Italia News and Such 1918 - 19??

Started by ctwaterman, November 25, 2009, 05:54:43 PM

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April 11th 1919 - Imperial Palace Rome

Sextus Aurelius Cotta- Consul of Foreign Affairs
Armedo Ferdinando Camila - Emperor of the Italia Empire
Marcus Aquila Camila – The Emperors Father
Mario Alessio Decumius - Commander of the Praetorian Guard

The Four men sat around a table discussing business over Brandy after a late dinner.

Emperor Armedo:  So Sextus, what do you think of this reply from the New Swiss?

Consul Cotta:   It is very interesting you Majesty they accuse the Empire of Repudiating the Treaty with of Dar-Es-Salaam, of plotting to Invade New Zion, and that their actions in helping New Zion violate the treaty of Dar-Es-Salaam are there fore in some manner justified.   In addition they deny that the Zionists have any history of animosity to the Empire I wonder if the New Swiss Government even bothers to read any News Papers from Tel Aviv or if they are to busy simply counting the profit from selling guns to every revolutionary, pirate, or subversive group in the world.

Marcus Aquila:   I have to agree with Consul Cotta, we were discussing this at the weekly meeting of the General Staff today.   The New Swiss accuse the Empire of over a half dozen wars of Aggression against New Zion.  Either the New Swiss cant Count of they are counting wars clearly not in this Century and possibly not even in this Millennium.  New Zion as a Nation has only existed since 1905 when a former New Swiss Army Officer Ahad ben Yusev had the Old King of Ethipia Assassinated and assumed his thrown.   Perhaps that is why the New Swiss are upset their Heir of their Puppet King has been displaced?

Emperor Armedo:  Mario what is the likelihood that the attack on Sanremo was a covert action by the Swiss Secret Service to free one of their former agents.

Mario Decumius:  I have two of my top men working on that question.  The question comes down to one of Proof vs. Suspicion! The tactics are very reminiscent of other actions that we either know or suspect to have been carried out by the New Swiss prior to Pacific Wars.   The Use of a Thompson Submachine Gun at the least means that whoever did commit that attack purchased their weapons from the Swiss.

Emperor Armedo:  Whoever committed this attack did so in a very black and illegal act, if our enemy intends to fight an undeclared war without the restrictions of legalities and custom I see no need to so restrict our forces!?! That being said that mere days after someone attacks the Sovereignty of the Empire we receive a very insulting letter from the New Swiss concerning a real substantive security concern to the Empire.  They act as if their actions have no consequences, like children daring an adult to punish them?  The Empire is legitimately concerned that arming those mad men in New Zion will bring instability to East Africa!  So Mario I hate to corner you so early in your investigation but I need an honest answer do you believe that the Swiss Government was involved in the attack on Sanremo!

Mario Decumius: If I go with my cut feeling ignoring the lack of evidence I would say that some way, in some manner yes the Swiss Secret Service was involved.   The plan was to well coordinated for Pirates and from what I can tell this group actually scouted the town before the attack.   They cut communications planned their escape and were gone before the locals could react in sufficient force.  If they had not under estimated the fire power and dedication of the Praetorians guarding the prisoner they would have gotten away with very few casualties.  So if Pressed it is my opinion that the SSS were involved.  But I must stress I seriously doubt we will ever be able to prove their involvement.

Emperor Armedo:  Thank you for your candor Mario.  That is very interesting I would prefer not to have to declare war on New Zion or the New Swiss.  However the New Swiss evidently have never heard of spheres of influence??   Perhaps our forbearance in not aiding the Swiss Monarchy during their late Civil war was a mistake!  But that brings us back to the problem at hand.  How do we answer this insulting letter from the New Swiss.

Consul Cotta:  Well I think we should first contact all our friends and Allies.  Obviously we have not even heard back from all the Nations we had contacted concerning the Empire's concerns about the failures of the treaty of Dar-Es-Salaam?  And we still have time to allow my Diplomatic Staff work to head of a war.  We need to determine if possible the reactions of the Republic of Orange and Gran Columbia?

Marcus Aquila:  The General Staff feel we should match any New Zionist Mobilization but not launch a mobilization of our own at this time.   It might be scene as inflammatory and it would be counter productive to any diplomacy.  As for the Imperial Marina they will have to take a higher state of Alert and more units will have to go to full mobilization.  We need to take precautions to keep the New Swiss from slipping a large force into East Africa.  And we will need to talk to everyone who might provide them basing for such a large number of ships.

Emperor Armedo:  Well if that is the recommendations of the Foreign Office and the General Staff I think we can officially give the order to proceed with those ideas.  And I now have a meeting with my speech writers I have to address the people of the Empire and the Senate tomorrow to inform them of what has been happening.
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OOC The Swiss had no knowledge of the raid on Sanremo, when they wrote the reply. The timing just happened to coincide.

BTW the Tommy is not just a Swiss weapon. The Iberians also use it and probably a few other nations.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The Iberians had to have gotten it from somewhere, and I believe the Swiss 'claimed' it.
Besides, unless the Pirates had gotten all kinds of creative (and Sparrow's merry band have never exactly been the brightest bulbs in the box) any weapons dropped could simply have their manufacturer's stampings, proof marks, and serial numbers examined to discover their point of origin.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


Ok funny,

I have I think some Pistols and a Knifes, and lots and lots of spent brass in a .45 ACP. And lots of Dead Pirates Officially, unofficially I have two survivors who will begin talking after they have been offered suitable inducement.  :-X
*begins heating the coals and errecting a Cross* ???? Is that suitibly Roman ????

Information is mereley Conjecture and Inference there is no Proof and if everyone keeps demanding *Smoking Guns, Video of the Crime and sworn Eye witness testimony from 2 Priest a Nun and the Pope*  to prove something well Governments never demand that level of proof.

The Emperor just asked the head of his personally sworn retainers for his best guess.  The Timming however is very inconvenient for the New Swiss!!!
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Rome Times April 13th [Sunday] 1919

Published Text of a speech given by Emperor Armedo Camilla to the Imperial Senate on Saturday April 12th.

Senators and Citizens of Rome, I come before you today to inform you of the perilous times that come upon the Empire.   On the 1st day of this month of April loyal flyers of Imperiale Aeronautica photographed and reported Warships of the rebellious New Swiss delivering offensive weapons to the Zionists government in Ethipia.   On Monday last a group as yet unidentified agents stormed the Jail in the Imperial Town of Sanremo killing many loyal servants, citizens, and guests of the Empire.

In response to these heinous crimes against the citizens and guest of our great nation I promise you this the Empire will investigate, it will search, it will question, and when it is sure who is responsible the Empire will act.  This is not a court of law and those who attacked our shores did so in the most ruthless and unlawful manner.  To these individual I can only say in warning an old parable "as you sew so shall you reap"!

Within days of this affront to the Sovereignty of the Empire the wanton slaughter of our Citizens by unknown agents of a foreign power the Empire has been delivered a missive from those same rebellious servants of the New Swiss government that were caught supplying offensive weapons to the Kingdom of New Zion.   The Empire had sought through diplomatic channels to seek an explanation for the provocative actions by agents of the New Swiss government.  Instead of a reply seeking diplomatic discussion and resolution to a matter of grave concern to the Empire the government of the New Swiss replied with discourteous nay slanderous accusation that the Empire was plotting a war of aggression against New Zion.  This is a long standing tradition among the government of the New Swiss they deny everything and accuse those who simply seek a peaceful discourse on why their actions might be viewed with concern by another.  Like Children fighting over a toy they show no concern for the opinions of others and seek to bully others into accepting their actions or their words as the truth!

I come before the Senate to inform you the Citizens of Italia that the Empire will not be bullied by these insolent children who have been handed the reins of a government.  The Empire will try to find a diplomatic solution to this problem but failing that we must prepare for the worst while hopping for the best.   To that end as of this moment the Mobilization status of the Legions in East Africa will be tied directly to the Mobilization status of the Troops of New Zion.  If they mobilize for any reason the Empire will match that mobilization exactly.   The Naval forces in East Africa and the Indian Ocean face an even graver threat in the form of the New Swiss Navy.   Our valiant Marina must prepare itself to prevent the New Swiss from regaining control of New Zion as a puppet state.  The Exiled King of New Zion is the son a New Swiss mercenary many of New Zion's Zionist army were once citizens of New Switzerland.  The goal of the Empire is stability in Africa and New Switzerland embodied the spirit of Chaos, Socialism, and Anarchy.  We call upon New Switzerland to withdrawal the offer of Alliance to New Zion and to seek a peaceful resolution to this conflict before blood is spilt.
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The Following Letter is delivered to the Swiss Ambassador to France.  Copys of the letter will be available very easily and in particulair will be forwarded to the Ambassadors of GC, Orange, France, and DKB.

To:  The Government of New Switzerland
From:  The Office of Foreign Affairs Empire of Italia.
Dated:  April 15th 1919

The Empire of Italia has not sought a confrontation with New Switzerland but your nation's frequent interference in the affairs of states far from your borders and spheres of influence continue.   The Empire of Italia sought an explanation as to why you so fit to interfere with delicate balance of peace in East Africa.

Your government provided weapons to New Zion with no thought to the consequences of those actions.  As if the actions of your government existed in a vacuum and that they had no impact on those around them.   The Empire has sought a delicate balance of forces in East Africa and the actions of your nation have upset that balance.  To counter balance this action the Empire will have to build, equip, and outfit more ships and more troops, and more aircraft all at the Expense of the Citizens of our Empire.

Following our request for a clarification of the reasons for you actions you accused the Government of Empire of plotting war against New Zion at a time when the actions of New Switzerland make the likelihood of such a war much more likely than it was a mere month ago.

The Empire will not be bullied and your libelous accusations offer absolutely no help to resolving the situation we find ourselves in today.   Instead like a cheap lawyer you deny all wrong doing and slap the opposition with a counter suit.   The Empire will try one final time to reach a reasonable and peaceful agreement.   The French have offered to hold discussions in Paris, the Empire will dispatch a delegation to meet in Paris with any and all nations that the looming Crisis in East Africa may impact.

Imperial Magistrate Sextus Cotta, Consul of Foreign Affairs.
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April 14th, 1919



Public Reply

New Switzerland is very confused by the Italian Emperor's speech. Is Italy accusing New Switzerland of a deliberate attack on Italian forces on their own soil? New Switzerland has no idea what Italy is talking about. Why would we do such a thing? New Switzerland finds the comments by the Emperor very insulting and provocative. If the Italians truly want peace they will withdraw their inflammatory statements.


Swiss Letter Reply

April 17th, 1919

Peace... Does Italy truly want peace? If so, why is the bulk of the Italian fleet stationed in Africa and not at home? With every word you speak, you lead us to believe that it is your intention to re-invade New Zion. If five small defensive submarines is all the excuse that Italy requires to pour enough men,ships, weapons, and planes into Africa that it makes a dent in the Imperial Treasury, then your intentions are not peaceful. Why is Italy so threatened by what are obviously defensive weapons? Does New Zion not have the right to defend themselves? And what are these other accusations that you have brought publicly?

New Switzerland can agree to meet Italian representatives, but only in a neutral location, and not with an Italian Ally.

"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


QuoteApril 14th, 1919

Public Reply

New Switzerland is very confused by the Italian Emperor's speech. Is Italy accusing New Switzerland of a deliberate attack on Italian forces on their own soil? New Switzerland has no idea what Italy is talking about. Why would we do such a thing? New Switzerland finds the comments by the Emperor very insulting and provocative. If the Italians truly want peace they will withdraw their inflammatory statements.
We just had this discussion about communication lag the speech was made on a saturday in Rome to the Senate the text was printed in the Sunday Rome Times.  Unless you have somebody in Rome Telegraphing you a text of the speach from  the Newspaper I will respond to this Public Reply sometime in Mid May where it belongs.  If you do have someone in Rome telegraphing this to you let me Know I want to arrest him for stupidity among other things.

Swiss Letter Reply

April 17th, 1919

QuotePeace... Does Italy truly want peace? If so, why is the bulk of the Italian fleet stationed in Africa and not at home? With every word you speak, you lead us to believe that it is your intention to re-invade New Zion. If five small defensive submarines is all the excuse that Italy requires to pour enough men,ships, weapons, and planes into Africa that it makes a dent in the Imperial Treasury, then your intentions are not peaceful. Why is Italy so threatened by what are obviously defensive weapons? Does New Zion not have the right to defend themselves? And what are these other accusations that you have brought publicly?

New Switzerland can agree to meet Italian representatives, but only in a neutral location, and not with an Italian Ally.

Repeat as above you are still responding to this like a text message 1 day to Cable it to Phoenix and a day Back so when did your government exactly consider its response ?????

I will consider the Substantive part [The Last Line after a suitable delay]
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QuoteNew Zion shall not enter into military alliance or other cooperative military agreements

Accepting military aid, no matter how slight, from the New Swiss violates this clause of NZ's treaty.
Italy is well within her rights ot be angry, and to react.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


Quote from: Carthaginian on April 08, 2010, 09:37:47 PM
Accepting military aid, no matter how slight, from the New Swiss violates this clause of NZ's treaty.
Italy is well within her rights ot be angry, and to react.

Time to look it up. Italy does not have a single valid point to object Swiss military aid to New Zion. So it is nothing more than hypocrite posturing after all the Italian military buildup in East Africa.

Quote5.  Upon appointment or election of a new government, New Zion shall declare itself to be constitutionally neutral, and shall enshrine such policy in a national constitution.  New Zion shall not enter into military alliance or other cooperative military agreements, nor sell or lease lands, equipment or materials to third parties, nor allow basing of third party military forces within its borders.

The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Quote from: P3D on April 08, 2010, 10:14:33 PM
Quote from: Carthaginian on April 08, 2010, 09:37:47 PM
Accepting military aid, no matter how slight, from the New Swiss violates this clause of NZ's treaty.
Italy is well within her rights ot be angry, and to react.

Time to look it up. Italy does not have a single valid point to object Swiss military aid to New Zion. So it is nothing more than hypocrite posturing after all the Italian military buildup in East Africa.
Quote5.  Upon appointment or election of a new government, New Zion shall declare itself to be constitutionally neutral, and shall enshrine such policy in a national constitution.  New Zion shall not enter into military alliance or other cooperative military agreements, nor sell or lease lands, equipment or materials to third parties, nor allow basing of third party military forces within its borders.

We are getting into serious Legalize here.  There are New Swiss Advisors in New Zion training them on their Modern Aircraft.  There are advisors showing them how to use their subs.  And finaly their is the Offer of a Military Alliance between New Switzerland and New Zion.

I would find that New Zion is both Cooperating with the New Swiss and providing basing for all those Advisors.

QuoteItaly does not have a single valid point to object Swiss military aid to New Zion. So it is nothing more than hypocrite posturing after all the Italian military buildup in East Africa.
The Number of Aircraft in Ost Africa has gone up since our Last War by 100 Aircraft however all of them did become Modern 1916 Aircraft.
The Number Of Legions has not Changed at all and only at this moment have I begun to modernize them.
The Naval Force lets see I have added 1 DN, 20 TB, 75 MAS Boats and the Real Build up is the 20 Subs, and the 3 Large Shor Batteries to Protect the Southern Rift.
I am even in compliance with the limit of tonage of ships in the Rift Sea that Orange and I sighned but seems to have gotten lost.

What we are discussing arguing about is legal semantics.  New Zion may be and I use the term MAY loosely be by the letter in compliance with the treaty ending the war between New Zion and Italia.  How many here think they are even close to obeying the spirit of the treaty??

So far I have complained to the 3 Nations suposed to be overseing a change in the New Zion government I was still awaiting a response when this popped up.  And no I dont want New Switzerland for a neighbor to many pirates, communists, socialists and anarchs who can blame me  ;D
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Especially since we are talking about old submarines with a max range of 400 miles. I don't think they can reach ANY Italian base even on a one way trip.

QuoteWe just had this discussion about communication lag the speech was made on a saturday in Rome to the Senate the text was printed in the Sunday Rome Times.  Unless you have somebody in Rome Telegraphing you a text of the speach from  the Newspaper I will respond to this Public Reply sometime in Mid May where it belongs.  If you do have someone in Rome telegraphing this to you let me Know I want to arrest him for stupidity among other things.
Swiss ships are being stopped worldwide. NS wants to know what the hell is going on, yesterday. Such a speech would not go unnoticed and would be reported immediately. Arrest the guy if you want, it was a PUBLIC speech.

You're right on the letter, call it April 20th.

QuoteAnd finaly their is the Offer of a Military Alliance between New Switzerland and New Zion.
There has been NO offer of Alliance to New Zion... yet.

"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


QuoteAnd finaly their is the Offer of a Military Alliance between New Switzerland and New Zion.
There has been NO offer of Alliance to New Zion... yet.

In response to my Diplomatic Note of April 6th 1919 you responded with...

Quoteew Switzerland has also pledge itself to defend NZ in case of foreign aggression.  It has also come to our attention that Italy has unilaterally and without cause repudiated the peace treaty it signed not to long ago. That is seen in NS circles as preparation for conducting offensive operations against NZ.  And if that is tha case, with point 5 no longer relevant, NS will extend NZ a formal request for a full military alliance including basing rights.

We agreed that it would arrive on the 10th of April....????  My Discussions took place on the 10th and the 11th.  My Speach to the Senate on the 12th and my return diplomatic note on the 15th.

Unless the Mediteranian is full of New Swiss shipping I dont think Ive stopped any ships of your ships.  I will have stopped some ships that could have been near the drifting Yacht but nobody to my knowledge has yet seized a New Swiss Ship.  There are lots of ships on their way to look for a Pirate who is at this moment getting drunk in a bar with a wench on his lap laughing somewhere in Europe.
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Again, all I said is "if that is the case" NS "will", not that they have.

Didn't say that you stopped the ships. Just that ships where stopped and that agents would have been informed to be on the lookout for ANYTHING involving NS. I still (IC) don't know about the escape. Just happened that Italy was the first one to speak up about NS.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


QuoteAgain, all I said is "if that is the case" NS "will", not that they have.

Didn't say that you stopped the ships. Just that ships where stopped and that agents would have been informed to be on the lookout for ANYTHING involving NS. I still (IC) don't know about the escape. Just happened that Italy was the first one to speak up about NS.

Well it takes time to make someone talk when you have to keep them releatively neat for their scheduled public execution  :o

But I figure news will trickle back to New Switzerland eventually.
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