but we don't know what lay beyond them hills.  It is just too far until you get some good long legged steam ships, or be willing to spend a year or three sailing the great oceans of the world.  That might be fun without going all fantasy.