Swiss Concepts for the Twenties...

Started by Desertfox, December 30, 2009, 05:51:00 PM

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Quite. I look at the Normans and they have the North Atlantic. The Colombians have the South Atlantic.  The Iberians have the same exact problems we Dutch have.  France similar. Confederates not so much. New Swiss? They are the problems.   



If it wasn't for the nosiness of the Dutch, the Swiss would have been the solution...
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Quote from: damocles on June 06, 2010, 03:32:47 PM
Quite. I look at the Normans and they have the North Atlantic. The Colombians have the South Atlantic.  The Iberians have the same exact problems we Dutch have.  France similar. Confederates not so much. New Swiss? They are the problems.

They all have territories spread out all over.
Normans have England, N. America, Azores, plus lands in Africa.
Columbians have S. America, Kongo, and misc Pacific islands.
Iberia has Iberia proper, Brazil, Philippines, and misc islands all over.
Confederates have Europe, Gujarat, misc islands(mostly atlantic)
France has Europe, Africa, Middle East/India, canal zone in Americas
Swiss have Australia, Alaska, Hawai'i, misc islands all over.

The point being your DEI DDs won't be running to Europe and vice versa. Inside the DEI you have plenty of bases to allow refueling. 9000nm @12kts w/ a 30kt top speed just seems off. Why not 7000nm @ 12kts w/ 31kt speed, or even 6000nm @ 12kts w/ 31.5kts? I just don't like the 'mini-CL' approach to DDs so many seem to take.

You should read this.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


QuoteThe point being your DEI DDs won't be running to Europe and vice versa. Inside the DEI you have plenty of bases to allow refueling. 9000nm @12kts w/ a 30kt top speed just seems off. Why not 7000nm @ 12kts w/ 31kt speed, or even 6000nm @ 12kts w/ 31.5kts? I just don't like the 'mini-CL' approach to DDs so many seem to take.

1. My main fighting theater is the Pacific.
2. A speed run from Singapore to Bali is 1100-1200 miles. A cruising distance may be 9000 miles but the speed run is typically 1/5 to 1/8 of that depending on the hull. A lot of time is wasted @ 12 knots. An enemy can do a lot of consolidating in 100 hours. Not so much in 30 when I can catch him over-committed and vulnerable. Here the bunkerage is important, not the extra knot or two.   
3. Yes those latest Dutch destroyers look like mini-CLs as to cruising characteristics.  They are supposed too. I already discussed running out of gas in the middle of a battle and getting caught refueling.  Not everywhere do I have fuel depots and tankers stashed. Its impossible to do.
4. It took a century for it to dawn on the weaponeers that you cannot outrun a shell or torpedo. You can only out turn the salvo ladder or the comb the wakes. This bears on (5)
5. If WW I history is any guide (and it is) most fighting occurred at around 2/3 maximum speed because of all that turning and dodging, and yes the losers were the ones usually caught short of fuel-(Falkland Islands for example TWICE!). Ocean going destroyers are important to the Dutch in a very BIG ocean.
