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New Government in Holland.

Started by damocles, May 22, 2010, 08:05:31 PM

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Restricted knowledge to the Dutch (for the moment)

DFKN amt Rotterdam:

Nuygen van Sok: "Is something like that even possible?
Shrugging, Moliytor Kerssler: "I don't know. Its too early in in the Crapfest program to tell, if even the vague rumors we hear about the French hybrid are true or possible. We certainly have nothing but some of our own architects "rough sketch drawings" of such a concept."    
Nuygen van Sok: "I bet this isn't what they intend. I bet they use an offset deck or an angled deck..."
Moliytor Kerssler: "Well we sure can't test it. We don't have the catapults or the trapping gear to make it work, or even validate at our land mock-up to see if its possible. The runway lengths suggested here are too short for anything else but mechanical assist. The French must have solved those problems if this is their plan."
"Steal the tech?" asks van Sok.
"What else?" Kerssler.
Both: "Mwahahahahahahahah!"



Clankety clankety at Namur. Its Russian and being tested against this:


Somewhere in an office somewhere outside the Toulon naval base*:

"OW! !@#$$^&*()!" Avvotus Costello rubs his scalp as Jerri Louis hits him over the head with the gas lamp.

"Use it only when you need to see, Avvot!" Jerri whispers. "We have only ten minutes gas left in the torch."

"Are you sure the janitor said the plans are in this cabinet?" Costello asks.

Louis searches the cabinet making a lot of inadvertent noise, "Found them I think!" Jerri whispers.

Louis takes the gas powered flashlight and reads quickly. "It sure looks like the battleship blueprints with a landing platform for aircraft off the aft end. Even has engineering drawings for what look like catapult launchers in the sheaf here. The only problem is that its all text labeled in ten point romani!"

"So what? That helps." Costello.

"So I read French, Dutch, and German. This is all in Italian, you simpleton!" says Louis.

Costello reads it. "Well don't look at me to solve this, I wasn't the one who dropped the camera in the sewer." He glares at her.

"Terrific. No camera and my photo memory is no good for something this complex.' Louis muses. "Okay, we steal the plans outright and make it look like thieves rob the place looking for cash."

"Don't you think the French will still know that someone stole the plans to their aircraft carrier?"  This from the sarcastic Costello

"Hands up! Who are you, and what are you doing in Monsieur Duquense's office in the middle of the night?"

The policeman has Avvo and Jerri covered with a pistol. What will our intrepid Dutch spy-hero couple do NOW?    

* I blame Ctwaterman for this. He gave me the idea!

Stay tuned...


Avvotus looks for a way out of this mess. He says to Jerri in German, "Flirt!"

Jerri in surprise (and in German) says, "What?"

"Show some cleavage!  He's French. He'll either be interested or embarrassed...then I'll jump him."

Jerri, shakes her head, "No! I'm not that kind of a spy! Besides, he's got a gun, stupid."  

The guard interrupts the two (in broken German); "Oh, a couple of Bavarians, eh? Long way from home aren't you? You think you can waltz in here and steal whatever you want?"

Avvot: "We're Austrians. And we swam. You have very clean sewers, my friend."

The guard: "Give me those papers."

Avvot hands over the papers, clumsily drops them, stoops over to pick them up and bowls over the guard in a rugby tackle. Jerri is on the guard like a spider in less than a second, all arms and legs flaying; and there is a struggle for the pistol.

Clish!, the pistol hammer falls on Jerri's thumb as she wrestles for the gun.

"OW, OW, OW! Let me go, you witch!" the guard howls as Jerri bites his hand in retaliation.

"!@#$%^&*()! Took you long enough, Avvot." Jerri snarls. "You broke the !@#$%^&*()~ torch!"  
"He's probably from Bordeaux. Hard head. And does every other word out of you have to be !@#$%^&*()?"

"I never used such words before I met you, you !@#$%^&*()." Jerri hurriedly gathers the papers together and plans..."Take my belt and yours and tie up the guard. We will take him with us. You get to carry him, Avvot."


"Think!" Louis snarls: "The guard disappears, we were never here, what will the French think?"

"What about the plans?" Costello asks, "and the blood?" He continues, "and the broken pieces of torch, and..."

"Oh shut up. I don't see you trying! Just tie him up, and I'll take care of the rest."            

Jerri turns off the light, goes out into the hallway, starts going into various offices and closets and finds quickly what she seeks.

Muttering to herself, she says: "I told van Sok I should have done this alone." She gathers a bucket, mop, a trash pouch, and then heads back.    

Squeak, squeak, squeak, the bucket's wheels need grease. Jerri Louis stops. She smiles. "Photography." she reads on the door tabard in the moonlit window lighted hallway office door. She enters and finds scattered in a messy way, the things she needs.

"A camera, film, and the bags to carry same. Sorry whoever you are, but you should really put your stuff away when I'm around." Jerri even steals the battery operated lamp she sees. "Advanced French tech. BRNO will LOVE this gear!"

She returns to the plans office.

The tied up gagged guard's eyes pop: "Mmmpghf!"

Avvot comments: "I see you went shopping."

"Shut up!" She shoves the bucket at Avvot and throws the trash pouch at him. "Mop and clean. I'll need a few minutes to photo all of this. Don't miss anything." As Costello cleans up, she takes pictures of the Italian plans for the French aircraft carrier. Then she refiles the plans as best as she remembers they were filed.

"!@#$%^&*() gloves."

Avvot reples: "The French invented fingerprinting. They aren't stupid." He wipes up the last trace of debris, and looks around at an office cleaner than when they first burgled. "Now what?"

Jerri loads up everything she has into the carry bags she stole, and says, "We go. Take the guard and trash with you, I'll put back the mop and bucket, and meet you outside."  

And so it happens.

The burglary was the photo lab. The missing guard was noticed. The investigation turned up lost lighting gear, camera equipment, and some unprocessed film of secret French torpedo boat trials gone. The photographer was immediately arrested and after questions, he revealed that he sold the film to "an unnamed foreign power.", but denied that he had anything to do with the guard, the camera and other equipment that is lost.

Nguyen van Sok: "You idiots! That agent was one of our best sources in Toulon, and you burned him for this GARBAGE!"

Costello and Louis look at each other and brace themselves for the works.  

Moliytor Kerssler: "Its not a total loss. Our engineers can use the catapult drawings to improve our own design, and we did get a nifty camera... Besides, Monsieur Bilamette sold the same film to..."

"I know." van Sok says. "Its only that fact, that prevents these two from their earned free trip to the MK Eastern Front as "volunteers"." He rounds on the two again, "What do you want me to do with the policeman, you kidnapped? I can't kill him. That's illegal."          

Avvot pipes up: "Send him to the NUS and have him enjoy that idiot ambassador's brothel?"

Jerri Louis facepalms: "Not helping us here, Avvot."

Kaiser Kirk

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on September 25, 2010, 10:59:42 AM
Quote from: damocles on September 25, 2010, 05:35:38 AM
Jerri Louis facepalms: "Not helping us here, Avvot."


Uploaded with

Jerri Louis.

Uploaded with

Avvotus Costello

Yeah, Austrians.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Do we really need an appearance of Secret Agent Jack Bauer to set these two right?


Quote from: TexanCowboy on September 25, 2010, 12:40:32 PM
Do we really need an appearance of Secret Agent Jack Bauer to set these two right?

I think that the question, here, is why would secret agent Jack Bauer even bother with them?


Quote from: damocles on September 26, 2010, 04:14:12 AM
Quote from: TexanCowboy on September 25, 2010, 12:40:32 PM
Do we really need an appearance of Secret Agent Jack Bauer to set these two right?

I think that the question, here, is why would secret agent Jack Bauer even bother with them?

Cause, obviously, this will link to the Russian mafia, which will link to biological weapons, which will link to a global multi-pronged multi-plotted assault on Romania...ah, I love 24...:)


Quote from: TexanCowboy on September 26, 2010, 02:45:11 PM
Quote from: damocles on September 26, 2010, 04:14:12 AM
Quote from: TexanCowboy on September 25, 2010, 12:40:32 PM
Do we really need an appearance of Secret Agent Jack Bauer to set these two right?

I think that the question, here, is why would secret agent Jack Bauer even bother with them?

Cause, obviously, this will link to the Russian mafia, which will link to biological weapons, which will link to a global multi-pronged multi-plotted assault on Romania...ah, I love 24...:)

Doesn't EVERYTHING on 24 relate to the Russian Mafia or CBRN weapons of somekind?
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


The Dutch freighter ,N-6 loaded with 1000, tonnes of pergassium permanganate and loaded with NOI medical supplies reaches its rendezvous destination.

The captain opens his sealed orders:
Contact Italaian patrol Zeppelins by blinker off Southern Rift at point ZULU,  Proceed to Blantrye ISO [Italian South Africa] under their escorts, and contact port authority. Permission, granted, will then be allowed to proceed directly to Kigali In the Gulf of Tangayika and unload supplies for railroad trip to civilian port on Lake Victoria and boat ride directly to Ashrod infection outbreak.

Deploy medical unit there and assist Green Cross with cholera and typhus outbreaks. Maintain presence 90 days or until the Italian Sanitation Commission no longer requires assistance.

The captain grunts and calls the Landmacht Medical Korp majoor to his cabin.
Captain Luntz: "Read this."
Major Achmed reads the orders and shrugs. "That explains the potassium permanganate. We use it as a cheap disinfectant. But the sanitation commission doesn't need a Landmacht field hospital."

Luntz: "Yet you are supposed to go to Ashdod, and set up a field hospital. Good will gesture for the Italians and the NZers?

Achmed: "I suppose."
Anders Welsen leaves the Russian embassy to the Hague and walks across one of the many foot bridges that currently cross Embassy Row. An aid rushes up to him  and hands him a note. Welsen reads it and shouts "YES!"
From the NRDN from the Amsterdam transmitter in CODE:
____ __ ___ ___ _________




*Silence*..... I kill you all....
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along
