Italia News and Such 1918 - 19??

Started by ctwaterman, November 25, 2009, 05:54:43 PM

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Quote from: Desertfox on April 08, 2010, 09:22:00 PM
April 14th, 1919


It's not yet Freezing.


QuotePublic Reply

New Switzerland is very confused by the Italian Emperor's speech. Is Italy accusing New Switzerland of a deliberate attack on Italian forces on their own soil? New Switzerland has no idea what Italy is talking about. Why would we do such a thing? New Switzerland finds the comments by the Emperor very insulting and provocative. If the Italians truly want peace they will withdraw their inflammatory statements.

Le Monde publishes this, and a few bits more with glee.


QuoteSwiss Letter Reply

April 17th, 1919

Peace... Does Italy truly want peace? If so, why is the bulk of the Italian fleet stationed in Africa and not at home? With every word you speak, you lead us to believe that it is your intention to re-invade New Zion. If five small defensive submarines is all the excuse that Italy requires to pour enough men,ships, weapons, and planes into Africa that it makes a dent in the Imperial Treasury, then your intentions are not peaceful. Why is Italy so threatened by what are obviously defensive weapons? Does New Zion not have the right to defend themselves? And what are these other accusations that you have brought publicly?

New Switzerland can agree to meet Italian representatives, but only in a neutral location, and not with an Italian Ally.

This will get some response.....

(to be modified and elaborated)


Quote from: P3D on April 08, 2010, 10:14:33 PM
Quote from: Carthaginian on April 08, 2010, 09:37:47 PM
Accepting military aid, no matter how slight, from the New Swiss violates this clause of NZ's treaty.
Italy is well within her rights ot be angry, and to react.

Time to look it up. Italy does not have a single valid point to object Swiss military aid to New Zion. So it is nothing more than hypocrite posturing after all the Italian military buildup in East Africa.

Quote5.  Upon appointment or election of a new government, New Zion shall declare itself to be constitutionally neutral, and shall enshrine such policy in a national constitution.  New Zion shall not enter into military alliance or other cooperative military agreements, nor sell or lease lands, equipment or materials to third parties, nor allow basing of third party military forces within its borders.

There is no Navy in Murmansk, huh P3D?
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


QuoteSwiss Letter Reply
April 17th, 1919
Peace... Does Italy truly want peace? If so, why is the bulk of the Italian fleet stationed in Africa and not at home? With every word you speak, you lead us to believe that it is your intention to re-invade New Zion. If five small defensive submarines is all the excuse that Italy requires to pour enough men,ships, weapons, and planes into Africa that it makes a dent in the Imperial Treasury, then your intentions are not peaceful. Why is Italy so threatened by what are obviously defensive weapons? Does New Zion not have the right to defend themselves? And what are these other accusations that you have brought publicly?
New Switzerland can agree to meet Italian representatives, but only in a neutral location, and not with an Italian Ally.

Meanwhile Back In Paris the Italian Ambasador again passes a note back to the Swiss Embassy through French Hands.

To: Government of New Swiss Republic
From: Empire of Italia
Dated:  April 24th 1919


The Empire of Italia has met to considered the informative letter you returned to us with such haste.  The Empire wishes for the Government of the New Swiss Republic to name the locations where it would be acceptable for representatives' of your government and ours to meet to discuss the growing crisis in East Africa.

Acrimonious accusation' aside it would be better for our governments to meet and discuss our problems face to face.

Consul Sextus Cotta
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


April 20th 1919 Praetorian HQ Rome

Mario Decumius - Commander of the Praetorian Guard.
Mori Hebel - Commander Praetorian Criminal Investigative Division.
Pietro Sansone - Commander Praetorian Counter Intelligence Division.

Mario Decumius:  So Mori, what have your agents in Sanremo to report.

Mori Hebel: *Pulls out a large file*  There are a great many things to report.  First three of the attackers were taken alive both two were wounded badly.  Unfortunately one of the wounded died before he could be questioned.   The other two have been and are still undergoing questioning.  But here is the evidence we have gathered as of this moment the investigation is still ongoing.

1.  Through the use of Photographs and Finger Prints we have identified all four of the dead and both wounded men.   In addition we have strong identification on at least six others either scene by witness to be associating with the dead or the wounded men or who came ashore from  French Yacht.

2.  At least two the men we have tentatively identified entered Sanremo from France a week prior to the attack, returned to France and then returned to Sanremo only the day before the attack.

Mario Decumius:  Excellent, now about those men being questioned what have they to say for themselves so far?

Pietro Sansone:  The two men have been persuaded to talk and they are claiming to be Pirates from the crew of a Ship called the Hai Peng under the Command of a Capt. Barbarossa.   *slide a visa passport photo forward*  This is a picture of Capt. Barbarossa as identified by both of his men.

Mario Decumius:  So this is the man responsible?  Did they say why the took such in ordinary risks to rescue the Jack Sparrow?

Pietro Sansone:  That is where we begin speculation.   The men's stories conflict one says its because they were being very well paid for the job.  The other claims they were paid but it was also because Jack Sparrow knows where a great treasure was buried and would lead them to that treasure if he was freed.  There is also some very sensitive information about a meeting of some sort of Pirate Brotherhood they attended just before sailing to France with a plan to rescue Jack Sparrow. *hands Mario Decimus a report*

Mario Decumius:  *reads the report before responding*  Can this be true ?  And if it is does it construe actual evidence ?

Pietro Sansone:   If its true it shows a level of arrogance that is simply not be believed.  However it is my belief that while we may think we know what has happened any accusation on our part would appear to be both self serving and lacking in evidence!

Mario Decumius:  I will have to consider this very carefully and how to present it.  I have to brief the Emperor latter today.   So to sum up what we know for sure is that a bunch of Pirates who we have identified raider our shores that is clear cut and something for the Marina to deal with.   We can speculate that they were paid for the raid by some unnamed third parties because the raid showed a very high level of planning and intelligence gathering.  And finally we have this meeting of Pirates in the South Pacific just prior to the Pirates sailing halfway around the world to rescue Jack Sparrow.  Is this correct?

Pietro Sansone:   To the best of my Knowledge Yes!

Mori Hebel: Yes !

Mario Decumius:  I will brief the Emperor and certain members of the Government latter today!  In the meantime continue the investigation and we will find a Magistrate to start handling the criminal case!
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


May Day, 1919

To Italy,

Due to the subject in question, New Switzerland feels that the town of Dar-Es-Salaam in the DKB Tanzania would be most appropriate. If the DKB agrees, New Switzerland would be willing to meet Italian representatives there.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Replies to the New Swiss Ambassador in Paris, May Day 1919.

The Empire of Italia will conditionally accept Dar-Es-Salaam as an acceptible meeting place.  We must contact the DKB foreign office and request that they host such a meeting.  We must also contact the other relivant parties?
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


May 4th, 1919

Pending approval from the other relevant parties Dar-es-Salaam would be happy to host any talks that could lead to the re-stabilization of the region.

Gunther Reuhle
Reich Foreign Affairs, Ost Afrika Office
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


May 8th 1919

The Empire of Italia graciously accepts the generous offer of Gunter Reuhle  of Reich Foreign Affairs.

The Empire will further contact the Ambassadors of the Following nations in Paris to see if their nations would like to attend a conference in Dar-Es-Salaam concerning the current crisis in East/Ost Africa.

Republic of France,
Republic of Gran Columbia,
Republic of New Switzerland,
Kingdom of New Zion,

The Date to be set by the Host Nation Deutscher Kaiserreich Brandenburg?
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


OOC: Sure, once I know who's on board.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


Early May 1919

Starting in the Mediterranean and slowly spreading to other ports around the world the following posters start to appear.

Wanted Dead or Alive                                                        

Hector Barbossa                                                              
For Murder of Police Officer                                              
Premeditated Murder                                                        
Arson and Piracy                                                                
250,000 Denair                                                                  
Reward to be collected at                                                  
Any Imperial Port, Embassy, or Consulate.                        

Wanted Dead or Alive

Jack Sparrow
For Murder of Police Officer
Premeditated Murder
Arson and Piracy
250,000 Denair
Reward to be collected at
Any Imperial Port, Embassy, or Consulate.

Reward Offered
500,000 Denair
For Information leading to the
Apprehnsion or siezure of the
Pirate Vessel Hai Peng
[Vessel Description appended]

OOC:  The rewards in Navalism $ are $.25, $.25, and $.5
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Looking around, 250,000 Denair does not only sound more but actually is more than 10,000 Guineas. :)


I figured I would make their heads more valuable to someone else then to themselves.

Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


In the halls of the Imperial Palace, the following is overheard

"What! 1,000,000 Denair? That's it, get the Green Berets assembled, get Limora back from Ukraine, we leave in 24 hours!"


Somewhere in the ministry of foreign affairs in Pretoria
"Sir we received an urgent message from our ambassador in France, Vincent Delalle!"
"An urgent message from Delalle? What happened? Do the French plan an surprise visit?" asked the minister for foreign affairs, Christiaan Smuts.
"No Sir he's asking why we did respond to the Italian invitation to a conference about the security situation in east-Africa."
"Uh? Never heard about it? Did I miss something?"
"We are not sure Sir. Not according to our post office, but ambassador Dealle seem to be very nervous about it. He doesn't want to upset them after finally getting a chance to flatten the waves."
While looking through the papers he mumbles "I see. A conference it is, and a good additon to our other operations in the area", Speaking up he tell him: "Ok then. Inform him, and the Italians that we will be there."
"Aye Sir."
And after a few moments, already on his way to the next appointment the minister adds: "And make sure the message reaches them this time."