Possible New 3rd Class Cruiser Designs for 1918-9

Started by TexanCowboy, November 24, 2009, 08:20:02 PM

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The Rock Doctor


*tucks his map of RRC and the red marker back into its case*  Damn   :'(

Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


Umm, if you invade, and get his money, I would expect $1.5 per half for 25 years.



Invade ????? The RRC or China...??????  Looks at the RRC population Im sorry I dont have enought troops to garrison the place nope not going to do it..... :o
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along

The Rock Doctor

"Attention RRC:  All your money are belong to us, except for $1.50 that are belong to your tenant."