Italia News and Such 1918 - 19??

Started by ctwaterman, November 25, 2009, 05:54:43 PM

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Premier, why is Minister Lebrun in Kaapstad, and not Capet in Salaam?

Lebrun is in Kaapstad for negotiation concerning aquisation of vessels for our navy.  And Minister Capet is still trying to defuse the situation in Eastern Europe.

Who's then slated for Salaam?

We have 2 options. Myself, or a chosen representative.
And I have appointed Admiral Geon for that task.
He will go to that African Peace meeting with his task force, just like he did with the Peacefleet that stopped the mass murders during the New Swiss- Middle Kingdom unpleasantness.


Mid May 1919

The View of the Sinai Desert to one side and moon over the Desert of Egypt was very serine.  General Marcus Aquila Camila had left Taranto aboard the IMS Arminius fresh from her refit.  He had inspected the IMS Dacius and IMS Medicus currently undergoing an emergency refit in Taranto before boarding the Arminius enroot to Mogadishu and then on to Dar-Es-Salaam.

But  as he stood on the Flag Bridge of the Arminius smoking a pipe he contemplated the coming meeting.  He contemplated the simple pleasures of the Journey and wondered yet again how fortunate he was to have avoided the Imperial Throne.  Work  intruded as an Aide brought him a dispatch from Rome.  The meeting at Dar-Es-Salaam was on so that was a relief and apparently Gran Columbia was dispatching an Ambassador, while France was sending Admiral Geon.

The Problem he thought to himself is to many people with to many differing desires.  And at this time to many interweaving  alliances and friendships.  The thought of war was not completely unpleasant the Zionist had not really been punished for their attack on the Italian Sovereignty, or the death of the Pope.  But he was to try to avoid a war if possible but the Empire was in no mood to make any concessions to the New Swiss or their Zionist Puppets.
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Admiral Geons little escort constutues of Occitanie , 2 Demarce IIIB and 5 Tigre B.

At any time, weather permitting, at least 1 airship is seen with this flottila.


Starting On or about June 15th interested observers will not a large number of merchant ships gathering from  Venice to Taranto along the adriatic coast.  The 1st Alpine Corp fresh from Spring training and refit moves from the Alps by train to begin meeting up with the over 20 Freighters being gathered for the their movement.

At the Suez Canal The Armored Cruisers Dacius, Medicus, Sarimarcus, Pathicus all sporting fresh new paint transit the Canal.  They are accompanied by new Protected Cruiser IMS Taranto, IMS Tripoli, and IMS Tunis and 11 Destroyers.
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The freighter Hinakapua bore inward through the sunny afternoon waves off of Fiumicino, and the atmosphere on and under her decks was tense. The crew was tense because of the veritable horde of heavily-armed soldiers who'd invaded their domain - not out of fear, they were Maori, sons of warriors and in most cases veterans of military service themselves, but from the sense that they were involved in some important task nearing completion. They didn't know what it was, though given the political situation in Africa, there'd been speculation, but His Majesty and the Third Queen were obviously taking something about their cargo very seriously indeed...

And the soldiers were tense, because they knew that they were approaching the last moment when disaster could befall their task - a collision, a New Swiss agent, a fire - any of these things, if it were likely to happen, would happen as they brought the chest they'd been charged to guard into the hands of the Italians.

And the ship's captain, and the guards' commander, were tense because they knew what they carried - the risk it would have presented to their own nation's interests in the wrong hands, and the advantage it would bring to a nation whose aid had been of significant benefit in the past.

It wasn't merely a question of debt, but also of advantage. The 'republican' government of New Switzerland, in the pocket of that nation's business cartels and manufacturers, answerable in truth only to those interests, was reckless and irresponsible. It would find a war, sooner or later, somewhere. A serious one, one close enough that even their own cash-strapped nation's fleet could make a difference in it... and more to the point, a war against a foe or combination of foes strong enough to guard an invasion.

The timing wasn't the best, so if the intelligence reports the Hinakapua carried in her purser's office merely let the Italians negotiate their way around the Swiss, that would be acceptable, but if, as seemed likely, there was a major blow-up, that advantage in information would be critical to their future allies.

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


June 15th 1919

The Commander of the Imperial Flight Training academy was seriously concerned.   He was going to need more training aircraft and more instructors and even then training standards were going to be relaxed.  The new pilots he was being ordered to turn out would have substantially less flight hours both in total and in type of aircraft when they joined their squadrons.

He had complained to Commander Caesar but had been told that wartime priorities were to begin immediately.  In response to his request from more and better instructors about half the Pilots who had joined the Garibaldi Escadrille and served alongside France in the Kolkata conflict had been assigned to first and second training commands.   Even then the sheer number of cadets was more than four times the size of the preceding forums!
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Tuesday July 1st 1919 dawned a beautiful day over the harbor of Venice.   The ships and flags of many nations were in port for the preliminary testing and run up to the Caldera Cup races to be held on Friday July 4th and Saturday July 6th.

However there was a pall over the festivities because today the front page of the Venice Voice did not bare pictures of the arriving planes and ships or even the names of the famous pilots to bravely fly those planes.  Instead it bore a simple Extra tall Double Wide Headline... WAR IN EAST AFRICA...

The Articles were equally prosaic speculating on the failure of the Dar-Es-Salaam treaty and the conference of the same name.

There was an article indicating to one and all that starting on July 3rd after 23:59 hours local time East Africa the Empire would institute offensive mining operation in New Zion waters to blockade the Zionist ports.

There were pictures from several weeks ago of Troop Ships leaving Venice and other Italian ports bound for Africa.  Other speculated that several Legions of the North African  Army had also been mobilized and were even now beginning to board ships for East Africa as well.

Despite the news however the people of Venice continued to prepare for the races scheduled just three days away.  The Summer was here the weather was fine, and the war was far away.
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July 1st Rome Times:
War Declared:  The Empire has broken off diplomatic attempts to resolve the dispute with the current occupiers of the Former Kingdom of Ethipia.

Announcement to World Wide Embassy' and consulates and all Shipping Companies and Insurance Companies.

Do the state of war between New Zion and the Empire a War Zone Warning is being issued for the Area of the Northern Rift Between New Zion, the Imperial Province of Somalia and Ost Africa.  The Empire will begin Offensive mining operations in New Zion territorial waters after the Third of July.   All merchants vessels are warned to avoid this area as New Zion has already laid un-announced defensive mine fields in the area.

The Empire is announcing a close blockade of New Zion.   Shipping attempting to enter New Zion ports will be subject to boarding and inspection.   Only those ships carrying weapons or military supplies will be subject to seizure and will be sent to the nearest neutral port pending a prize court hearing.   The Empire will allow any Merchant bound for New Zion to stop at any Imperial Port within the Rift Sea and receive a cargo inspection within that port.  If the Ships cargo does not contain war making material it will be issued a certificate and be allowed to proceed at its own risk.  Without any further inconvenience from Imperial Forces.

The Empire is also announcing the Laying of several defensive minefields around the Following Ports in East Africa.  Massawa, Nacala, Blantrye, Mogadishu, and along the coast near Dire Dawa.  Please contact the Watch ship off these ports for a pilot.
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Rome Times July 3rd 1919

Caldera Cup Races and the Venice Air Show Open Friday

The Caldera Cup Races open Friday July 4th.  Entrance from around the world will come to the historic city of Venice to race in the most prestigious seaplane races in the world.   Two years ago the races ended in a virtual tie between the Rinaldo Piago SPA.2f  aircraft flown by Cpt. . Marziale Corutti and the Russian Empires Grigorovich M-19 aircraft.

This years race will be held over a longer course and the speeds of the expected craft are expected to be significantly slower as the aircraft will have to demonstrate their speed and endurance and not just their flat out speed.
Visitors from many nations have come to see the races and the Empire welcomes them all.  A special welcome from the Empire goes out to Prince Cael of the Kingdom of Rohan. 

This year's contestants are from the following Nations. From the Empire of Russia: A heavily modified Grigorovich M-11b and a Grigorovich M-15c.  From the Kingdom of Rohan: A NFB-1-10 Flown by Bessie Coloman and a NFB-1-12 Flown by Ruth Law.  Both members of the Rohans famed Las En Sul squadron. From the Republic of Orange:  a heavily modified JUA-4 piloted by Lt. Alder and Lt. Steiner, an Albatross D.1 piloted by Lt. Jager, and a A.E.G. G.IV piloted by Lt. Schneider and Schmidt. From Gran Columbia's Avianco De Caracas flying club comes an AC-5, and from the Santiago Santo flying club comes a AC-7 Float Fighter. From the Kingdom of Romania:  a Kikut Larvota float plane flown by Cpt. Alexandra Derbinescu. From The Kingdom of Bavaria and Schweiz come an FF43 and a twin engines FF35. And finally from the Empire of Italia' L'aeronautica del Randello Marittima club comes some updated models from the last race.  First is the Rinaldo Piago SPA3A piloted by Capt. Marziale Corutti, followed by a Caproni Caldera M3 piloted by Lt. Casare Magistrini, and finally a Caproni MPB2a Float Plane piloted by Lt. Scaroni De Silva.
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July 10th Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome.

Sextus Aurelius Cotta - Imperial Consul of Foreign Affairs.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - Senator
Appius Attilius Scapita - Senator

The Imperial Foreign Ministry building was quite an impressive monument all marble and granite.  It was difficult to heat in the winter but at least it was cool when summer arrived.  Sextus Aurelius Cotta was meeting today with a small group of Senators.   The Senators represented two factions of the Senate who were financially tied to shipping concerns and were therefore extremely upset about recent occurrences in the Southern Indian Ocean.

Sextus Cotta:   Good afternoon Senators will you please take a seat while I have my steward bring you some refreshments ?

QuoteSenator Marcus Tullius Cicero and Senator Appius Attilius Scapita both accepted glasses of watered wine and took seats in high backed leather chairs while Sextus Cotta sat opposite them.

Senator Cicero;  So Consul, is it true ?  Has the Republic of Orange unilaterally declared itself the sovereign owner of what was it 94 nautical miles of International Waters?

Senator Scapita:  I agree Consul what does the Foreign Ministry intend to do about this Outrage ?

Sextus Cotta:  Senators' please, the Foreign Ministry has examined the matter.  In addition we have consulted with the Consul Maximus in Military Affairs!  We believe that the Republic of Orange's new government was attempting to provide a safe haven for neutral shipping and not to claim as you indicate Sovereign Control over a huge swath of International Waters.

Senator Cicero:   But Consul Cotta, there statement clearly indicates there desire to exert economic control over the entirety of the 100 Nautical Mile Economic zone as they called it?   There was no expiration date, no indication that this unilateral seizure of international territory would end after our war with New Zion is over?

Sextus Cotta:  Indeed we can only assume that the inexperience of the new government ministers in Kaapstadt has led them to make a mistake.  Obviously their declaration has already drawn international condemnation from several other nations.

Senator Scapita: Consul Cotta, Senator Cicero asked you what the Imperial Ministry of Foreign affairs intended to do about this matter.  What you have told us is what the Republic of Orange possibly meant by their declaration and that other nations are objecting.  What you have not told us is what your ministry and the Emperor intend to do about this crisis?

Sextus Cotta:   I thought that was obvious.  Due to the extreme circumstance of the war and the desire to keep the Orange Republic from repeating the mistakes that led to their involvement in the last war with New Zion the Empire will do absolutely nothing.

Senator Cicero: The Empire cannot simply stand-bye ideally while a foreign power declares unilaterally that they control international waters utilized for decades by citizens of the empire!

Sextus Cotta:  Unfortunately Senator that is exactly what we are doing.  Other nations have already taken the lead in curbing the effect of the Orange declaration.  In addition militarily the Empire see's advantage in not taking action!  First we do not antagonize the Orange Republic.  Second the Republic of Orange has taken legal responsibility to protect all vessels obeying their laws inside the zone in question!  Should the Imperial fishing fleets from Italia South Africa stop in Beria to obtain a fishing permit the Empire will pay the fee and the Orange Republic will be responsible for protecting said ships from New Swiss acts of Piracy!

Senator Cicero:  And the president of allowing this violation of sovereignty?

Sextus Cotta:  I is the Empires feelings that this Zone can not and will not be allowed to exists after the end of the war with New Zion.  On the other hand there are many nations who feel that a 12 nautical mile limit is a good idea now that modern battleships can conduct a bombardment from outside that range.  So the Empire will utilize the Orange Declaration to try and once again call a meeting of nations to achieve an International Consensus on the matter!

Senator Scapita:  Well I can not say I totally support this decision but I can see the reason why it was made.   I would appreciate myself and my committee being kept informed on the international effort to reverse the Orange Republics decision.

Senator Cicero:  Consul Cotta, thank you for your time and I would also like to be kept informed.  This is the second time that the Republic of Orange has flouted international law and custom to simply take advantage of a war.  The first during the Iberian and Habsburg war vs. the Ottoman Empire and now this aberration!!

Sextus Cotta: "Escorting the two Senators to the door" Rest assured gentleman that the Empire will be working with it' friends and allies behind the scene to reverse this decision but in the meantime we will take advantage of it!
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Friday July 4th 1919:  Venice Harbor Empire of Italia.

The Day started with some early morning rain which broke up shortly after dawn.   Down at the harbor the first day of practice runs, inspections, and festivities for the Caldera Cup Races had begun.

The Fastest Planes of the Day were the Gran Columbian AC-7, the Caproni MPB2a, and the Russian M-11B.   All three Aircraft averaged around 155 Km/h or 96.875 Mp/h.   This years race utilized 5 separate time keepers to keep a very accurate start and stop time.

Unfortunately the first day of the races was not without accidents.   The Italian Caproni Caldera M3 which was averaging 153 Km/h suffered a broken strut and float on the first day and was eliminated from the race.  In addition both planes from the Kingdom of Rohan suffered serious problems.  The NFB-1-10 piloted by Bessie Coloman suffered a seized engine but managed to land the aircraft.  The NFB-1-12 piloted by Ruth Law suffered and engine casualty had to abort with the engine running rough.
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Saturday July 5th 1919:  Venice Harbor Empire of Italia.
Saturday started bright and sunny with a freshening breeze out of the south that would lead to head winds on one leg of the flight and a stiff cross breeze on the another.

The races were clean with average speeds slightly slower then the day before.   The Only accident to mar the day was the Bavarian FF-35 Engine seized while it was trying to make up time and the plain landed extremely roughly in the ocean outside Venice harbor.
The Pilot was quickly rescued by one of the waiting boats.

The Finishing Aircraft in Order and Average Speed are:

The Avianco de Caracas AC-5 Piloted by Manuel Bardaji who finished with and Average Speed of  160.83 Km/h.

In Second Place was the L'aeronautica del randello marittima' own SPA3a  which finished with an average speed of 159.65 Km/h.

In Third Place was the Santiago SantoGran AC-7 from Gran Columia which finished with an average speed of 157.95 Km/h

In Fourth Place was the Italian Caproni MPB2a which finished with an average speed of 157.85 Km/h.

In Fifth Place was the Bavarian FF-43 which finished with an average speed of 153 Km/h.

In Sixth Place was the Orange JUA-4 with an average speed 149.55 Km/h.

In Seventh Place was the Confederate L-7D which finished with an average speed of 140 Km/h.

In Eighth Place was the Russian M-15C with an average speed of 138 Km/h.

In Ninth Place was the Romanian Kikut Larvota with an average speed of 110 Km/h

In Tenth Place despite a rough running engine the Russian M-11B finished with an average speed of 109 Km/h.

In Eleventh Place the Orange Albatross finished with an average speed of 107.6 Km/h.
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July 15th Asmara, Imperial Province of Eritrea.

General Giulio Douhet stood over his map board in the pre dawn hours.   The Pieces on the board showed disposition of all the Legions under his command.   He sighed thinking back to what could have been if only the high command had accepted his recommendations of even as little as a year ago.   While the forces under his command were more then adequate for the job at hand opposition from Zionist Aircraft were extremely spirited.   His recommendations of a year ago to double the size of the Imperial Aeronautica and to increase the use of mechanization in  the Legions had been rejected as to costly and not yet tested in battle.   Well you fight a war with what you have and not what you wish you had he thought to himself.

More Aircraft he decided he would need more aircraft to protect his line of advance from the nearly fanatical and suicidal low level attacks being launched by the Zionist pilots.   They were quite effective at disrupting logistics and stalling his attacks.  But how long could the Zionist continue to accept such heavy losses to the light and heavy machine guns of his Legions?  Of course he thought it appears from reports from Kigali that the Zionists had deployed all their Aircraft to face his offensive here in the north?

As Dawn arrived outside the map room and his aide arrived bringing both breakfast and the nights dispatches he contemplated his next move.  His first objective was achieved and soon General Bicardi of the XVII Legion would demand the surrender of Eilat from the Zionist force that had retreated into the Port.   He honestly did not expect them to surrender but he fervently prayed they would allow the Civilian population to be evacuated.

With breakfast over and the quite time before dawn disappearing with arrival of  the Staff who started to update the Map from reports delivered during the night, General Douhet began to give orders.  First more aircraft from Italy, and then perhaps the enemy was weak there... he sent for yesterdays reconnaissance photos and reports from the observation balloons going up all over the front!
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July 29th Rome Times:

New Swiss Enter War

Despite warnings at the Dar-Es-Salaam conference that New Swiss warships entering the Rift would be considered an act of war by the Empire New Switzerland forces numbering over 100 warships forced passage into the rift sea.

The Crews of nearly 2 dozen New Swiss ships have been rescued from the shark infested waters off Djibouti Island.   Reports from Survivors indicate that the New Swiss Fleet was transporting 25,000 troops and supplies to reinforce their Zionist minions.
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Thursday July 31st 1919:  Rome Time

New Zion uses Chemical Weapon!

New Zion forces inside Eilat after being granted a cease fire to evacuate Civilians from the city immediately responded to the courtesy of Imperial troops by utilizing Chemical Weapons on troops of the Legions.   Imperial Senate and Legion officials refused to responded to questions concerning the Empire stance on no first use of such barbaric weapons.   A source in the Imperial Senate indicated that the Empire still continues to consider such weapons to be barbaric but the source felt that the Empire could not allow such a cowardly attack to go unanswered.
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