New New Swiss Caiptal Ships

Started by Desertfox, March 07, 2010, 09:56:18 AM

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It's too bad Miketr got sick/family sick and never got around to doing those 'simbattles'. We could have seen how Foxy's "Fast/Long range shooting" plan holds up in combat vs a more traditional battle fleet as I believe it was to be NS vs France. Would have been cool.  ;)
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


Bloody heck. The secondaries on those ships are enough to demolish TB's, and for mines, minesweepers. With just 9 submarines, DF, I really don't think that you will have all in Australia. You're not looking at the food supply here, you're looking at the lack of ammunition and manufactured goods that Australia can't locally produce. And 13'' shells landing on a Swiss City REALLY increases morale.


Doesn't take many subs to sink pre-dreads conducting shore bombardment. The Firanji better start building tugboats, they're going to need them... Logistics my friend, logistics. ;)

Australia actually does have a decent (not great, but decent) manufacturing capability. Oh and good point, the enemy's flagship turning turtle and sinking does improve morale!

Strangely, despite all the wars I've been in. There has not yet been a battle that tests the Swiss tactics. Tarakan came the closest, but I choose not to launch an all out torpedo attack, as I was waiting for reinforcements, and the Dutch managed to escape. The war could have been won right there. Ironically I might have lost because I did NOT follow Swiss tactics!
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



I am a firm believer in the 3 Laws of warfare... Logistics Logistics Logistics...

1st - The Modern Smoke Screens we see today are Chemical Smoke Screens and were invented by Rum Runners in the mid to late 1920's to fool US Coast Guard and Customs Boats.  Prior to that time Coal Burning Ships created smoke screens by Blowing their Stacks of soot, and possibly setting burning  barrels of Oil on their decks.   Oil Burning ships latter had hot plates to burn oil and create more smoke. 

None of the these early smoke screens are as thick or as long lasting as chemical smoke.  So anyone who thinks they are walls people cant see through better find a nice squall line to really hide their ships behind.

As for the massed torpedo attack I think if its tried in daylight against an undamaged battle line in good weather then its a form of mass suicide that might survive long enought to get some lucky hits in.   If its tried at night or in limiting weather at closer range it can be a very very sucessful tactic.

Why anyone would want to act alone to occupy the New Swiss is beyond me given the number of nations that the New Swiss have Pissed off by supporting other people against them I see no reason why any nation simply wouldnt choose to invite some help along.
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