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New Government in Holland.

Started by damocles, May 22, 2010, 08:05:31 PM

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Anders Welsen rings for an aide. The aide rushes into the office expectant. 

Welsen: "What the !@@# are the Iberians up to?"
Aide: "What do you mean, Minister?"
Welsen: "I'm not sure. Get a hold of van Sok and see if he can shake something loose. I just got a sudden knife between the shoulder blades feeling, and I'm worried."
Aide: "I'll get van Sok."
Nugyen van Sok reads the message flimsy, burns it, and says into the air: "What drug is our Foreign Minister high on this time?" He shakes his head. "We have ZERO intelligence on Iberian  intentions and zero reason to investigate them. I don't see why we should stir up that hornet's nest." 



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Nicholas van Rijn reads this decoded and he roars to his secretary; "Get me van Sok and that no good son of a-"
Secretary: "You want Anders Welsen? He's waiting to see you, too, sir."

Outside Beijing in a bombproof.

van Seik: "Get them to change their minds. Tell them Holland does not object if they want to negotiate this. We can't afford a diplomatic debacle at this stage."

Hertzog: "I can try, but this isn't our country. I can't dictate to the Emperor."

van Seik: "Well contact the 'others' directly! See if they'll talk to us and if we can work it out. Also send it on to the Hague. Maybe they can think of something."  

Anders Welsen mops his foreshead. That was some meeting last night! Nuygen van Sok paces back and forth smoking like a locomotive getting ashes on Welsen's Ottoman rug.

"I made some inquiries." van Sok says quietly.

"You are dropping cigarette ash on my rug" says Welsen.

"Are you insane? NvR practically told us he was going to have us both executed if we didn't do something about this." van Sok says with menace.    

"What did you find out?" Welsen.

"They did send a note and it was a warning." van Sok. "They are NOI happy." He continues, "van Seik wants accommodation, but it has to be negotiated somehow. Maybe through Ireland? I don't know how that works. They don't like us at all."

"The Iberians?" Welsen.

"Not the Iberians! Will you quit with the Iberians! This is SERIOUS!" says  van Sok.
It was the Hoen government mess all over again. NvR looks at the businessman and says: "Are you sure?"

Fessler (in Spanish) : "es I am sure. The consulate has talked to the Irish about your actions in Ireland. They think you are up to your old tricks as when Siam was on the table. They have much anger with you."

"But we have done NOTHING in Ireland! We even protected their shipping lanes in the Rift War with our peace patrols!"

Fessler (in Spanish): "Masirah."    

NvR. "Merde. That would set them off. It doesn't involve them, but I see it now. Thank you my friend."

Fessler (in Spanish): "War is bad for business. See that you fix this, van Rijn, or friends we no longer are!"

With a stiff bow, Fessler leaves NvR's office.        


The two NRDN agents look at each other and Nugyen van Sok.

"You are sure you want us to pose as a French married couple?" she asks. "I am Korean!"

"And I am a Russian!" says he.

"Don't help!" she says as she looks at him and rolls her eyes.

Nugyen van Sok glares, "Its obvious why the MVB sent you two to me. Look. All you have to do is get on a stupid boat, take the stupid holiday trip to Ireland, take one of their stupid bicycle tours that honeymoon couples usually take from Belfast to Dublin, go to one of those stupid poetry houses in Dublin, where they will have some drunk read some James Joyce at you, and pass these instructions to our Dublin agent who will meet you there."

"Should we take pictures of their torpedo boats and airplanes while we 'honeymoon' along the back country? I mean with the trip's costs, and all we are are postal clerks?"

"No PICTURES!" van Sok and she said together. "Just give our Dublin agent the instructions as I told you." van Sok finishes through gritted teeth.

"Why don't you send someone else, if you have no faith in us?" asks he sarcastically.

"Because all of my good agents are involved right now, and this assignment is so simple that even you, two, can't screw it up!" says van Sok, again through clenched teeth. "Here are your instructions." He hands the woman the two envelopes. One contains the mission plan, the other (in code) contains the Irish agent's instructions. She tears open the larger envelope, removes the ship tickets, a sheaf of Francs, and a single typewritten sheet of flash paper that she reads quickly, before she burns it. She can do this because of her photographic memory. She puts the small message envelope where a body pat search will not find it.      

"We are supposed to be called the Leurres?" asks she. "You are kidding, right?"

"What's wrong with Leurres? Its a beautiful cover name," the man says.  

"Shoot me now." she says and pulls out a whiskey flask from under her skirt and takes a LOOONNNNNG pull of saki from it.  

Nuygen van Sok waves with his hand, and he takes the flask from her. He drains it dry.

"Hey! If we are toasting the mission, don't I get some?" asks the man.

Nuygen van Sok and she both groan.                      

Uploaded with

Jerri Louis.

Uploaded with

Avvotus Costello

Yeah, French married couple.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Cleaned out the OOC comments , thanks for the PM's guys.  ;)


Dutch restricted information.

Nuygen van Sok threw the sheaf of papers across the room. He roared at his secretary, "Get hold of that idiot, Welsen!"   
Meanwhile at a large water tank outside Rotterdam.


One BRNO engineer looked to the other one.

"It works, in theory. It leaks like hell, but it works." He said.

"Yeah, but can we sell it to Admiral Schoepen?" the other asked.