Gran Colombia, H2/18

Started by The Rock Doctor, December 20, 2009, 07:07:44 PM

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The Rock Doctor


Area:   Population:          BP:         IC:           Revenue
Heartland37.578 million21.5  89.0126.58
Antilia Mayor  8.829 million  5.0  22.0  30.83
Antilia Menor*  0.776 million  0.0   1.0   1.78
Guayana Francesa  0.315 million  0.0   1.0   1.32
Amazonas del Sur  1.353 million  0.5   3.0   4.35
Coquimbo  0.340 million  0.0   1.0   1.34
Galapagos, Tutuila and Nuku Hiva      0.030 million  0.0   0.0   0.00
Zaire**   5.001 million  0.0  1.5   3.70
Montana***   3.572 million  0.0  1.5   3.41
Total56.636 million27.0120.0173.31

*Includes ex-French islands
**Includes 3,000 Colombian immigrants
***Includes 2,000 Colombian immigrants

Additional Income/Expenditures:
+$1.20M and $1.20C - Iberian investments
+$2.40M and $2.40C - Japanese investments
-$3.75M to Peru, but...
+3,000 t of hull plating ($3 and 3 BP) from Peru
+$2.32 and 2.318 BP from scrapping
+$1.03M carry-over

Status: Peace; Limited Mobilization.

Total Budget (maximum military budget): $90.26C and $93.53M, plus 30.000 BP.


Armada Maintenance Requirements: $10.50 (Peace)
    -Continue scrapping Egyptian, Indochinese hulks
    -BB Irresistible transferred to DKB
    -Four Westmoreland class cruisers refitted:  New weapons, wireless, general overhaul:  $3.24, 0.600 BP
    -Eight Tucupita class TB assigned to reserve

Existing Armada Construction Requirements:
    -BB-17, Radiante, underway at Cartagena: $2.855, 2.855 BP, completed end of October
    -BB-18, Brillante, underway at Cartagena: $2.855, 2.855 BP, completed end of October
    -AC-16, Avenger, underway at Cromwell: $2.23, 2.003 BP, completed end of September
    -CP-40, Zulia, underway at Colon:  $0.80, 0.799 BP, completed end of August
    -CP-41, Vaupes, underway at Colon:  $2.70, 2.698 BP
    -TB-137, Tunapuna, underway at Esmeraldas: $0.60, 0.482 BP, completed end of October
    -TB-138, Vielle Case, underway at Cartagena:  $0.77, 0.617 BP, completed end of October
    -TB-139, Villavicencio, underway at Cromwell:  $0.77, 0.617 BP, completed end of October
    -TB-140, Valledupar, underway at La Guaira:  $0.77, 0.617 BP, completed end of October
    -PA-02, Yubarta, underway at La Guaira:  $2.18, 2.180 BP, completed end of November

New Armada Construction:
    -TB-141, Yopal, laid down at Cartagena:  $0.77, 0.617 BP
    -TB-142, Yumare, laid down at Cromwell:  $0.77, 0.617 BP
    -TB-143, Yaguachi, laid down at La Guaira:  $0.77, 0.617 BP
    -TB-144, Yarumal, laid down at Colon:  $0.77, 0.617 BP
    -TB-145, Yaritagua, laid down at Montego Bay:  $0.77, 0.617 BP
    -TB-146, Yahuma, laid down at San Miguelito:  $0.77, 0.617 BP
    -TB-147, Tello, laid down at Esmeraldas:  $1.25, 1.000 BP
    -SS-46, Angelote, laid down at Colon, $1.50, 0.75 BP
    -SS-47, Pintarroja, laid down at Montego Bay, $1.50, 0.75 BP
    -PB-77 to 81, laid down at various locations: $0.28, 0.259 BP
    -PC-33, Pilon, laid down at Manaus:  $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
    -PC-34, Cubara, laid down at San Miguelito:  $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
    -PC-35, Carapo, laid down at San Miguelito:  $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
    -PC-36, Moitaco, laid down at Colon:  $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
    -PC-37, Borbon, laid down at Ciudad Jorge:  $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
    -PG-04, Mantecal, laid down at Esmeraldas:  $0.49, 0.490 BP, completed end of December
    -PA-03, Espiritu Santo, laid down at La Guaira:  $1.96, 1.961 BP
    -APA-09, Senora, laid down at Cartagena:  $0.50, 0.500 BP*
    -APA-10, Senora, laid down at San Miguelito:  $0.50, 0.500 BP*

Naval Intelligence: $0.50

B. LAND OPERATIONS: $19.63, 4.75 BP

Ejercito Maintenance Requirements: $7.5

Ejercito Recruitment and Operations Requirements:
    -I, II, VI, VII Infantry Corps:  Upgrade to 6/4 and Motorize:  $12.00, 3.00 BP
    -III, V Cordilleran and III Jungle Corps:  Upgrade to 6/2:  $6.00, 0.750 BP
    -Recruit and equip I Experimental Car Brigade (1905 tech):  $2.00, 1.000 BP

Intelligencio del Ejercito: $0.50


Maintenance: $0.80

Construction and Repair:
    -Build 1916 airstrips at Camaguey & Moa (Cuba): $3.00, 1.000 BP
    -Build 1914 airstrips at Bulungu & Kienge (Africa):  $2.00, 0.000 BP
    -Build Type 1 airships A-22, 23, 24:  $0.60
    -Buy 100 x 1916 scout/recce aircraft:  $0.60
    -Buy 25 x 1916 long-range bombers: $0.40


Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair:
    -Type 0 Drydock started at Ciudad Leopold (~OTL Kinshasa) on the Kongo River:  $2.00, 0.000 BP


Maximum Projects: $9.00

    -Continue 1913 Torpedoes:  4th half-year, $1:  20%
    -Continue development of 350mm/45 quadruple turret:  3rd half-year, $0.50
    -Continue 1917 Naval Engines:  3rd half-year, $1
    -Continue 1917/1918 Aircraft:  3rd half-year, $1
    -Continue development of M1915 400mm/45 gun:  2nd half-year, $0.50
    -Complete digesting 1916 ASW (from NS):  2nd half-year, $0.25:  Done
    -Commence 1918 Fire Control:  2nd half-year, $1
    -Complete digesting 1915 KC Armor (from Iberia):  2nd half-year, $0.25:  Done
    -Complete digesting 1910 Heavy Armor (from Hapsburgers):  2nd half-year, $0.25:  Done
    -Continue developing Mk1915 120mm/45 gun:  2nd half-year, $0.25
    -Commence 1910 Armored Cars:  1st half-year, $1
    -Commence 1918 Aircraft Carriers:  1st half-year, $1


*Looks innocent*


Infrastructure Development:

Economic Development:
    -Start Half-BP in Heartland:  $54.22 for $54.22 total
    -Start half-IC in Zaire:  $17.50, done
    -Start half-IC in Montana:  $18.81, done



Addendum: Armada Order of Battle, 31/12/18:

A/B + C = (In Service or Working Up) / (In Reserve/Training) + Under Construction/Repair/Refit

BB, Battleships: 6/1 + 0
FM, Mobile Batteries: 1/0 + 0
CA, Armored Cruisers: 6/1 + 0
CP, Protected Cruisers: 26/3 + 1
TB, Torpedo Boats: 82/11 + 7
TM, Minelayers: 3/0 + 0
SS, Submarines: 39/4 + 2

AM, Minesweepers: 16/2 + 0
PB, Patrol Boats: 79/0 + 0
PC, Patrol Cutters: 37/0 + 0
PS, Patrol Sloops: 24/0+0
PG, Patrol Gunboat: 4/0 + 0

RF, Riverine Mobile Batteries: 0/3 + 0
RG, River Gunboats: 13/0 + 0
RP, River Transports: 4/0 + 0

AA & PA, Aviation Vessel: 2/0 + 1

AB, Government Service Ships: 5/0 + 0
AC, Colliers: 5/0 + 0
AD, Depot Ships: 9/0 + 0
AE, Ammunition Ship: 3/0 + 0
AGT, Target Ship: 0/1 + 0
AK, Cargo Ship: 3/0 + 0
AO, Oilers: 4/0 + 0
AP, Transports: 2/0 + 0
APA, Attack Transports: 8/0 + 2
AT, Ocean-Going Tugs: 7/0 + 0
AU, Survey Ships: 3/0 + 0
AWT, Water Tankers: 1/0 + 0
AY, Yacht: 1/0 + 0
IX, Unclassified Ships: 3/0 + 0
TD, Dispatch Boat: 4/0 + 0

FT, Fortress Battery: 6/0 + 0
FC, Coastal Battery: 26/0 + 0

Government Subsidized Steamships: 2/0 + 0

Edit:  Found my airship numbering was off - I had two sets of A-12 and A-13.  I'm not going to go back and edit my sim reports from 2/17 and 1/18, but suffice to say, there are 3 x T0 and 12 x T1 airships in service at the end of the year.

Edit-edit:  Mis-read terms of a deal with Peru, so had to find $3M - did so out of intel budgets and the drydock construction.